Thursday, February 14, 2019 // 3 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS SCRATCHPAD Readers’ Choice winners, voters uphold region’s standards of excellence Now presenting the best of the coast By ERICK BENGEL COasT WeeKeNd T his special issue of Coast Week- end reveals the win- ners of the 2018 Read- ers’ Choice contest — the annual celebration of the best businesses, din- ing options and activities in the Columbia-Pacific. In these pages, we highlight a handful of winners. The ones who coast took multiple first-place awards got the center-spread treatment (see pages 14 and 15). Though most readers — more than 2,000 — voted online, the dozens of write-in ballots we received made a tre- mendous difference, often deciding first, second and third place. In a few cat- egories, first place was decided by a single paper ballot. Last year, I offered some cheery, egalitarian sentiments about how everyone who contrib- utes to our community — who INSIDE THIS ISSUE weekend arts & entertainment besT CLaM ChOWder ......... 14 BUSINESS besT aNTIQue sTOre ........... 12 besT auTO shOP .................... 13 besT barbershOP ................ 13 besT bud ................................... 10 besT CusTOMer serVICe ... 15 besT GrOCery sTOre .......... 11 besT radIO sTaTION ............ 16 besT ThrIFT shOP ................. 12 besT COFFee ............................ 15 besT FINe dINING .................. 14 besT MeXICaN FOOd ..............9 besT PIZZa ................................ 10 besT barIsTa ..............................6 besT barTeNder ......................5 besT breaKFasT sPOT ............9 besT burGer ........................... 14 besT CheF ................................. 14 besT WINe bar/shOP .............5 ACTIVITIES besT daNCe sTudIO ............ 11 besT FesTIVaL ......................... 17 besT LIVe TheaTer ..........14-15 besT LOCaL sPOrTs TeaM 16 besT MusICaL VeNue ....14-15 ON THE COVER PHOTOS BY ROBERT HILSON, COLIN MURPHY, THE LIBERTY THEATRE FURTHER ENJOYMENT FuLL LIsT OF WINNers ........... 4 MusIC CaLeNdar .................... 7 CrOssWOrd ............................... 8 CW MarKeTPLaCe ..........21, 22 bOOKMONGer .........................24 see + dO ..............................26, 27 COAST WEEKEND EDITOR erICK beNGeL CALENDAR COORDINATOR sue COdy CONTRIBUTORS dWIGhT CasWeLL KaTIe FraNKOWICZ Gary heNLey ryaN huMe KaTherINe LaCaZe barbara LLOyd McMIChaeL edWard sTraTTON breNNa VIsser besT serVer ................................6 besT CheaP daTe .................. 17 DINING strives every day to perfect the part of the coast that belongs to them — is by definition a winner. I stand by those words. Find it all online! features full calendar listings, keyword search and easy sharing on social media. To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2019 COAST WEEKEND New items for publication consideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM Phone: 503.325.3211 ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: 210 • 949 exchange st. astoria, Or 97103 Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the eO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The daily astorian and the Chinook Observer. That said, it doesn’t take a keen sense of pattern recognition to notice certain winners popping up year after year. I wonder if the time has come to shake things up a bit. Maybe in the 2019 contest, you’ll see some new categories. For example: Best Barista Other Than Kristy Cross. Now that Cross has destroyed the competi- tion seven years running, perhaps we need to force voters to spread the honors around a bit. I kid, of course. It’s not fair to punish the great for their great- ness. Readers’ Choice is nothing if not a meritocracy. The people who vote and the people they vote for are engaged in the same project: upholding standards of excellence. The own- ers of a beloved local store and voters who acknowledge the own- ers’ outstanding efforts both help make the region the best it can be. The list of winners, runners-up and honorable mentions (see Page 4) is a record of the people, places and pursuits that our lives revolve around. These are the makers of memories and the keepers of qual- ity in our corner of the world. We all win because they have chosen to be here. CW