A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2019 Oregon sends foster kids to facilities accused of abuse State senator is troubled by report By LAUREN DAKE Oregon Public Broadcasting Last year, Washington state child welfare offi cials saw reports about wide- spread use of restraints and physical abuse at a residen- tial treatment facility in Iowa where they were sending foster care children. Washington stopped sending children to the for- profi t Clarinda Academy. But some of Oregon’s most vulnerable children are still there. An October report by the nonprofi t Disability Rights Washington concluded that Washington’s use of out-of- state facilities to house fos- ter children was “creating an unacceptably heightened risk of abuse and neglect” and causing more “harm to youth who have already suf- fered from multiple, pro- longed, or chronic traumatic events.” In Oregon, the number of children being sent to out-of- state, privately run psychiat- ric units has more than dou- bled since 2017. There are more than 80 children placed in out-of-state facilities. The majority are in facilities run by Alabama-based Sequel Youth and Family Ser- vices, which oversees Clar- inda Academy in Iowa and a number of other for-profi t facilities across the country. There are 11 Oregon fos- ter children in Iowa facilities run by Sequel and another 39 foster kids in Sequel facilities in Utah. Across the country, about 74 Oregon children are in Sequel centers. These children have not been sent out-of-state because they have com- mitted crimes, but rather because Oregon does not have enough beds to house them. Yet, they are being treated as if they are inmates, according to the Disability Rights Washington report. Bradley W. Parks/Oregon Public Broadcasting State Sen. Sara Gelser speaks on the fl oor of the Senate in January. Before the watchdog group launched a systemic investigation into the Iowa facility, its researchers spent two days conducting pri- vate interviews with about a dozen young people in the facility. “Practically every young person who spoke … dis- cussed or alluded to expe- riencing multiple traumatic events of sexual or physi- cal assault and/or abandon- ment by trusted adults in their lives, and almost all had been through multiple placements prior to coming to Iowa,” the report reads. Oregon c hild w elfare offi - cials said they were aware of documented problems — including liberal and ques- tionable use of physical restraints — at some facili- ties they are using to house children. After the allegations of abuse in Iowa surfaced, a spokesman from the Ore- gon Department of Human Services said in an email, a representative of Clarinda Academy and Sequel visited Oregon to respond. Oregon staff also fl ew to Iowa to check on the chil- dren at Clarinda, according to a Department of Human Services spokesman. In addition, the state says, Ore- gon contracts with third- party professionals to moni- tor children at all out-of-state facilities. Based on those vis- its, Oregon offi cials deter- mined foster children being sent elsewhere are safe. State Sen. Sara Gelser, D-Corvallis, had a dif- ferent reaction when she was recently alerted to the situation: “I can’t see how you have these unsafe things happen- ing in these facilities and you think the Oregon kids are OK,” said Gelser, who chairs the Senate Human Services Committee. “Kids out of state are so vulnerable. They are so far away from home … They are isolated from their families. They have already been identifi ed as diffi cult kids so people don’t believe them and then they are isolated.” Gelser, who is also a member of a task force working to help Oregon fos- ter children with specialized needs, was upset. “I had no idea we were contracting with an enor- mous for-profi t organization that seems to specialize in taking kids from states with foster care capacity prob- lems and certainly had no idea we had kids in places where there are very seri- ous allegations of abuse and neglect,” Gelser said. Oregon was recently sued by lawyers representing fos- ter children for placing some children removed from their homes in hotels. The state has largely stopped doing that, but almost simultane- ously, has quietly increased the number of foster children sent out of state. Department of Human Services and c hild w elfare offi cials are required to make regular reports to Gelser’s legislative committee. Yet Gelser was unaware of the magnitude of the problem. “I’m stunned we didn’t know about this enormous number of kids out of state,” she said. “I’m dumbfounded there is this huge general fund expenditure … I don’t understand, this is a major expenditure that we’ve never discussed at the Legisla- ture,” she said. From October to Decem- ber , the state spent about $2.5 million to send children out of state. Disturbing reports from Iowa Susan Kas, an attorney with Disability Rights Wash- ington and one of the inves- tigators who looked into Sequel’s Clarinda Academy, said they chose to examine Clarinda simply because it had the most Washington children. In other words, the advo- cacy group chose Clarinda Academy for investiga- tion essentially at random, not because they suspected anything was amiss. If one agency chosen arbitrarily has problems, Kas said, shouldn’t the state take a closer look at all the out-of- state facilities it uses? Kas argued their fi ndings warrant a much deeper look at what she called the states’ “dirty little secret” of send- ing foster children out of state. She called what Disabil- ity Rights Washington dis- covered “disturbing.” There appeared to be very little oversight of the pro- gram for sending foster chil- dren elsewhere, she said. In Washington state, some children fl ew to Iowa alone, and strangers picked them up to drive them to the facility. Like Oregon, Wash- ington state primarily con- tracts with third-party social workers to oversee children sent out of state. “We have no reason to believe kids have any better protection from this kind of thing … Not just at Sequel, but any other company that is charging $8,000 to $10,000 a month,” Kas said. “If there is no oversight, there is a high risk (abuse) could be happening.” The alleged abuse came to light in Washington because Kas and her team have the ability under federal law to access certain records, which helped with their investi- gation into Washington’s placements. Oregon’s c hild w el- fare offi cials required Ore- gon Public Broadcasting to fi le a formal public records request to even learn the name of the out-of-state facilities where the state sends children. It took sev- eral more days, phone calls and emails before the c hild w elfare offi ce disclosed how many children are placed at each facility. Oregon offi cials have not yet responded with details about how often casework- ers travel with children when they are sent out of state, how frequently caseworkers from Oregon see children face to face once they are in another state, or if any of the foster care children from Oregon have complained about their treatment. When OPB asked c hild w elfare offi cials for specifi c details of their oversight of the out-of-state facilities, a spokesman responded by email: “The d epartment goes through an extensive check for any facility, including reviewing information at a state’s licensing body, mak- ing sure the facility is in good standing, verifying s ecretary of s tate business records, and conducting other research.” Questions about Clarinda Academy Clarinda Academy is the fl agship campus of Sequel, a for-profi t corporation that has acquired or opened 32 other facilities, including locked and psychiatric resi- dential facilities, across the country, according to Dis- ability Rights Washington’s investigation. The facility was estab- lished in 1992 and houses children from all over the country, usually more than 200 people between the ages of 12 and 18, according to the report. According to the report, Clarinda Academy is essen- tially run like a correctional institution. The facility is actually co-located on the grounds of a state prison. Children aren’t allowed to leave the institution at will, and they are isolated; it’s diffi cult to make phone calls, they aren’t allowed to interact with members of the opposite sex, and they attend class at the facility rather than going to outside schools. . . . s n e p p a h e Lif ! e r e h e r ’ e w y h That’s w Keith Klatt, MD Sally Baker, PA-C Mark Tabor, PA-C Our friendly and dedicated Physicians and Physician Assistants are available for all of your routine healthcare needs, not just for emergency situations! If you’re suffering from a headache, toothache, earache, backache, any illness or injury, are in need of a refill of your prescription medications, or even a sports physical or DOT physical, our dedicated staff is here to assist you! We are open 7 days a week. We are located in the Park Medical Building East in Suite 111. 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