A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEbRuARY 18, 2019 Son’s choice nags parents Dear Annie: My saw she wasn’t going any- 25-year-old son, “Andy,” where, so I sucked up my has been dating “Cassie” pride and included her. for a year and a half. Cassie is very stubborn. Andy is the kind of guy She and Andy set a wed- whom everybody loves, ding date without involv- ing us. When I from 2-year-olds to DEAR told her the date 100-year-olds. Cas- ANNIE sie only has a cou- would be incon- venient for us, she ple of friends and said that she was has a terrible repu- tation. Nobody has sorry but that it anything nice to say was the date they about her. wanted. When For the first six I protested, she months, he hid their ANNIE LANE threatened that I Creators relationship from would never see Syndicate Inc. us. When I found the future grand- children. She out, I was devas- tated. He told me he liked ended up breaking things her so much and wanted off with Andy over the to marry her, but first he fight. He begged for her wanted to get to know her forgiveness, and they were better and make sure she back on again. I was skep- would be worth breaking tical but swallowed my pride and even bought her his mother’s heart for. He wanted me to get to a diamond bracelet. know her, so I agreed to go Then Andy dropped out out with her, and we spoke of the program that Cassie for several hours. I still really wanted him to be in, believed she was not the and she broke up with him right person for Andy. I did again. He begged for her to not invite her over to the give him another chance, house for a few months, and eventually she did, but even though she wanted in the meantime she wrote to come over. Eventually, I a nasty letter to my sister, tearing Andy’s character apart. Cassie tried calling me several times to apolo- gize, but I do not want to hear it. That letter was so abusive; I cannot forgive her. I told Andy that he can always come to us should he need anything but that I will not go to the wedding. I can’t walk him down the aisle to an abuser. I know you’ll say I’d regret not going, but I don’t think I would, because how can I support my son’s marrying somebody who abuses him emotionally? By the way, his friends have even told him that she’s not the right one for him, so it’s not just us as parents. But he just won’t listen. — To Go or Not to Go Dear TGONTG: I’ll get to Cassie’s behavior in a minute, but first I have to keep you honest. You were never going to like this woman, no matter what, even if she turned out to be a saint. You prejudged her and made sweeping gener- alizations about her. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s a planning day. As there’s not a week that goes by without a surprise challenge, you’d be wise to work that into the plan. Also, leave room for error and/or irresistible delight. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You won’t be able to weed out the problems and keep what’s good, be- cause what’s good is the problems. The end product will be magnificent not in spite of but because of the challenging way you had to go about getting it. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Every cycle has a winter — a period where the environment drives the being further inside to do the work that must be done in order to grow after the thaw. This work often looks a lot like sleeping. more people. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). What does an evolved spiritual outlook have to do with phone usage? Tech- nology isn’t inherently evil or in conflict with spiritual principles, as long as you’re the master of your digital usage and not a slave to it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You appreciate confident people all the while realizing that a social persona may be but the tip of the iceberg of personali- ty. Your respect and social savvy will earn you a friend. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your response will be requested or something like it, maybe your presence, opinion, vote or support. Anyway, part of you is what they’ll ask for, and your job is to give the right amount. CANCER (June 22-July 22). What’s unseen will be more critical to the action than the action itself. The invisible things don’t care whether or not anyone be- lieves in, or trusts, the power of invisible things. Their cycle is the same either way. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Much will be solved by recognizing the difference between gratification and contentment, and by playing the long game. Instead of going for a quick lift, work to bring up your overall level of vitality. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If nothing is inherently good or bad, then how effective could it possibly be to think in these terms? Of course, it’s second nature. But if you can question that nature even slightly, new answers and easier ways of managing will arise. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You put people first, before the agenda, before the results are counted, definitely before the money is divvied up. Because of your “people first” approach, you’ll take a little longer to get things done, and you’ll enjoy it more, too. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). What if you knew that your mentors considered you, in some ways, to be their teacher? Well, it’s true. So you don’t have to feel less than or indebted just because you ask for help. It goes both ways. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 19). Because you’re able to pay closer attention, noticing and feeling more, you’ll be astoundingly creative this year. You may be put on a pedestal for this quality, though the accolades are not the point. Your heart is full when you create, and the love that spills over into your life and world makes it all a little better. Sagittarius and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 20, 18, 24 and 19. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Are they picking up what you’re throwing down? The number of people tracking with you at this point may be small, but it will grow. Don’t change the message; just share it with FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE