A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THuRSDAY, FEbRuARY 21, 2019 Friend is driven by OCD Dear Annie: I have a then throw it out. However, friend, “Sarah,” who openly I’m starting to feel like some admits to having obses- kind of enabler. sive-compulsive disorder Now Sarah’s hands are but isn’t receiving any kind all cramped up. Her doctor of treatment for it. She’s a gives pain medication for middle-aged house- it, and she keeps DEAR wife with no need or on crocheting. Her ANNIE desire to work. Now adult daughter who she has taken up cro- lives with her says chet. What could pos- Sarah has a crochet sibly go wrong? hook in her hand She buys huge from the minute she quantities of the wakes up until she cheapest, coars- falls asleep at night. est yarn I’ve ever ANNIE LANE Do you know Creators seen. Then she cro- any way I could Syndicate Inc. chets it up. It’s obvi- suggest to Sarah ous she has no con- that she needs men- cept of counting stitches, tal help for her OCD rather paying attention to detail or than medication for her over- even looking at the finished stressed hands? Other than product. I was there when the OCD, she’s a really nice another woman tried to tell person. I’m worried she’ll her, very kindly and politely, develop an addiction to the what she needs to learn, pain medication. — Worried even suggesting a local yarn for My Friend store that offers lessons. That Dear Worried: You can just made Sarah angry, and and should express your con- she said she already knows cerns to Sarah. Do so with everything she needs to an open mind and without judgment, to avoid putting know about crochet. Sarah has covered her her on the defensive (though house with this stuff, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell now she’s started giving it you that, as you seem to be a to me. I thank her kindly and thoughtful friend). Ease into the conversation by asking general questions about how she’s doing. Then tell her you’ve noticed that the cro- cheting seems to be impact- ing her health, with the hand cramping and subse- quent need for pain medica- tion. You might ask whether she’s ever followed up about her OCD diagnosis and say that though you know it’s up to her, you think it might be really helpful for her to see a counselor for some insights. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be a very effective treat- ment for OCD and could give your friend a much bet- ter quality of life. Seeing as an adult daugh- ter lives with her, you might try having a private con- versation with the daughter about your concerns and see whether she will join you in encouraging Sarah to seek help. As for when she gives you her crochet creations, it’s perceptive of you to suspect that you are enabling her, and I think you’re probably right. Gently but definitively put your foot down and say you really can’t accept any more. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). OK, it’s not ideal, and yet there’s something for you in this minor disaster — a quiet need being fulfilled inside the undesirable scenario. Figure out what the need is and address it another way. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Wisdom, strength, knowl- edge and courage: These are the everlasting qualities of greatness. Never do you feel more alive than when you are in the thrust of knowing what you do and doing what you know. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). How seriously should you take the issue at hand? With the amount of seriousness that will allow you the greatest agility, as you’ll need to move freely around this issue to make the most of it. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Travel opens the mind, but it’s not automatic. The mind has to be slightly ajar to begin with to let the foreign oxygen work its magic. There are those who travel mentally vacuum sealed. Pity, but there’s little worth doing something about it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). In an ideal world, you would ready yourself before you dared to wish, as it would be a shame to see your wish granted before you know what to do with it. Whatever the order, today is for getting ready. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Again, it would be a mis- take to assume they totally understand you. They really only get a small part of what you’re doing right now. They follow along anyway out of loyalty and respect. Keep explaining. Keep showing. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). So much thinking takes place in your mind that you share with no one. Politically, it’s a good play, although emotionally, some airing out would do you good. A private diary would FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE provide as much sounding board as you need. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A large part of compat- ibility has to do with logistics, such as schedules and proximity. Then there’s chemistry, which tends to be a game changer. People will change their schedules and travel distances for great chemistry. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Whatever your disadvantage is, it is also your advantage, but only if you see, claim and use it. Don’t see the advantage? Ask others for another perspective. This is money left on the table, waiting to be noticed and pocketed. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Some people around you are like bad journalists, listening for the soundbite they need to make a sensational story, context not- withstanding. For this reason, silence is a good option. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While there’s not a single thing in the world that is inherently boring, you can’t be blamed for experiencing it as such, as finding something new in the same old things takes a conscious effort. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Everyone has filters and limits to what they can comfortably take in. If they are not hearing the breadth of what you have to express, it’s because there’s a filter in place, one that you likely have nothing to do with. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 22). Nothing you’ve done to educate yourself has been a waste. Your excellent efforts will be appreciated, but so will your nonchalant efforts because you’ve earned “cool points” on your way to becoming a more evolved person. Promises and/or contracts get signed in May. Enjoy a lifestyle upgrade in July. Leo and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 20, 2, 13, 33 and 38.