THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2019 // 9 Karen Gimbel WrItTeN oN wAtEr Get hooked on shared stories and the spoken word at the 22nd annual FisherPoets Gathering By JONATHAN WILLIAMS FOR COAST WEEKEND MORE INFO T Check out the offi cial program to this year’s FisherPoets Gathering starting on page 11. he best stories are shared aloud with friends. For more than 100 fi shermen from as far away as Vineyard Haven, Mass., to Alaska, Idaho, the West Coast and provinces of Can- ada, poetry is, too. The Fisherpoets Gathering in Asto- ria, now in its 22nd year and running from Friday, Feb. 22, through Sunday, Feb. 24, is a celebration of spoken word poetry and a reunion for fi shermen. “People come all the way from the East Coast to read twice for 15 minutes or down from Alaska,” said Jon Broder- ick, one of the Gathering’s founders and organizers. Readings are at Astoria Brewing Company, the Columbian Theater, the Voodoo Lounge, Fort George Brewery, KALA, the Labor Temple Bar and the Liberty Theatre. Admission buttons are $15 for the weekend. Singing and story circles, poetry slams, a poetry contest, workshops, environmental issue presentations, a Gearshack bookstore full of poets’ work and two art shows are all on tap. This year, 11 new poets will join the more than 100 presenters. “People who give it a go for the fi rst time, people you wouldn’t otherwise hear from, that’s a real goal of the Fish- erPoets Gathering, is to get people who wouldn’t otherwise write down a poem Josh Wisniewski See FisherPoets, Page 10 Kim Menster Corey Arnold Waves in the Bering Sea, captured by photographer and fi sherman Corey Arnold.