The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 20, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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Daughters come first
Dear Annie: My hus- This is so hurtful and mean
band and I both have adult and inconsiderate of him.
kids from our prior lives. He will not say “no” to his
Thank goodness my lov- girls, at all costs to our rela-
ing and indepen-
tionship. The girls
dent children were
know this and milk
raised and taught in
it every chance
a manner emphasiz-
they get.
ing that you honor
It’s ridiculous,
your spouse first
and I’m fed up! I
and everyone else is
deserve a loving
in line (depending
and caring rela-
tionship with a
upon the situation, of
man who is ready
for a new life chap-
Syndicate Inc.
ter, cherishes his
ter, who is 25, asked
woman, as well as
her dad whether her friend his children, and has the
and fiancé could have their you-know-whats to stand
wedding in our backyard. up to his adult daughters.
It’s my husband’s house, — Hurt, Frustrated and
but I live there, too. In the Appalled in Florida
middle of a tiff between
him and me, he replied to trated and Appalled:
her text without discuss- When you’re battling your
ing it with me. So there are partner’s children for his
65 wedding guests arriving, attention, there’s no win-
people we don’t know. And ning. Even if you ostensi-
I am sure they’ll need to use bly succeed, your partner
restrooms. All my personal might always resent your
belongings are throughout having (apparently) put a
the house, as I’ve tried to wedge between him and his
make this a beautiful and kids. So reframe this prob-
comfortable place to live. lem in your mind, because
it’s really not about com-
petition between you and
his daughters; it’s about
communication (or a lack
thereof) between you and
your husband. Conspicu-
ously absent from your let-
ter is any mention of your
having told him how you
feel. That’s a good place
to start. Try not to enter
the conversation with fin-
gers pointed. Let him know
that you appreciate his car-
ing nature as a father but
that his prioritization of his
daughters can sometimes
leave you feeling left out.
Tell him that in the future,
you’d like to be consulted
about hosting major gath-
erings at your home —
explaining that though it is
his house, both of you call
it home.
If the problem persists,
consider marriage coun-
seling together. A thera-
pist could help you both to
see where the other is com-
ing from and find a healthy
middle ground upon which
your relationship could
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Assess key players in
your scene. Where do they lie between the two
poles of character and intellect? Character without
intellect is lovable, agreeable and boring. Intellect
without character is exciting and dangerous.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There are smiles that
make the day brighter, people who lift and move
you along a happier path. When you can’t be in
their presence, it really helps to be under a beauti-
ful sky. If not, a big gesture in the name of cheer is
priority one.
own glory.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Though it’s very im-
portant to you to do certain actions in a particular
order, what others see is the result, not the process.
Use your best judgment to assess how much be-
hind-the-scenes information you should share.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Focus on what
you need, not what you want. Wants are more fun,
but that’s beside the point. Look thoughtfully into
the status quo. What are you taking for granted?
Check supply levels. Your future self will thank you.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Don’t talk about what
everyone knows, and don’t show all your cards.
What about holding things in suspense for a while?
The tension will make life interesting. It’s a cham-
pion move.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Compatibility
within a group of very similar members may be
more easily achieved, though it’s the more diverse
groups with less internal compatibility that often
come up with a better product.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). “Location, location,
location,” was once the clarion call of those seeking
business success, opportunity and glamour. These
days, it’s not about where you are so much as who
you’re connected to. Good luck in that area today.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If you declare your
goals and resolutions, you leave yourself open
for criticism, competition and worse. But if you
don’t, you miss out on the opportunity for possible
encouragement and support. So declare, but only
to a select few.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your feelings are strengths,
not weaknesses. Keep learning how to use them
to your best advantage and know that whatever
you feel, it’s right for you and for the moment. Also,
know that you’re not the only one.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). As you broaden your
horizons and become an even more well-rounded
person, it gets easier to create rapport with many
different types. But it gets harder to find people
who can keep up with you.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The popular people
aren’t always that likable, and the likable people
aren’t always that popular. The one to go for is
likability because you’ll be happier and more
respected when you value the group above your
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). In this age of over-
sharing, cautious silence is a power move. It’s easy
enough; all you have to do is seal the lips. And yet
hardly anyone will think of it. Use discretion and,
paradoxically, you’ll stand out by not standing out.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 21). You go merri-
ly into this solar transit and with plenty of company
in the first 10 weeks. Then comes an incubation
period in which rapid connections happen, the
likes of which will spring your vision to life in June
and July. Being financial shrewd now sets you up
to invest in a lucky August opportunity. Sagittarius
and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8,
40, 12, 37 and 11.