The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 20, 2019, Page A5, Image 5

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Civilians leave Islamic State enclave
Border wall, bullet train:
Putin sternly warns US against California vs. Trump escalates
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Disputes
putting missiles in Europe
over President Donald Trump’s border wall
Associated Press
Associated Press
BAGHOUZ, Syria —
A convoy of trucks carry-
ing hundreds of civilians,
including men, women and
children, left the last enclave
held by Islamic State mili-
tants in eastern Syria today,
signaling a possible end to
a standoff that has lasted for
more than a week.
The tiny enclave on the
banks of the Euphrates
River is the fi nal scrap of
territory left to the extremist
group that only a few years
ago controlled a vast stretch
of territory across Syria and
Iraq — at one point nearly
from Aleppo to Baghdad —
aspiring to create an endur-
ing and expanding jihadi
state. Its recapture by U.S.-
backed Syrian fi ghters
would spell the territorial
defeat of IS and allow U.S.
President Donald Trump to
begin withdrawing Amer-
ican troops from northern
Syria, as he has pledged to
do, opening a new chapter in
Syria’s eight-year civil war.
Few believe, however,
that ending the group’s terri-
torial rule will end the threat
posed by an organization
that still stages and inspires
attacks through sleeper cells
in both Syria and Iraq.
Some 300 IS militants —
many of them foreign fi ght-
ers — are believed to be
holed up in the enclave in
the remote village of Bag-
houz, along with several
hundred civilians believed
to be mostly their families.
The presence of so many
civilians intermingled with
the militants in a crammed
MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir
Putin sternly warned the United States against
deploying new missiles in Europe, saying
today that Russia will retaliate by fi elding new
weapons that will take just as little time to
reach their targets.
While the Russian leader didn’t say what
specifi c new weapons Moscow could deploy,
his statement further raised the ante in tense
relations with Washington.
Speaking in his state-of-the-nation address,
Putin charged that the U.S. has abandoned a
key arms control pact to free up its hands to
build new missiles and tried to shift the blame
for the move to Russia.
While issuing a tough warning to the
U.S., Putin also claimed that Russia still
wants friendly relations with Washington and
remains open for arms control talks.
AP Photo/Felipe Dana
Children ride in the back of a truck out of the last territory
held by Islamic State militants.
space halted the mili-
tary offensive by the U.S.-
backed militia known as the
Syrian Democratic Forces
and led to a dayslong stand-
off with the militants who
refuse to surrender and pre-
vented the civilians from
It was not immediately
clear what prompted the
evacuation today, although
food supplies and ammu-
nition for the besieged
militants have been fast
An Associated Press
team in Baghouz counted at
least 18 trucks that emerged
through a humanitarian cor-
ridor used in past weeks to
evacuate people from the
militants’ last patch of terri-
tory along the river.
Women, children and
men, some with check-
ered headscarves, or keffi -
yehs, could be seen through
a fl ap opening on the fl at-
bed trucks. One man carried
a crutch; the women were
engulfed in conservative
black garments covering
their faces known as niqabs.
There were reports of
IS militants surrendering,
but the U.S.-led coalition
said those reports could not
be independently verifi ed.
In a tweet, it said the SDF
continue to receive civil-
ians attempting to escape
to safety and the most hard-
ened IS fi ghters still remain
in Baghouz.
Mustafa Bali, a spokes-
man for the Syrian Dem-
ocratic Forces, the U.S.-
backed militia spearheading
the fi ght against IS in Syria,
confi rmed the trucks were
carrying civilians out of the
The number of those
evacuated was not clear, nor
whether IS militants were
also on board the trucks.
On Tuesday, Bali said a
military operation aimed at
ousting the extremists from
the area will begin if they
don’t surrender, adding that
such an operation would
take place after separating
or evacuating the civilians
from the militants.
Supreme Court:
Constitutional ban on high
fi nes applies to states
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court
ruled unanimously today that the Constitu-
tion’s ban on excessive fi nes applies to the
states, an outcome that could help efforts to
rein in police seizure of property from crim-
inal suspects.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the
court’s opinion in favor of Tyson Timbs,
of Marion, Indiana. Police seized Timbs’
$40,000 Land Rover when they arrested him
for selling about $400 worth of heroin.
Ginsburg noted that governments employ
fi nes “out of accord with the penal goals of
retribution and deterrence” because fi nes are
a source of revenue.
The case drew interest from liberal groups
concerned about police abuses and conserva-
tive organizations opposed to excessive reg-
ulation. Timbs was represented by the liber-
tarian public interest law fi rm Institute for
and California’s bullet train are intensifying
the feud between the White House and the
nation’s most populous state.
The Trump administration on Tuesday
said it plans to cancel or claw back $3.5 bil-
lion in federal dollars allocated to Califor-
nia’s high-speed rail project, seizing on Gov.
Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to scale
back plans for a San Francisco-to-Los Ange-
les route.
Newsom branded the move “political
retribution” for the state’s lawsuit against
Trump’s declaration of a national emergency.
California led a 16-state coalition in fi ling the
suit Monday, challenging Trump’s power to
declare an emergency to earn more money to
build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The estimated cost for a San Francis-
co-to-Los Angeles train has more than dou-
bled to $77 billion. That’s about 13 times the
$5.7 billion Trump sought unsuccessfully
from Congress to build the wall.
Trump chooses Rosen for
deputy attorney general
WASHINGTON — President Donald
Trump on Tuesday said he intends to nom-
inate Jeffrey Rosen, a longtime litigator and
deputy transportation secretary, to replace
Rod Rosenstein as deputy attorney general.
Rosen, 60, serves as the Transporta-
tion Department’s chief operating offi cer
and is in charge of implementing the depart-
ment’s safety and technological priorities. He
rejoined DOT in 2017 after previously serving
as general counsel from 2003 to 2006.
From 2006 until 2009, Rosen was the gen-
eral counsel and a senior policy adviser at the
White House Offi ce of Management and Bud-
get. He also worked as an adjunct professor at
Georgetown University Law Center.
Rosenstein is expected to leave his post in
mid-March. His departure had been expected
since Barr was confi rmed as attorney general
last week.
Waterfront: ‘I’m worried that we are only nibbling around the ankles of the elephant in the room’
Continued from Page A1
“I’m worried that we are
only nibbling around the
ankles of the elephant in the
room, or more correctly the
elephant in the riverfront,”
Rocka said before propos-
ing a two-story height limit
along the entire riverfront.
The proposal could be
Astoria’s version of the
Beach Bill that kept the
state’s beaches for the pub-
lic, Rocka added, “preserv-
ing for the future the city our
residents repeatedly say they
want while leaving the door
open for things that benefi t
the community.”
But it would preclude the
kind of development — like
large hotels — “that peo-
ple are arguing against,” he
Mayor Bruce Jones
pointed out that the Planning
Commission has already
considered limiting new
building height to 35 feet
in the Urban Core, the fi nal
piece of the riverfront plan .
He preferred to extend
a 35-foot limit into Bridge
Vista, but acknowledged
that a majority of the c oun-
cil was for a two-story limit,
at least in Bridge Vista. He
asked staff to proceed with
that as their direction.
Jones is concerned that
a two-story height limit,
paired with the 30,000
square footage allowed in
Bridge Vista, could result in
low, sprawling buildings.
City Councilor Tom
Brownson said he was also
interested in Rocka’s pro-
posal, but he wanted to
make sure the city looked at
the possible impacts to prop-
erty owners.
“I just want us to strike a
balance,” he said.
Rosemary Johnson, a for-
mer city planner and consul-
tant for the city, said city staff
has been in touch with prop-
erty owners. City Manager
amendments to manage
waterfront development and
for changes to commercial
zones to allow more staff
and public review of certain
types of projects.
The changes staff pro-
posed for Bridge Vista
included a clarifi cation that
in cases where city code and
the zone’s codes appeared to
confl ict, the more restrictive
Bridge Vista codes would
apply. The city also plans
to more clearly defi ne what
requirements are applied to
new construction, among
other tweaks.
These changes were
intended as “quick fi xes” to
address recent confusion ,
Johnson said. A more com-
prehensive overhaul of the
Bridge Vista codes — if
desired — is a task for the
future, she and Estes said.
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Brett Estes said he expects
to hear more from property
owners following the City
Council’s recommendation .
The room, packed with
people who have opposed
major development along
the riverfront, in particu-
lar large projects like the
Fairfi eld Inn and Suites,
applauded Rocka. Later,
several people thanked the
City Council for being will-
ing to listen and adapt.
Friends of the Astoria
Waterfront also presented
the city with a petition with
more than 400 signatures .
The petition asked the City
Council to consider code
Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500
Evening listings
A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
KATU News at 6 (N)
Jeopardy! (N)
Wheel Fortune (N) The Goldbergs (N) Schooled (N)
Modern Family (N) Single Parents (N) Match Game (N)
News (N)
(:35) Jimmy Kimmel
KOMO 4 News at 6pm (N)
Wheel Fortune (N) Jeopardy! (N)
The Goldbergs (N) Schooled (N)
Modern Family (N) Single Parents (N) Match Game (N)
KOMO4News (N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel
NBC News (N)
KING 5 News (N) KING 5 News (N) Evening
Chic.Med "We Hold These Truths" (N)
Chicago Fire "What I Saw" Pt. 1 of 2 (N) Chicago P.D. "Good Men" Pt. 2 of 2 (N) KING 5 News (N) (:35) Tonight Show
KOIN Local 6 (N) Evening News (N) Extra
Ent. Tonight
Survivor "It Smells Like Success" (SP) (N) The World's Best This global talent competition features elite acts. (N)
News (N)
(:35) Colbert
KIRO 7 News (N) Evening News (N) KIRO 7 News (N) Ent. Tonight
Survivor "It Smells Like Success" (SP) (N) The World's Best This global talent competition features elite acts. (N)
KIRO News (N)
(:35) Colbert
KGW News at 6:00 p.m. (N)
Tonight Cassidy
Inside Edition
Chic.Med "We Hold These Truths" (N)
Chicago Fire "What I Saw" Pt. 1 of 2 (N) Chicago P.D. "Good Men" Pt. 2 of 2 (N) News (N)
(:35) Tonight Show
Modern Family
Modern Family
The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs
All American "m.A.A.d. city"
News (N)
Two and a Half
Two and a Half
Journeys in Japan Business (N)
PBS NewsHour (N)
Nature "Living Volcanoes" (N)
Nova "The Next Pompeii" (N)
Secrets of Dead "The Nero Files" (N)
Secrets of Dead "Nero's Sunken City"
6 O'Clock News (N)
Family Feud (N)
Family Feud (N)
Hell "Los Toros Mexican Restaurant" (N) The Masked Singer (N)
10 O'Clock News (N)
News (N)
Page Six TV
Mike & Molly
Mike & Molly
Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory 8pm Prime News (N)
9pm Prime News (N)
Big Bang Theory Family Guy
American Dad!
The Game
Modern Family
Modern Family
Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Hell "Los Toros Mexican Restaurant" (N) The Masked Singer (N)
Q13 NEWS AT 10 (N)
News (N)
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Family Guy
Miracle Workers Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Full Frontal (N)
Conan (N)
Full Frontal
Soccer Pre-season Seattle Sounders FC vs. Club Nacional (L)
Q13 News at 9 (N) Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Two and a Half
Two and a Half
NCAA Basketball North Carolina (Chapel Hill) at Duke (L)
SportsCenter (N)
SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N) SportsCenter (N)
SportsCenter (N)
NCAA Basketball (L)
College Basketball UFC Flashback (N) UFC "Cain Velasquez vs. Brock Lesnar" UFC Top Ten
UFC Top Ten (N)
Now or Never (N) MMA Show
The Loud House
The Loud House
The Loud House
Henry Danger
The Office
The Office
Coop & Cami
Coop & Cami
Raven's Home
Raven's Home
Sydney to the Max Coop & Cami
Raven's Home
Raven's Home
Sydney to the Max Coop & Cami
Andi Mack
Raven's Home
 Maleficent (2014, Adventure) Elle Fanning, Sharlto Copley, Angelina Jolie.
 The Incredibles (2004, Animated) Voices of Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Craig T. Nelson.
Grown-ish (N)
The 700 Club
(5:20) Pixels ('15) Adam Sandler.
(:15)  Pixels (2015, Action/Comedy) Kevin James, Josh Gad, Adam Sandler.
(:10)  Parental Guidance ('12, Com) Marisa Tomei, Bette Midler, Billy Crystal. (:05) Parental Guidance Billy Crystal.
Grey's A. "Dream a Little Dream of Me" Grey's A. "Here Comes the Flood"
Project Runway "Pure Imagination" (N) Runway "Penneys from Heaven" (N)
(:05) American Beauty Star (N)
(:05) Runway "Penneys from Heaven"
Mariners Access WCC All-Access
NCAA Basketball Air Force vs. Fresno State (L)
NCAA Basketball Pittsburgh at Georgia Tech
NCAA Basketball Creighton at DePaul
(5:30) NCAA Basketball St. John's at Providence (L)
Fox College Hoops NCAA Basketball Utah at Washington (L)
Fair Game
TMZ Sports (N)
NCAA Basketball Vill./Geo.
 Bruce Almighty (2003, Comedy/Drama) Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston, Jim Carrey.
 Bruce Almighty ('03) Morgan Freeman, Jim Carrey.
(:55) South Park
South Park
South Park
South Park
South Park
South Park
South Park
South Park
The Daily Show (N) (:35) Corporate
(:20) South Park "Skank Hunt"
Forged Fire "The Two-Handed Sword" Forged in Fire
Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper (N)
Forged in Fire (N)
(:05) Knight Fight "Knights Templar" (N) (:05) Forged Fire "The Horseman's Axe"
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
Storage Wars (N) Storage Wars (N) (:05) Storage Wars (:35) Storage Wars
My 600-lb Life "Brandon's Story"
My 600-lb Life "Maja's Story" Maja's boyfriend leaves her without support. (N)
Family by the Ton (N)
My 600-lb Life "Chay's Story"
Moonshiners "Breaking the Laws"
Shiners "Moonshiner's Apprentice" (N) Moonshiners (N)
Moonshiners (N)
Homestead Rescue "Fury and Fire" (N) (:05) Homestead "Shock and Awe"
Border Wars "Hidden Tunnel"
Locked Up Abroad "The Cocaine Trap" Locked Up "Taking the High Road" (N) Locked up "Indian Hash Bust" (N)
Locked up "Moms Behind Bars" (N)
Locked Up Abroad "Indian Hash Bust"
 Red (2010, Action) Mary-Louise Parker, John Malkovich, Bruce Willis.
(5:30)  Shooter (2007, Action) Michael Peña, Danny Glover, Mark Wahlberg.
Drop the Mic (N) Joker's Wild (N)
Focus (2015, Comedy/Drama) Will Smith.
 Rocky IV (1985, Drama) Talia Shire, Carl Weathers, Sylvester Stallone.
 I, Robot (2004, Sci-Fi) Bridget Moynahan, Alan Tudyk, Will Smith.
(:35)  Die Hard (1988, Action) Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis.
Law & Order: S.V.U. "Transitions"
Law & Order: S.V.U. "Lead"
Law & Order: S.V.U. "Info Wars"
SVU "The Undiscovered Country"
Suits "Stalking Horse" (N)
Law & Order: S.V.U. "Futility"
Game "Flavortown Honors Firefighters" Guy's Grocery Games "Rising Stars"
Guy's Grocery Games
Game "Ultimate Protein Battle" (N)
Guy's Game "Frozen Food Fight"
Guy's Game "Bigger Better Burgers"
Buying & Selling "Million Dollar Listing" Buying/ Sell "Moving in With the Folks" Property Bros. "Structural Opportunity" Property Brothers (N)
House Hunters (N) House Hunters (N) Property Brothers
 The Equalizer (2014, Action) Chloë Grace Moretz, Marton Csokas, Denzel Washington.
(5:30)  Jason Bourne (2016, Action) Julia Stiles, Alicia Vikander, Matt Damon.
The Purge: Anarchy ('14) Frank Grillo.
Cuomo Prime Time
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
Anderson Cooper 360
Cuomo Prime Time
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
The Ingraham Angle
Fox News @ Night
Tucker Carlson Tonight
The Ingraham Angle
Deal or No Deal "Cowboy Up" (N)
Deal or No Deal "Ice Cream Dreams"
Deal No Deal "Small Town, Big Dreams" Deal or No Deal "Cowboy Up"
Deal or No Deal "Flying High"
Paid Program
Paid Program
Wives NJ "Camels, Cabo and Catfights" Housewives NJ "Heroines in Heels"
Wives NJ "Hotheads and Hookahs"
Housewives NJ "Reunion Part One" (N) Housewives NJ "Reunion Part One" 1/2 Watch What (N)
Housewives NJ 1/2
(5:00) The Private Life of Henry VIII
A Man for All Seasons ('88) Vanessa Redgrave, John Gielgud, Charlton Heston.
(:15)  The High and the Mighty (1954, Adventure) Claire Trevor, Laraine Day, John Wayne.
 Blade II (2002, Action) Kris Kristofferson, Norman Reedus, Wesley Snipes.
(3:55) Blade ('98)
The Magicians (N)
Deadly Class "Stigmata Martyr" (N)
Dude Ranch
Cowboy Moments Women's Rodeo Equestrian Nation Total Team Roping Rural Eve. News Road to The American
Dude Ranch
Cowboy Moments Product Showcase
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