A4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEbRuARY 8, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager PRO-CON Is scrapping a $7,500 tax credit for electric car buyers a good idea? AP Photo/Don Ryan A line of electric cars and newly installed charging stations in front of the Portland General Electric headquarters building in 2015. PRO: Uncle Sam plays taxpayers for suckers by subsidizing the ultra-rich CON: Trump’s decision to dump electric car subsidy would damage global ecosystem W T ASHINGTON — Relatively vative technology get off the ground, few Americans have electric then let it fly on its own. That’s why the cars. But every American tax- credit covers each manufacturer’s first payer has helped pay to buy them and 200,000 sales, then begins to phase out. keep them on the road. Tesla and GM are now in the phase- That’s because Uncle Sam subsidizes out period, which is why the two auto- those buying electric vehicles with a makers are pushing lawmakers to lift the $7,500 tax credit. Add in-state and local cap. government incentives and the “free Are electric vehicles still in their money” can easily top 10 grand. And it infancy? Even when the credit was cre- keeps flowing in the form of perks like ated, the concept was anything but new. subsidized charging stations and access Electric vehicles debuted in the to HOV lanes. U.S. in 1896. By the early 1900s, they Who benefits most from these govern- accounted for nearly a third of all vehi- ment giveaways? Primarily people who cles on the road. don’t need help buying a car. The Ford Model T changed all of that, The Congressional Research Service but electric vehicles enjoyed blips of reports that filers with an adjusted gross popularity in the 1970s and ‘90s, too. income of $100,000 or more claimed 78 Today, the industry is quite percent of the tax credits in 2016. Clearly, it’s a subsidy for the mature, with more than 40 differ- well-to-do. ent vehicles available — about The subsidy has helped prop a quarter of them with a battery up electric vehicle sales, but has range exceeding 200 miles. done little to reduce carbon emis- Any rationale for the subsidy sions or wean America off foreign is long gone. But subsidies are Nicolas oil — the two big selling points notoriously hard to eliminate in a Loris when Congress approved the town where politicians, lobbyists giveaway. and special interests groups thrive Jonathan Lesser, an economist at Con- on trading favors. tinental Resources, found negligible cli- That’s unfortunate, because govern- mate impact from increased adoption of ment subsidies are no recipe for long- electric vehicles — now or in the future. term success in any industry. Reliance on Based on the Energy Information preferential treatment from Washington Administration’s sales projections for electric vehicle sales and use, Lesser cal- actually stifles competition and innova- tion — the things that improve products culates that “the net reduction in car- bon dioxide emissions between 2018 and and drive down sticker prices. It’s time to pull the plug on electric 2050 would be only about one-half of 1 percent of total forecast U.S. energy-re- vehicle subsidies, as well as subsidies for lated carbon emissions.” oil, biofuels and all other energy sources. Such a small reduction in emissions Americans drive more than 3 tril- would have a practically undetectable lion miles each year and spend hundreds effect on global temperatures. of billions of dollars on gasoline. That Dependence on foreign oil is no lon- translates into a huge market demand for ger a problem, but that’s because of the cost-efficient vehicles and fuel — and domestic energy boom created by smart plenty of incentive enough to spur com- extraction technologies. petition and innovation in the industry. When President George W. Bush And taxpayers should be able to pur- OK’d tax credits for plug-in electrics in chase the car that best suits their means 2008, America was producing 5 million and their needs — without nudging from barrels of crude oil per day. Today, we’re Washington and without having to sub- producing more than twice that amount. sidize purchases by those better off than In December, for the first time in more themselves. than 35 years, the U.S. exported more oil Nicolas Loris is an economist special- and refined petroleum products than it izing in energy and environmental pol- imported. icy at Heritage Foundation, a think tank The tax credit reflects an “infant industry” rationale: to help a new, inno- based in Washington, D.C. AMPA, Fla. — President Donald that envisage all electric vehicles on their Trump can pound his chest for not roads in the not-so-distant future. only scrapping America’s partic- Trump has imposed tariffs on China ipation in the Paris Climate Accord, but that are as damaging to American farm- also for killing the electric car. ers and manufacturers as they are to the The administration that favors further Chinese. However, when it comes to damage to the global ecosystem with its advancing the Chinese electric vehicle unbridled support for fossil fuels in their battery industry, Trump said nothing as a solid, liquid and gaseous forms saw Tesla Hong Kong-based firm, Frontier Services buyers as the first to lose their $7,500 Group, established a $500 million invest- federal tax credit in January. Tesla tried to make up for the financial ment fund to mine rare-earth and other vital minerals in Africa. body blow by reducing the price of its Such essential minerals, including vehicles by $2,000, but for many poten- cobalt, molybdenum, manganese, alumi- tial Tesla customers, this year’s tax credit num, iron phosphate, nickel, copper, lith- of $3,750 was the defining moment in the ium and columbite-tantalite, are required decision to buy a Tesla. to manufacture lithium-ion and other bat- With no tax credit offered next year, teries used in electric vehicles. many potential Tesla buyers will find the Not so coincidentally, Fron- well-known electric vehicle far too costly to purchase — never tier Services Group is run by mind their ideological commit- Blackwater mercenary company ment to a green planet. founder and Trump presidential The elimination of the fed- campaign adviser Erik Prince, the eral electric vehicle tax credit rep- brother of Betsy DeVos, Trump’s resents another body blow to the education secretary. Wayne clean and smart energy sector in While the American electric Madsen the United States and a huge gift vehicle industry is taking it on the for the climate-damaging fossil chin from the Trump administration, his fuel industry. cronies stand to make a handsome profit Even the might of General Motors, from assisting the burgeoning Chinese Tesla’s partner in manufacturing electric vehicle industry, which hopes to zero-emission vehicles, was not enough see 39 percent of all Chinese drivers buy- to fend off the fossil fuel interests who ing Chinese-made electric vehicles by seem to have the Trump Administration 2030. in a vise grip. When it comes to adopting a trade pol- The Tesla-GM partnership is a far cry icy that favors American manufactur- from the 1990s, when GM manufactured ers, Trump is asleep at the wheel, with an electric vehicle destined for failure in the eyes of the consumer. GM’s unpopu- financial advisers like Treasury Secretary lar EV1 was a sacrificial lamb and GM’s Steve Mnuchin, economic advisers Larry ruse was featured in the 2006 documen- Kudlow and Kevin Hassett, and Com- tary, “Who Killed the Electric Car?” merce Secretary Wilbur Ross shouting Today, it is Donald Trump who wants misleading directions into his ear. to kill the new and more popular versions The loss of federal tax credits for the of the electric car. The next electric vehi- electric vehicle have already prompted cles on the tax credit chopping block are a drop-off in consumer interest. Some the Chevrolet Bolt EV and models man- states, including California, are desper- ufactured by Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Volk- ately trying to avoid a second kill-off of swagen, Volvo, Daimler, BMW, Audi, the electric car by offering tax credits at Fiat-Chrysler and Honda. the point of sale. The Trump administration’s policy While helpful, the states cannot hope on tax credits for zero-emission vehicles to make up for the loss of the federal tax is another lesson in con-artistry. While credit. The White House must wise up Trump seeks to damage the zero-emis- sion vehicle industry in the United States and do so fast. Wayne Madsen is a progressive jour- through pulling back tax incentives for potential buyers, China, the United King- nalist whose columns have been published dom, India and Norway are pushing goals by American and European newspapers.