The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 13, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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Preparing for a new dog
Dear Annie: I’m hoping to ably within your budget.
adopt a small dog soon, and obvi-
Next, it’s time to get pup-
ously, my apartment needs to py-proofing. Remove any toxic
be prepared. The small, curious plants. Put away any medications
new member of the family will that are sitting on counters. Keep
want to play with almost every- anything with batteries that might
thing in reach, so I imag-
be chew-enticing out of
reach. Purchase a crate
ine I’ll need to clear the
that will be large enough
floor as much as possi-
ble. What else do I need
once your pup has
to do to prepare? My
reached full adult size.
apartment is a studio and
For more puppy-prep-
only about 500 square
ping tips, along with a
feet, but I want my dog
list of which houseplants
are safe for pets, visit
to have a safe and fun
home to live in. — Pre- ANNIE LANE
Dear Annie: A great
Pooch Preparation
Syndicate Inc.
number of your requests
Dear Pre-Pooch:
for advice or a solution
Congratulations on your
forthcoming furry friend. Adopt- revolve around taking action.
For Pete’s sake, what psycho-
ing an animal is a wonderful
thing; really, a dog becomes a logical hang-up prevents these
member of the family. It’s wise people from making a decision?!
that you’re taking the preparation Have we simply developed into a
stage seriously, as it’s important. plethora of touchy-feely wimps?
Every year, thousands of pets are Example: If the neighbors are
returned to shelters by adopters having sex too loudly, which
who failed to adequately prepare. one of your readers recently
First is to make sure that your complained about, bang on the
landlord allows pets. If so, check wall; yell; hang up a sign in the
to see whether any additional doc- hallway!
There is an incredible lack
umentation or fees are required.
Then crunch the numbers. Make of spinal fiber. The prosecution
a list of monthly expenses and vet rests. — R. Korkin
Dear R. Korkin: If taking
bills, and be sure they fit comfort-
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
direct action were that simple for
everyone, I might be out of a job.
In all seriousness, it really is eas-
ier said than done. Yes, you can
sit on the sidelines and criticize
someone for fumbling, but it’s
harder when you’re actually the
one holding the ball. Try to have
some compassion.
Dear Annie: “Frustrated in
Maine” wrote to you irate about
being asked by servers whether
he needs change. He’s the one
who needs to learn etiquette. One
should order, eat, pay the bill and
leave an appropriate gratuity.
I think that it is appropriate
for servers to ask whether din-
ers require change. “Frustrated
in Maine” retaliates by leaving a
“small tip”? My advice for him is
to dine only in restaurants where
he has not gone before. Servers
would remember him!
As a New England son, I’ll
admit that we are frugal, but we’re
never unkind. (My wife worked
as a waitress in high school and
college. We know how little they
Punish a server for what he or
she was trained to do or say? The
server is doing his or her best to
accommodate a patron. — Diner
With a Different Perspective
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Love really does
require a sense of humor. When you bring that to
the table, you can find the other person’s quirks,
gaps of knowledge and errors in approach to be a
source of endearment and mirth.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The paradox of
love is that it can at once feel comfortable and
thrilling, right and dangerous, inevitable and yet
completely up to you. Take a breath and luxuriate
love’s opposites.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re keenly aware of
what the people in your life need, especially your
nearest and dearest. You’ll save up those three
little words and drop them when they’ll mean the
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Among love’s many
gifts will be the sort of temptation that seduces
you in a positive way, so that you want nothing
more than to do something wonderful instead of
wicked, generous instead of selfish.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). People have described
love to you, but that didn’t teach you what it was
any more than poets or songs or movies did.
Experience is the only way, and your experiences
just get deeper and more meaningful.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Love isn’t some-
thing that happens because two descriptions
of it match up well. It’s something much more
complex and nuanced than that. You know what
love is when you come across it, which is why you
keep diving in.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Marilyn Monroe fa-
mously said that anyone who couldn’t handle her
at her worst didn’t deserve her at her best. This
flies against your Libran logic. You reward those
who love the full spectrum of you by giving your
very best.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You are decisive and
sure, which makes it all the more impactful when
you declare your love. It will be easier for you to
give than receive, so make extra efforts to receive
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll be
understood the way you’ve longed to be, which
is to say, in a way that is in some regards beyond
your understanding of yourself and in other re-
gards barely scratching the surface of your deep
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). In love, not
everything makes sense immediately, but you’ve
a sense of patient optimism about it that makes
uncertainty palatable, if not entirely pleasant.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Soul-driven
connections are happening for you — some in
the form of coincidental meetings or unlikely
and whimsical connections that nonetheless feel
somehow correct, fated even.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Because you’re
willing to take on the challenges of love, you’ll
be, in the moment you least expect it, seized by a
thrilling sense of soaring adventure, followed by
a comforting rush of relief when you find a soft
place to land.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 14). You bring
out something so interesting in the people you
meet that many become your biggest fans,
rooting for you to complete your projects, win
your battles and nail your goals. (So make sure
you have plenty of the aforementioned purposes
for them to lend power to!) It all starts with stellar
planning and organization. Leo and Scorpio adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 2, 40, 20 and 13.