A4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEbRuARY 22, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager PRO-CON Have President Donald Trump’s tariffs hurt America’s economy? AP Photo/Markus Schreiber An employee in protective clothing works at a furnace for steel producer Salzgitter AG in Germany. Due to tariffs, steel prices in the U.S. are roughly twice as high as in Europe. PRO: Tariffs are hurting American families and workers CON: Trump’s targeted tariffs have boosted many key industries found that “16 jobs would be lost for every ASHINGTON — Trade works. steel or aluminum job gained.” Tariffs will Tariffs don’t. It’s as simple as result in a net loss of more than 400,000 that. American jobs, it concluded. In the past year, the Trump administra- tion has imposed steep, new tariffs on hun- Fifth, tariffs have been imposed on dreds of billions of dollars of imports of all America’s closest allies, including even kinds — hurting budget-strapped families Canada and Mexico. This undermines U.S. as well as U.S. manufacturers and farmers. efforts to build an international coalition of Here are five ways tariffs have brought like-minded countries to join us in combat- ing the use of unfair trade practices. pain to so many Americans and alienated In the case of our North American neigh- our closest allies. bors, tariffs are especially galling. In fact, First, tariffs are taxes, and they are paid by American consumers — not foreign- the White House promised repeatedly to ers. Tariff hikes have meant price hikes on end these tariffs as soon as a new North everything from beer and clothing to off- American trade deal was struck — which road vehicles and RVs. happened months ago. In some cases, the new tariffs imposed Yet the tariffs remain in place. Every in the past year are being paid indirectly by week the tariffs on Canada and Mexico people like the U.S. auto workers remain in place, approximately who saw their 2018 profit-sharing $500 million of U.S. imports and checks reduced by $750 each. exports are hit with retaliatory Second, tariffs have caused some tariffs. input prices to soar, undermining the What should we do? First, the competitiveness of U.S. manufac- Trump administration should keep turers. Due to tariffs, steel prices in its word and end the tariffs on Can- ada and Mexico. This would bring the U.S. are roughly twice as high John G. immediate relief to American farm- as in Europe, where industrial inputs ers, ranchers and manufacturers Murphy are usually more expensive. This puts pressure on businesses whose exports have been hit with to offshore the manufacture of products retaliation. that use a lot of steel such as nails, lockers Second, we need to end the multi-front, and auto parts. For business owners, lay- global trade war. Many of these tariffs have offs are the final recourse — resisted for as been applied using an old statute intended long as possible, but it’s tough competing for use against imports that “impair national with rivals who benefit from lower produc- security.” tion costs. It’s flat wrong to use this law against our Third, tariffs invite retaliation against NATO allies and other close security and American exports. The U.S. has put tar- economic partners, who actually help pro- iffs on about $300 billion of imports in the tect our national security. past year, and these border taxes have boo- Finally, we need to expand opportuni- meranged against U.S. exporters. The U.S. ties for trade, starting with congressional approval of the United States-Mexico-Can- Chamber of Commerce has detailed each ada Agreement (USMCA). state’s affected exports at TheWrongAp- proach.com. This critical agreement will preserve and Exports of Wisconsin cheese, South Car- strengthen U.S. trade ties to our top two olina-made cars, Pennsylvania apples, Ken- export markets. But we shouldn’t stop there: tucky bourbon, Iowa pork and Michigan Securing new agreements with the Euro- pean Union, Japan and the U.K. will also metal-stampers have all been targeted with foreign tariffs. In a sense, so have the Amer- help our economy continue to grow. ican workers and farmers who make these Trade can be an engine of growth, job products. Fourth, tariffs don’t create jobs. creation and prosperity; tariffs undermine You would expect steel and aluminum tar- all of that. We need to end the destructive iffs to boost employment in the production tariff war that is gnawing at our economy’s of these metals, but employment in these foundations before it’s too late. sectors has been almost flat since tariffs John G. Murphy is senior vice president were imposed. for international policy at the u.S. Chamber Looking at the broader impact, one study of Commerce. ALTIMORE — Motorists driv- point out the damages these unbridled ing the 4.3-mile length of the policies were doing to U.S. companies magnificent Chesapeake Bay and their workers was Rep. John D. Bridge from Annapolis to Maryland’s Dingell, the Michigan Democrat who Eastern Shore often will get a first died on Feb. 7 at age 92. hand look at a longtime American trade A master legislator, he served an problem. amazing total of 59 years and 22 days, When conditions are right there’s an all-time record for a member of the usually a cluster of three to four House of Representatives. multi-storied freighters sitting motion- He had forcefully warned against less a mile or so south of the bridge Japanese dumping when that country’s waiting for permission to enter Balti- automakers launched a huge push into more’s historic 313-year-old port. the U.S. market in 1970. Yet even a highly respected politician The freighters are bringing huge like Dingell was unable to persuade amounts of imports, chiefly from U.S. enough members of his party to enforce trading partners on the far rim of the fair trading practices on U.S. trade part- Pacific Ocean as well as Europe. Over the course of a year, more than 700,000 ners, even though the Democratic Party for years billed itself as “organized motor vehicles enter and are unloaded labor’s best friend.” in the Port of Baltimore, as well President Donald Trump saw as huge amounts of other big an opening for Republicans last ticket items like construction year and announced a series of equipment, refrigerators, stoves, trade tariffs aimed at leveling televisions and computers. the playing field. China, which got a late start, The United Steelworkers specializes with rare miner- als like lithium. Japan and South Whitt union and the AFL-CIO were Flora Korea send a wide range of vehi- among the strongest supporters cles and a bevy of other con- of Trump’s proposal, although both unions opposed him during sumer goods. Last year, China rang up a $375.2 bil- his 2016 election campaign. lion trade surplus with the U.S., South “For too long, our political leaders have talked about the problem, but have Korea was second with a $69.9 billion largely left enforcement of our trade surplus and the Japanese were a close laws up to the private sector,” said the third, selling the U.S. $69 billion more Steelworkers’ statement. “This is not in good and services than the U.S. sold what hardworking Americans want from them. their government.” The union represents A major reason the U.S. is running 1.2 million current steel workers and such whopping trade deficits with its retirees. Pacific Rim trading partners is because AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka decades ago they starting engaging in a echoed the steelworkers, saying: “We strategy called “dumping.” applaud the administration’s efforts to Dumping is generally considered fix this problem.” The AFL-CIO rep- a violation of fair trade practices and resents 12.6 million workers in its 55 involves the selling of goods in the U.S. unions. market at prices lower than the prices at It’s time for other Democrats to put which comparable goods are sold in the aside their vengeful feelings against the domestic market of the exporter. president and get on the union band- These sales obviously cause or wagon and support Trump’s tariffs. The threaten material injury to a competing state of the American economy is bound U.S. industry. But they are hugely ben- eficial to countries like Japan because to be a major issue in the 2020 presi- dential election. they enable its companies to operate at Whitt Flora is a former Washington maximum efficiency by running round- correspondent for the Columbus Dis- the-clock operations with a veteran patch and the Space Aviation and Tech- labor force. nology Magazine. One of the first U.S. legislators to W B