THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2019 // 3 SCRATCHPAD Catch the briny brilliance of FisherPoets By ERICK BENGEL COAST WEEKEND T his issue of Coast Week- end is devoted to the 22nd FisherPoets Gathering, with two profi les — Sierra Golden and Tom Hilton (pages 4 and 8, respectively) — a full feature (Page 9) and an eight-page pro- gram insert for Gathering-goers (pages 11 through 18). FisherPoets is the quintes- sential Astoria happening — the salty, hardscrabble marine lifestyle given voice in story and verse. The coast men and women who come before us this weekend, at venues like the Liberty Theatre and Voodoo Room, report on a way of life most of us will never experience, and their Gathering offers a take on their industry as no other event can do. Their tales are by turns glo- rious and gripping, hilarious and absurd, touching and poignant. We hope you enjoy our pre- views of these most mesmerizing performances, and we urge you to catch a few of these poets in the fl esh — fresh from the water, in all their briny brilliance. CW INSIDE THIS ISSUE weekend arts & entertainment ON THE COVER ‘Salt of the Earth,’ a painting by Drea Frost. Drea Frost Drea Frost’s painting ‘Today’s Catch.’ COAST WEEKEND EDITOR ERICK BENGEL CALENDAR COORDINATOR SUE CODY CONTRIBUTORS RYAN HUME BARBARA LLOYD McMICHAEL PATRICK WEBB JONATHAN WILLIAMS DREA FROST See story on Page 9 THE ARTS 4 ‘The Slow Art’ 8 Voice of the Lower Columbia 9 Fisherpoet Sierra Golden publishes poetry collection COASTAL LIFE Fisherpoet Tom Hilton captures bygone language FEATURE FisherPoets Gathering Get hooked on shared stories and the spoken word FURTHER ENJOYMENT MUSIC CALENDAR .....................6 CROSSWORD ...............................7 BOOKMONGER ........................ 19 CW MARKETPLACE.......... 21, 22 SEE + DO ............................. 26, 27 Find it all online! features full calendar listings, keyword search and easy sharing on social media. To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2019 COAST WEEKEND New items for publication consideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Daily Astorian and the Chinook Observer.