A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEbRuARY 11, 2019 Superheroes a deal breaker? Dear Annie: I’ve been seeing be, not because she doesn’t like this woman for about a month. Spider-Man. She is beautiful and smart and Dear Annie: What is the thinks I’m funny, which is a plus. proper amount to tip a hairdresser? It’s been getting more serious. But When I was growing up, 15 or recently, when we were trying to even 10 percent seemed custom- decide which movie to ary. Recently, I saw some- DEAR see, some new info came thing in a magazine that ANNIE to light. It turns out she said I should be tipping hates superhero movies my hairdresser 20 percent and comic books. This is and tipping the shampoo a total turnoff to me, to girl or boy (if there is one) the point that I now think an additional $5! I get my this relationship may be hair done once a month, so doomed. I just see it as that would really start to sort of a litmus test for ANNIE LANE add up. But of course, I’d Creators personal compatibility. certainly hate to be rude. Syndicate Inc. Should I end things now What is the etiquette? — before I get deeper, or am I Salon-Goer in Shreveport being petty? — Marvel Mega-Fan Dear Salon-Goer: Twenty Dear Marvel Mega-Fan: percent is a fair tip for some- Tastes don’t make or break a rela- one with whom you’re entrusting tionship. It can definitely help to your crowning glory. As for tip- have shared hobbies, but shared ping assistants, proffering at least hobbies alone can’t form the bed- a small tip is usually appropriate, rock of a serious romantic rela- especially if they’ve been more tionship. Shared values do. And hands-on. Dear Annie: I must address the mutual respect. And oh, yes, love. All that is to say yes, it does seem letter from the Vietnam veteran a bit petty to me to break up with who will not call for help. First, he her over this, but deal breakers should not give up. The Veterans are in the eye of the holder. Plus, Crisis Line (https://www.veteran- this sort of thing is also a self-ful- scrisisline.net) is 800-273-8255. filling prophecy. This relationship In 2016, 58.1 percent of veteran may now be doomed, but only suicides were among veterans 55 because you’ve decided it may or older. Depending on where the veteran lives, his county may have a veterans service office he could visit or contact. He more than likely has a Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veter- ans and American Legion orga- nization near him that could pro- vide more resources. These groups serve veterans of all eras, and he could find people with whom he can relate. And bring the buddies! Please offer these options to him. — Wife of a Vietnam Veteran Dear Wife of a Vietnam Vet- eran: Thank you so much for this wealth of information. Dear Annie: I participated in your study about children. (I was one of the 77 percent of read- ers who are glad they had kids.) It was a very good and valuable study. One of the respondents said to “trust your gut,” and you reported that people were mostly happy with their decisions, which was heartening. One of my daugh- ters wants children, and my other one and her husband have decided not to have them. I wondered, given my thinking and experience, whether the one who is not hav- ing kids is setting herself up for disappointment in later life, and knowing that this is not likely is encouraging to me regarding her happiness. — Phil N. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’re not going to change things by arguing with reality or fighting what’s going on here. This is what’s happening. Accept it, and then get to work building the new reality that renders this one obsolete. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If your house is untidy, it’s probably because you’re living so much life lately that it’s challenging to keep up with. Take it as a good sign, and then devote some time to catching up with yourself in all the ways that matter to you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Love’s healing power is immeasurable. Though, because it also can’t be bottled, it’s rather easy to forget to take. You need love. Double your dosage. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). This day will either become a fond memory or it will be for- gotten. Much depends on whether you choose to do the daring or new thing (which will be memorable) or to stay forgettably comfortable. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have goals that you don’t know how to forward. The first step is to understand better where you are and where you’re going. Thought energy can flow to and through you. CANCER (June 22-July 22). When it’s hard to be strong, you might be focusing on the things that are making you feel weary instead of fo- cusing on what you want. Your strength grows in direct relation to your desire. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Liking a person a lot has consequences. It means you’ll probably be communicating more and spending time together, and there’s a learning curve to con- sider among other things. How will you make it work? Automatically. Inevitably. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If a purpose is right, it must be pursued, regardless of the odds of success. This is a theme in every action movie you’ve ever seen, and it’s a theme in your life lately, too. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). To know what’s worth doing is a wisdom that not everyone has. People around you may be confused or inexperienced in this regard and you can help them out. Keep it light and friendly. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Wishes cannot change the facts. That’s how we know they are facts; they’re stubbornly impervious to influ- ence. And though you can’t change facts, you can find more pleasant facts to focus on. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). We come in and out of this world the same way — powerless. In between those points, power ebbs and flows, cyclically. Nurture others when you have the in- fluence to do it, and then let them go, knowing everything has a season. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The saying goes, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Much depends on what sort of fight it is, how close you are to winning and what’s at stake. The important thing is that you have more than one option to consider. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 12). You reconnect with your telepathic nature in the months to come, relying less on words and instead letting your heart do the communicating. Relation- ships heal. Your path sorts itself out before you. You let go of a tendency to worry and are filled with peace. June’s big project reflects your lighter state of being. Aries and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 2, 29, 15 and 42.