A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2019 NW Natural says customers Tiny Micro-Chip Now face big rate increases under In The Ear: Available! new state climate policy Lawmakers are hearing the impact of the bill By TED SICKINGER The Oregonian ing elsewhere. But the natural gas util- ities, along with transpor- tation fuel providers, were mostly left out of the free- bies. The bill would pro- vide free allowances to the natural gas utilities to offset rate impacts on their low-in- come customers. But they would be required to pur- chase allowances in state auctions or on the secondary market to cover their other emissions. tion include Avista Corp. in southern Oregon and Cas- cade Natural Gas in central and Eastern Oregon. Sandra McDonough, chief executive of the state’s largest business group, Ore- gon Business & Industry, says California’s carbon pol- icy treated natural gas com- panies consistently with electric utilities, and Ore- gon’s should too. “The potential rate impacts are really huge and we’re concerned about that,” she said. “It’s worth think- ing about where consumers are going to feel this, both in home heating and at the gas pump. These increases are going to be real…You’re going to pay.” Natural gas utilities and some of their customers are pushing back on the state’s new climate plan, saying the proposed cap and spend bill would lead to immedi- ate and major rate increases, and only get worse as time ‘Bombshell’ goes on. The gas companies’ con- NW Natural released a cerns come amid broader two-page summary of the business backlash against impacts it foresees, an analy- the policy, which never- sis one lobbyist described as theless has notably more “a cap and trade bombshell.” momentum behind it this The company estimates year than in previous ses- that in the fi rst year the bill Different prospects sions. Some business groups would take effect, 2021, it Electric and gas utilities have called on legislators to would increase prices for hold a statewide roadshow to residential customers by 11 do have fundamentally dif- explain the policy to Orego- percent ($74 annually), for ferent prospects to reduce nians, a move some backers small commercial customers their greenhouse emissions. see as a delay tactic. Busi- by 13 percent ($338 annu- The electrics are investing ness lobbies also are sending ally) and industrial custom- in wind and solar, which out polling results they say ers by 28 percent (it didn’t are already price competi- refute the supposedly wide- provide dollar fi gures for tive with fossil fuel gener- spread voter support for it, industrial rate increases). By ation. They can use hydro- particularly when costs are 2040, with the number of power and energy storage to considered. And they’ll be allowances being auctioned meet customer demand and jockeying to see how the far lower, the rate impact integrate intermittent renew- legislation can be reshaped would grow to 53 percent able power. In the end, they in their favor. ($567 annually) for resi- say they’re likely to be able The policy would require dential customers, 60 per- to accomplish their propor- utilities, industrial compa- cent for small commercial tional share of the state’s nies and trans- target: reduc- portation fuel ing green- ‘WE’RE NOT AGAINST A CAP providers who house emis- annually emit sions by 45 AND TRADE BILL, BUT WE more than percent below 25,000 metric 1990 levels by THINK THERE’S A DIFFERENT tons of green- 2035 and 80 WAY TO TREAT THE GAS house gases to percent below acquire emis- 1990 levels by SECTOR THAN IS CURRENTLY sions allow- 2050. ances to off- Natural gas BEING CONTEMPLATED.’ set each ton, companies Kathryn Williams, director of government either from a have a more affairs for NW Natural state auction limited set of or from a sec- options. They ondary mar- can replace ket from other entities. As ($2,965) and 117 percent for some of their conven- the number of allowances industrial customers, North- tional supply with so-called declines in future years, they west Natural projects. “renewable natural gas,” would get more expensive, Kathryn Williams, direc- which is methane gathered forcing companies to fi nd tor of government affairs for at landfi lls, wastewater treat- ways to reduce their emis- NW Natural, said there’s no ment facilities or large farms sions or absorb the cost. A logical reason to treat emis- that would otherwise be 10-year projection of overall sions from coal, oil or nat- released to the atmosphere, revenues from the program ural gas differently. Under fl ared or used in an electric- by the state Department the current version of the ity co-generation facility. of Environmental Qual- bill, customers who heat They can reduce methane ity estimates that the state their homes with electricity leaks upstream and in the allowance auction would (some of which comes from pipeline network. They can raise about $550 million in burning natural gas) would double down on energy effi - 2021 and fl uctuate close to be insulated from price ciency, though that doesn’t that level through 2030, as increases, while a home- generate any profi t. And lon- allowance prices rise from owner who heats directly ger term, they can start sup- $16.77 to $26 per ton but with natural gas (which plying more compressed overall emissions decline. is potentially less emis- natural gas and hydrogen, That’s slightly less reve- sions-intensive) would pay which can fuel vehicles with nue than was estimated for signifi cantly more than they lower emissions than gaso- previous versions of the bill. do now, she said. line and diesel. More than 60 percent of the Another diffi culty: Wil- NW Natural says it plans money would come from liams said the company has to do all the above, but that suppliers of diesel and gaso- no way of tracking which could still leave it short of line for cars and trucks, and of its customers are low-in- the state’s goals. The com- the use of those revenues come, though the company pany’s own goal is to reduce would be restricted to projects estimates that some 60 per- its carbon footprint by 30 funded out of the state high- cent of its residential cus- percent by 2035. way trust fund. The balance tomers would qualify. As it stands, Williams of the money would come The potentially disparate said NW Natural can’t really from other sources, and its use impacts extend to commer- use “renewable natural gas” would be more fl exible. cial and industrial customers as it is more expensive than The reason for the decline as well. While only about conventional gas and state in projected revenues is that 100 entities in the state are regulators currently require this year’s rewrite of the above the 25,000-ton thresh- it to meet customer needs at proposed program offers old to be directly regulated, the lowest cost possible. free emissions allowances smaller businesses that use Dembrow says he rec- to specifi c industries to lots of gas, from restaurants ognizes NW Natural’s dif- reduce its immediate cost to small food processors, fi cult position, and he has and improve its political pal- would feel the price impacts, agreed to introduce a bill in atability. The state’s two big while larger regulated enti- the Senate Environment and electric utilities, for exam- ties are initially being pro- Natural Resources Commit- ple, would get free allow- vided with 100 percent free tee that he chairs that would ances until 2030 in recog- allowances. create a statewide renewable nition of the early actions “We’re not against a cap natural gas program. Senate they’re taking to eliminate and trade bill, but we think Bill 98 would establish tar- coal-fi red power and boost there’s a different way to gets for the use of renewable green energy use under leg- treat the gas sector than is natural gas — 5 percent in islation passed in 2016. currently being contem- 2020 increasing to 30 per- Most big industrial outfi ts plated,” Williams said. cent by 2045 — and allow would initially receive free Other gas companies natural gas companies to allowances to prevent them whose customers would recover their investments in pulling up stakes and mov- be affected by the legisla- that supply. Warrenton woman pleads guilty to animal abuse The Daily Astorian A Warrenton woman who killed her dog last March pleaded guilty on Friday to aggravated animal abuse. Noel Moor, 29, was sen- tenced to 30 days in jail and three years of probation. She was given credit for time served in jail after her arrest and for her stay at the Oregon State Hospital for a mental health evaluation. She is prohibited from owning or possessing domestic animals for 15 years, but can care for the pets of family members. Moor put her beloved 7-year-old Chihuahua, Bolt, in the oven after she thought her ex-boyfriend was inside the dog. James Bernstein, an Ore- gon City attorney who rep- resented Moor, told Judge Cindee Matyas that Moor is “very remorseful.” Matyas praised Moor for following through with treat- ment after she was released from the state hospital. If Moor successfully completes the terms of her probation, she can peti- tion the court to reduce the felony conviction to a misdemeanor. Now You See It... Now You Don’t! 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