20 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Feel the hygge at Astoria Library ASTORIA — Have you heard of “hygge” (pro- nounced hoo-ga)? It’s the Danish concept of con- tentment achieved through all things comfortable and cozy. Treat yourself to a taste of the Hygge Lyfe from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27, in the Astoria Library Flag Room. Bring a book, or a quiet craft like knitting or coloring, and kick back. Snack on cake and warm beverages as local artist Larkin plays ambient music — original compositions and improvisations on the hammered dulcimer — and feel the hygge. Larkin has performed in 15 countries, four con- tinents and at the occa- The Franklin Apartments North Coast Food Web Image from Farmer-Chef Connect poster. Meet your farmer through Food Web Astoria Library Larkin will play ambient music for the Astoria Library’s program Hygge Lyfe. sional Astoria Art Walk. He has released 12 albums including “Inside the Asto- ria Column,” a solo fl ute recording. The Astoria Library is at 450 10th St. For informa- tion about library programs and services, contact 503- 325-7323 or visit astoriali- brary.org. ASTORIA — Each winter, North Coast Food Web sponsors two events in support of local food producers and to improve access to healthy, farm-di- rect food for shoppers. The fi rst is Farmer-Chef Connect, taking place 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon- day, Feb. 25, at Food Web headquarters, 577 18th St. With more and more area restaurants working to feature locally produced products on their menus, the Food Web provides an opportunity for both groups to come together to fi nd out what chefs would like to buy locally and introduce them to what is available here at home. Meet Your Farmer — 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sun- day, March 3, at Food Web headquarters — is a chance for community members to see what’s available from local farmers. This is the time of year when farms that offer Community Supported Agriculture programs take registrations. When har- vest season begins, CSA members receive a weekly box of fresh produce to inspire the next seven days of meals. Visit with the folks who grow your food, enjoy a light snack and see what’s in store for spring. Get out in the garden ILWACO, Wash. — Master Gardeners offers a spring prun- ing workshop 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Colum- bia Pacifi c Heritage Museum with present- ers Kelly Rupp and Hugh Barrett. Spring is coming, but it’s not here yet. This is the time to get out in the garden and examine your dormant plants and trees. What kinds of pruning will ensure their health and Expires 3/1/19 Providing Elegance & Efficiency to Downtown Astoria for Over 100 Years 1432 Franklin Avenue Community Property Management 503-325-5678 optimize their beauty? Master Garden- ers will share specifi c techniques for prun- ing ornamental plants, shrubs, fruit trees and caning berries. There will be plants and demonstrations of pruning methods, hands-on opportuni- ties to practice your pruning methods and handouts to guide you in keeping your plants looking their best. The museum is at 115 S.E. Lake St.