A5 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THuRSDAY, FEbRuARY 14, 2019 House reasserts war powers in Yemen vote By LISA MASCARO Associated Press WASHINGTON — Asserting congressional authority over war-making powers, the House passed a resolution Wednesday that would force the adminis- tration to withdraw U.S. troops from involvement in Yemen, in a rebuke of Pres- ident Donald Trump’s alli- ance with the Saudi-led coa- lition behind the military intervention. Lawmakers in both par- ties are increasingly uneasy over the humanitarian cri- sis in Yemen and skeptical of the U.S. partnership with that coalition, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s role in the killing of Washing- ton Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of the royal family. Passage would mark the first time Congress has relied on the decades-old War Powers Resolution to halt military intervention. It also would set up a potential confrontation with the White House, which has threatened a veto. The House voted 248-177 to approve the mea- sure, sending it to the Sen- ate, where a similar resolu- tion passed last year. “We have helped create, and worsen, the world’s larg- est humanitarian crisis,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Ca- AP Photo/Hani Mohammed Tribesmen loyal to Houthi rebels show their support for ongoing peace talks in Sanaa, Yemen. lif., during the debate. “Our involvement in this war, quite frankly, is shameful.” The chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said the vote rep- resents “Congress reclaiming its role in foreign policy.” Senate approval would set up a showdown with the administration — a veto would be Trump’s first — over the president’s shifting approach on foreign policy. Lawmakers are quick to point out that Trump wants to withdraw troops from the wars in Syria and Afghani- stan as part of his “America First” approach, but he has shown less interest in limit- ing the U.S. role in Yemen. The White House says the House resolution is “flawed” because U.S. troops are not directly involved in mili- tary action in Yemen, where the coalition is fighting the Iranian-backed Houthi reb- els in a conflict largely seen as a proxy war involving the Mideast’s dominant regional players. Since 2015, the adminis- tration says, the U.S. has pro- vided support to the coalition, including intelligence and, until recently, aerial refuel- ing, but it has not had forces involved in “hostilities.” Congress has not invoked the War Power Resolution, which requires approval of military actions, since it was enacted in 1973. Lawmak- ers approved more sweeping authorizations for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that some argue are being used too broadly for other military actions. Newly emboldened Dem- ocrats in the House, eager to confront Trump on foreign policy, and Republicans in both chambers have shown a willingness to put a legisla- tive check on the president’s agenda. In the House, 18 Republi- cans, including members of the GOP’s libertarian-lean- ing wing and Trump allies in the conservative Free- dom Caucus, joined Demo- crats in passing the Yemen measure. Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Ca- lif., who drafted the legisla- tion, said there’s an emerg- ing bipartisan alliance that’s skeptical of military inter- vention without congressio- nal oversight. “It’s not just about Yemen. It’s about the Congress taking a stand and every future pres- ident having to think twice about whether to authorize a military intervention with- out congressional approval,” Khanna said in an interview. The Senate version is from independent Sen. Ber- nie Sanders of Vermont and backed by Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee. Before Wednesday’s vote, the House overwhelmingly agreed to add an amendment offered by Republicans who are seeking to expose emerg- ing Democratic divisions over support for Israel. The amendment reaf- firms the U.S. commit- ment “to combat anti-Sem- itism around the world” and says it’s in the national secu- rity interest to oppose boy- cotts of Israel. That’s a ref- erence to the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement that has gained support of some lawmakers. First-term Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., one of the Muslim-American women elected to Congress, came under criticism this week for her comments against the Israel lobbying organization AIPAC that raised anti-Se- mitic stereotypes. She later apologized. The House added another GOP amendment that would allow continued intelli- gence sharing, which drew fire from the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU warned it gives the presi- dent broad authority to pro- vide the Saudis and others with U.S. intelligence infor- mation about Yemen, and the group said the package, overall, is now weaker than originally proposed. Now the Yemen measure goes to the Senate, where a similar resolution on remov- ing U.S. involvement in the war was approved with Republican support late last year. At the time, Congress was eager to send a message to both the president and the Saudis after the Octo- ber murder of the U.S.- based journalist Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. WORLD IN BRIEF Associated Press Amazon, in stunning reversal, dumps NYC as new HQ site NEW YORK — Amazon will not build a new headquarters in New York City, a stunning reversal to an ambitious plan that would have brought an estimated 25,000 jobs to the city. The online retailer faced fierce opposi- tion from some New York politicians who were unhappy with the nearly $3 billion in tax incentives Amazon was promised. Along with thousands of jobs, the Seattle company had planned to spend $2.5 billion building its new offices. “We are disappointed to have reached this conclusion — we love New York,” the company said in a blog post , adding that it already has 5,000 employees in the city and plans to grow those teams. It was a serious blow to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, who lobbied intensely to land the campus within city limits. Amazon said it does not plan to look for another location at this time, and will continue with plans to build offices in Arlington, Vir- ginia, and Nashville, Tennessee. The Arling- ton campus was expected to be the same size as the New York one, with 25,000 employees. The Nashville office is expected to have 5,000 employees. Moment of silence held for 17 killed in Florida a year ago PARKLAND, Fla. — Hundreds of thousands of students and adults across Florida and beyond bowed their heads in a moment of silence today to mark the first anniversary of the shooting ram- page at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland that left 17 people dead. “It’s a permanent sore spot,” said Fort Lauderdale High School junior Jake Lynch. “Forever, me going forward, I’ll feel this day, and this time and those names. It reminds me of where I want the world to be. ... From suffering better things come out.” The massacre on Feb. 14, 2018, inflamed the national debate over guns, turned young people into political activists and gave rise to some of the biggest youth demonstrations since the Vietnam era. Many Stoneman Douglas students skipped school. For some it was too emo- tional; others did not want to be in the spotlight. Sophomore Julia Brighton would not go inside, instead placing flowers at the outdoor memorial. She said she suffered with nightmares for months. Staying out- side “felt like it would be a better experi- ence for me instead of being at school and putting myself through that,” she said. FBI official McCabe feared Russia probe would end after Comey fired WASHINGTON — Former FBI Dep- uty Director Andrew McCabe said in an interview aired today that he worried that investigations into President Don- ald Trump’s ties to Russia and possible T HURSDAY E VENING (2) (-) (-) (6) (-) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) (-) (20) (-) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) L KATU KOMO KING KOIN KIRO KGW KRCW KOPB KPTV KPDX KCPQ TBS KZJO ESPN ESPN2 NICK DISN FAM FMC LIFE ROOT FS1 SPIKE COM HIST A&E TLC DISC NGEO TNT AMC USA FOOD HGTV FX CNN FNC CNBC BRAV TCM SYFY RFD (2) (4) (5) (-) (7) (-) (3) (10) (12) (-) (13) (20) (22) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) 6 PM Judge finds Manafort lied to investigators in Russia probe WASHINGTON — Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort inten- tionally lied to investigators and a federal grand jury in the special counsel’s Russia probe, a judge has ruled. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s decision was another loss for Manafort, a once-wealthy political con- sultant who rose to lead Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and now faces years in prison in two criminal cases brought in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. The four-page ruling hurts Manafort’s chance of receiving a reduced sentence, though Jackson said she would decide the exact impact during his sentencing next month. It also resolves a dispute that had provided new insight into how Muel- ler views Manafort’s actions as part of the broader probe of Russian election interfer- ence and any possible coordination with Trump associates. Prosecutors have made clear that they remain deeply interested in Manafort’s interactions with a man the FBI says has ties to Russian intelligence. But it’s unclear exactly what has drawn their attention and whether it relates to election interference because much of the dispute has played out in secret court hearings and blacked out court filings. Manafort’s sentencing is set for March 13. He faces up to five years in prison on two felony charges stem- ming from illegal lobbying he per- formed on behalf of Ukrainian political interests. SCHEDULE THE DAILY ASTORIAN A obstruction of justice would be shut down after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. According to CBS, which conducted the interview, McCabe said Justice Depart- ment officials discussed bringing the Cab- inet together to consider using the Con- stitution’s 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. McCabe, a frequent target of Trump’s ire, described in the interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” that he was greatly alarmed by the possibility that the president “might have won the White House with the aid of the government of Russia.” He said he assembled his investigators the day after his boss, Comey, was fired to discuss how to keep the investigations moving forward in the event he was fired or reassigned. McCabe was fired from the FBI last year after the Justice Department inspector general concluded that he had lied during an internal investigation into a news media disclosure. The allegations, which McCabe has denied, have been referred for investiga- tion to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Wash- ington. McCabe blasted his firing as part of the Trump administration’s “war on the FBI” and special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation Trump responded on Twitter today to news reports of the interview, saying, “Disgraced FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe pretends to be a ‘poor little Angel’ when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal & the Rus- sia Hoax — a puppet for Leakin’ James Comey. I.G. report on McCabe was devastating.” Evening listings THURSDAY F EBRUARY 14 A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Jeopardy! (N) KATU News at 6 (N) Wheel Fortune (N) Grey's Anatomy "I Walk the Line" (N) A Million Little Things "The Rock" (N) Murder "Where Are Your Parents?" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel KOMO 4 News at 6pm (N) Wheel Fortune (N) Jeopardy! (N) Grey's Anatomy "I Walk the Line" (N) A Million Little Things "The Rock" (N) Murder "Where Are Your Parents?" (N) KOMO4News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel NBC News (N) KING 5 News (N) KING 5 News (N) Evening The Titan Games "Trials Seven" (N) Brooklyn 99 (N) Will & Grace (N) Law & Order: S.V.U. "Brothel" (N) KING 5 News (N) (:35) Tonight Show KOIN Local 6 (N) Evening News (N) Extra Ent. Tonight Big Bang Theory Young Sheldon Mom (N) Fam (N) S.W.A.T. "Fallen" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert KIRO 7 News (N) Evening News (N) KIRO 7 News (N) Ent. Tonight Big Bang Theory Young Sheldon Mom (N) Fam (N) S.W.A.T. "Fallen" (N) KIRO News (N) (:35) Colbert KGW News at 6:00 p.m. (N) Tonight Cassidy Inside Edition The Titan Games "Trials Seven" (N) Brooklyn 99 (N) Will & Grace (N) Law & Order: S.V.U. "Brothel" (N) News (N) (:35) Tonight Show Modern Family Modern Family The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Valentine's Movies Legacies "Malivore" News (N) Friends Two and a Half Two and a Half Family Travel Business (N) PBS NewsHour (N) Art Beat (N) Oregon Guide (N) Midsomer M. (:50) Midsomer Murders "Dark Secrets" Masterpiece Mystery! "Endeavour: Prey" 6 O'Clock News (N) Family Feud (N) Family Feud (N) Gotham "13 Stitches" (N) The Orville "Deflectors" (N) 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Page Six TV Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory 8pm Prime News (N) 9pm Prime News (N) Big Bang Theory Family Guy American Dad! The Game Modern Family Modern Family Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Gotham "13 Stitches" (N) The Orville "Deflectors" (N) Q13 NEWS AT 10 (N) News (N) The Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Conan (N) Miracle Workers Black-ish Black-ish Mom Modern Family Mom Modern Family Q13 News at 9 (N) Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Two and a Half Two and a Half UFC Unleashed (N) UFC Main Event (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) NCAA Basketball (L) NCAA Basketball (L) Sport Climbing Combined Invitational Now or Never (N) UFC UFC 234 Ice Age: The Meltdown (‘06) Voices of John Leguizamo, Ray Romano. Friends Friends The Loud House The Loud House The Loud House Henry Danger SpongeBob SpongeBob Raven's Home Raven's Home Descendants 2 (2017, Fantasy) Cameron Boyce, Sofia Carson, Dove Cameron. (:05) Sydney Max Bizaardvark Bunk'd Bunk'd Raven's Home Raven's Home Beauty and the Beast (‘91) Voices of Richard White, Paige O'Hara. (5:30) Pretty Woman (‘90) Julia Roberts, Jason Alexander, Richard Gere. Siren "Oil and Water" (N) The 700 Club (4:55) Pitch Perfect 2 Anna Kendrick. (:15) Pitch Perfect 2 (2015, Comedy) Rebel Wilson, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick. (:35) The Choice (‘16) Benjamin Walker, Alexandra Daddario, Teresa Palmer. (:50) FXM Presents Grey's A. "Lay Your Hands on Me" Bring It! Bring It! "Survival of the Fittest" (N) Bring It! (N) (:05) The Rap Game "Stay Woke" (N) DaBrat/ RapGame Bring It! (N) IDEAL WCC All-Access NCAA Basketball BYU at San Diego (L) NCAA Basketball Arizona State at Colorado Poker Heartland Tour (4:00) NASCAR Racing Duel at Daytona Unrivaled "Earnhardt vs. Gordon" (N) PBC Press Conference TMZ Sports (N) Fair Game (N) Speak for Yourself Unrivaled "Earnhardt vs. Gordon" The Wedding Singer (‘98) Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandler. 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(5:30) The Karate Kid Part II (‘86) Pat Morita, Eddie Smith, Ralph Macchio. Jurassic Park (1993, Sci-Fi) Sam Neill. Thor: The Dark World (2013, Action) Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman. Thor: The Dark World (‘13) Natalie Portman. NCIS "Dead Reflection" NCIS "Baltimore" Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Chopped "Hush Puppy Love" Chopped "Surf And Turf" Chopped "Pork on the Brain" Beat Flay (N) Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Nas Flip/Flop Nashville House Hunters (N) House Hunters (N) House Hunters House Hunters Happy Death Day (‘17, Hor) Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Jessica Rothe. Happy Death Day (‘17, Hor) Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Jessica Rothe. (5:00) Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (‘15) Dylan O'Brien. 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