B4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 COMMUNITY NOTES Continued from Page B1 Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Suggested donation $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For infor- mation, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Din- ers — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. Cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Warrenton Senior Lunch Program — noon, Warrenton Community Center, 170 S.W. Third St. Suggested donation of $6 for seniors and $7 for those younger than 60. For infor- mation, or to volunteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or Thursday. Astoria Rotary Club — noon, second fl oor of the Astoria Elks Lodge, 453 11th St. Guests always wel- come. For information, go to AstoriaRotary.org Knochlers Pinochle Group — 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Cen- ter, 1225 Avenue A, Sea- side. Cost is $1 per regular session per person. Play- ers with highest and sec- ond highest scores split the prize. Game is designed for players 55 and older, but all ages are welcome. Mahjong for Experi- enced Players — 1 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For informa- tion, call 503-325-3231. Line Dancing for Seniors — 3 to 4:30 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Not for begin- ners. For information, call 503-325-3231. TUESDAY Stewardship Quilt- ing Group — 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., First Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St. All are welcome. Dona- tions of material always appreciated. For informa- tion, call Janet Kemp at 503-325-4268. Do Nothing Club — 10 a.m. to noon, 24002 U St., Ocean Park, Wash. Men’s group. For informa- tion, call Jack McBride at 360-665-2721. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Din- ers — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Astoria Lions Club — noon, Astoria Elks Lodge, 453 11th St. Prospec- tive members welcome. For information, con- tact Charlene Larsen at 503-325-0590. Astoria-Warrenton Duplicate Bridge Club — 12:30 to 4 p.m., Asto- ria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Anyone may play if they have a partner; to request a bridge partner, call 503-325-0029. Art Circle — 1:45 to 3:45 p.m., CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collabora- tive, Activities Classroom 128, 1905 Exchange St. Creativity wellness/art cir- cle group for those living with cancer or chronic ill- ness with assistance from credentialed art therapists. Led by Meagan Sokol and Sheryl Redburn. Free regis- tration encouraged. Drop- ins always welcome. For questions, or to register, call 503-338-4520. Authentic Spiritual Conversations — 7 to 8:30 p.m., Activity Cen- ter, fi rst fl oor, CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collabo- rative, 1905 Exchange St. Open dialogue about spiritual issues. All faiths, including “spiritual but not religious” welcome. For information, email info@ cgifellowship.org or call 916-307-9790. WEDNESDAY Mindfulness Med- itation Group — 7 to 4:45 a.m., CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collabo- rative, Activities Class- room 128, 1905 Exchange St. Join to learn more or to practice. Free and open to all, drop-ins wel- come. For information, call 503-338-4520. Chair Exercises for Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For informa- tion, call 503-325-3231. Warrenton Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) — 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., 88786 Dellmoor Loop, Warren- ton. Moms of children ages infant through kindergar- ten are invited. Free break- fast and child care pro- vided. For information, go to mops.org/groups/ warrentonmops Help Ending Abu- sive Relationship Ten- dencies (HEART) — 10 to 11:30 a.m., The Har- bor, 1361 Duane St. Open group, covers eff ects of domestic violence on chil- dren, parents and other family members; for females, those who iden- tify as female, anyone in an abusive relationship, or who knows someone who is. For information, call Juli Hol at 503-325-3426, ext. 103. Wickiup Senior Lunches — 11:30 a.m., Wickiup Grange Hall, 92683 Svensen Market Road. Free for those older than 60 ($3 suggested donation), $6.75 for those younger than age 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Din- ers — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Blood Pressure Checks — noon to 2 p.m., Asto- ria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For informa- tion, call 503-325-3231. International Long- shore and Warehouse Union Pensioners — noon services and appointments related to health and well-being in the Port- land-Metro area. Mileage reimbursement available. For information, call 503- 717-7171 or email Alana. Kujala@providence.org Providence Seaside Hos- pital — Needs volunteers who enjoy meeting, inter- acting with and helping people. Opportunities are available in the hospital gift shop, café, and as greeters and for spiritual integration. For information, call 503- 717-7171 or email Alana. Kujala@providence.org River Song Foundation — Looking for people to assist with Trap/Neuter/Release/ Feed (TNRF), especially in the Seaside and Knap- pa/Svensen areas. TNRF involves setting and/or monitoring traps, and daily feeding of cats and mainte- nance of any shelters, and is a proven, science-based method that along with spay/neuter programs is the only eff ective and humane way of ending cat homelessness and suff er- ing. Call 503-741-7369 for information and to volun- teer. Seaside American Legion Veterans’ Assistance & Rehabilitation — Vol- unteers needed to help knit/crochet items for hospitalized vets and cut coupons for military fam- ilies. Donations of fabric/ yarn especially welcome. Group meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. second Tuesday of the month at 1315 Broadway, Seaside. For information, call 503-738- 5111 and leave a message for Marilyn Faulkner. luncheon, 1 p.m. meeting, Local No. 50 Longshore Hall, 491 Industry St. Warrenton Kiwanis Club — 1 p.m., Dooger’s Seafood and Grill, 103 U.S. Highway 101, War- renton. For information, call Darlene Warren at 503-861-2672. Sit & Stitch — 1 to 3 p.m., Homespun Quilts & Yarn, 108 10th St. Bring knitting, crochet or other needlework along to this community stitching time. All skill levels welcome. Mahjong for Expe- rienced Players — 1:15 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Beginner Line Danc- ing for Seniors — 1:30 to 3 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Fat Quarter Quilters — 5:30 to 8 p.m., Homespun Quilts, 108 10th St. Not lim- ited to quilts. For informa- tion, call 503-325-3300 or 800-298-3177 or go to homespunquilt.com Warrenton Sunrise Rotary Club — 6 p.m., Uptown Café, 1639 S.E. Ensign Lane, Warren- ton. For information, call 503-325-4030. THURSDAY Chair Exercises for Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For informa- tion, call 503-325-3231. Alzheimer’s Support Group — 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nehalem Bay House, 35385 Tohl Ave., Nehalem. Free lunch provided. For infor- mation, call 503-368-6445. Wickiup Senior Lunches — 11:30 a.m., Wickiup Grange Hall, 92683 Svensen Market Road. Free for those older than 60 ($3 suggested donation), $6.75 for those younger than age 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Din- ers — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Warrenton Senior Lunch Program — noon, Warrenton Community Center, 170 S.W. Third St. Suggested donation of $6 for seniors and $7 for those younger than 60. For infor- mation, or to volunteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or Thursday. Seaside Rotary Club — noon, Angelina’s Pizze- ria, 1815 S Roosevelt Drive, Seaside. Lunch costs $15. All are welcome. For infor- mation, go to seasidero- tary.club Astoria-Warrenton Duplicate Bridge Club — 12:30 to 4 p.m., Asto- ria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Anyone may play if they have a partner; to request a bridge partner, call 503-325-0029. Knochlers Pinochle Group — 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Cen- ter, 1225 Avenue A, Sea- side. Group hosts free refresher and beginning course in card game of pinochle. Course open to anyone 55 and older. Art Circle — 1:45 to 3:45 p.m., CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collabora- tive, Activities Classroom 128, 1905 Exchange St. Creativity wellness/art cir- cle group for those living with cancer or chronic ill- ness with assistance from credentialed art therapists. Led by Meagan Sokol and Sheryl Redburn. Free regis- tration encouraged. Drop- ins always welcome. For questions, or to register, call 503-338-4520. Caregiver Support Group — 6 to 7 p.m., Ava- mere at Seaside, 2500 S. Roosevelt Drive, Seaside. Open to all caregivers, both professional and family care. Yoga exercise, refresh- ments, friendship and sup- port. For information, call 503-738-0900. Jam Session — 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Open to the pub- lic. For information, call 503-325-3231. Clatsop County Repub- licans — 7 p.m., BJ’s Pizza Palace, 2490 U.S. High- way 101. For information, call 541-969-2976 or go to tinyurl.com/CCRepublican FRIDAY AAUW Walking Group — 9:30 a.m. Seaside Branch of American Association of University Women weekly low-impact group walk, followed by coff ee and fel- lowship. For information, call 503-738-7751. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Din- ers — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Ostomy Support Group — noon to 1 p.m., third fl oor meeting room, Columbia Memorial Hos- pital Health and Wellness Pavilion, 2265 Exchange St. Preregistration not required. For informa- tion, call Lisa Harris at 503-338-4523. Community Skate Night — 5 to 9 p.m., Asto- ria Armory, 1650 Exchange St. Admission $3. Limited roller skate rentals avail- able for $3; roller blades available. For information, call 503-791-6064 or go to astoriaarmory.com Bingo — 7 p.m., Wick- iup Senior Center, 92650 Svensen Market Road. For information call Mark Tischer at 503-458-6482. OTHER Quilting Project Needs Fabric — Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Seaside. Needs fabric for group that makes quilts for those in need. Call Claudia Kulland at 503-738-5895. VOLUNTEERS Continued from Page B2 Training is provided. For information, call 800-522- 2602 or go to oregon.gov/ ltco Lunch Buddy Mentoring Program — Adults needed to mentor elementary and middle school students once a week during lunch. For information, call (219) 331-6427. NorthWest Senior & Dis- ability Services — Needs dishwashers and volunteers to serve and clean up week- days at a meal site, and drivers for Meals on Wheels. For information, contact Candy Foster at 503-738- 9323. Providence Seaside Hos- pital — Needs volunteer drivers for Community Con- nections, a free program that transports people to Get Heart Smart Tax reform questions? February is American Heart Month and CMH reminds you to focus on your heart. Here are three heart- friendly actions you can take today. Block has answers. Tax reform impacts virtually all returns this year. If you’re con- fused about what the changes mean for you, you’re not alone. With more than 60 years of experience, making sense of new tax laws isn’t new to H&R Block. 1. Be active. Escape the rainy, cold weather by moving your exercise routine indoors. Block has your back. 2. Mind your food. Skip high-sodium packaged foods and choose fresh, low-salt foods like fresh or frozen fruits and veggies. We Provide Year Round: • Tax Preparation • E-file • Tax Planning • Business Services - Bookkeeping & Payroll • Tax Audit Support & Services • Free 2nd Look Review • Peace of Mind • Enrolled Agent Audit Representation • DLTC 26932 & OBTP B15100 & B14489 Our preparers are Licensed with the Oregon Board of Tax Practitioners We offer Tax Identity Shield ® A Tool to help you better protect yourself from tax identity theft. CMH is here to help you make new, heart-healthy habits. Join a class or support group. COME BY, CALL, OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY. 1092 Marine Drive Astoria • 503.325.1166 3. Invite a friend. Your mood impacts your heart health, so reach out to friends, family and healthcare providers, if you are feeling blue. columbiamemorial.org/events/ 575 S. Roosevelt STE. A Seaside • 503.738.3151 2111 Exchange St., Astoria, Oregon • 503-325-4321 www.columbiamemorial.org • A Planetree-Designated Hospital