The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 08, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page B2, Image 10

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Astoria Moose Lodge helps
Coast Guard with check for $10,345
Valentine’s Day Ball is
Feb. 16 at Elks Lodge
The Daily Astorian
The Astoria Parks and Recreation Department and the
Astoria Downtown Historic District Association invite
the community for an evening of dance and entertain-
ment at the annual Valentine’s Day Ball from 5:30 to
7 p.m. Feb. 16 at the Astoria Elks Lodge No. 180, 453
11th St.
Attendees can expect an evening filled with dance les-
sons, door prizes and professional photo opportunities.
Specialty hors d’oeuvres and nonalcoholic drinks will
also be served.
Tickets cost $5 and are available to purchase online
at, or at the door on the day of the
Free workshops for
home buyers offered
The Daily Astorian
Amy Fisher/Astoria Moose Lodge
Tracy Johnson of the Astoria Moose Lodge took the initiative to organize a fundraiser for those in the Coast Guard suffering
from the loss of their income due to the government shutdown, and presented a check for $10,345 to the Lower Columbia River
Chapter of the Chief Petty Officers Association. This was in addition to more than 1,000 pounds in food donations previously
delivered to the food pantry. Pictured, from left, Vice President Travis Marsh, Treasurer Don Primmer and President Matt Gerber
of the LCRCPOA, Mark Leonard and Tracy Johnson of the Astoria Moose Lodge, and Astoria Mayor Bruce Jones.
and speaking of the Moose Lodge ...
Bingo and dessert auction set for Sunday
The Daily Astorian
A Bingo/Dessert Auction takes
place Sunday at the Astoria Moose
Lodge, 420 17th St.
All are welcome.
The games begin at 1 p.m., and
desserts are being auctioned between
Game packets cost $10, plus there
are two special games at $1 each.
All proceeds will be used for the
upcoming Midyear Conference dona-
tions to Moose charity obligations, and
for conference expenses.
Community Action Team, a local U.S. Housing and
Urban Development approved counseling agency, is
holding two free education workshops from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. on Saturdays in February and March.
A First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, on Feb. 16,
teaches shopping for a home, financial readiness, under-
standing mortgages, the closing process and how to pro-
tect your investment.
The Financial Education Workshop, March 9, teaches
budgeting, saving, goal setting, credit management and
improving overall financial health.
Preregistration is required.
To register, call 503-325-8098 or email cindkp@cat-
Swim club sets anniversary
celebration on Sunday
The Daily Astorian
4-H — Looking for 4-H
leaders. For information, call
Sandra Carlson at the Oregon
State University Extension at
American Red Cross —
Needs registration volunteers
(donor ambassadors) in Clat-
sop County to provide cus-
tomer service and enhance
the blood donor experience.
For information, call Angela
Basurtto at 503-528-5430.
Angels for Sara Senior
Dog Sanctuary — Needs vol-
unteers to help care for elderly
dogs who are unable to stay
with their owners. Anyone
interested in fundraising, yard
maintenance, spending qual-
ity time with the dogs or foster-
ing a senior dog, short or long
term, contact Jacque Pressly at or
call 503-325-2772.
Astoria Column — 1
Coxcomb Drive. Volunteers
needed to welcome visi-
tors, provide information and
answer questions about the
Astoria Column and the city
of Astoria. For information,
call the Friends of the Asto-
ria Column Visitor Center at
Astoria Riverfront Trolley
Association — 111 W. Marine
Drive. Needs conductors/
motormen to operate trolley
and narrate points of interest.
One or more three-hour shifts
per month. For information,
call the 503-325-6311.
Astoria Senior Center
— 1111 Exchange St. To vol-
unteer, call Larry Miller at
Astoria Veteran Van
Drivers — Volunteer driv-
ers needed for the Disabled
American Veterans van for one
or more trips per month. The
van leaves Astoria at 7 a.m. for
the Portland Veterans Admin-
istration Hospital and returns
in the early afternoon. To vol-
unteer, contact Dick Lang,
Astoria DAV van coordinator,
at 503-298-8757 or dicklang@ Drivers receive
free breakfast and lunch
vouchers for the hospital can-
teen on every trip.
Astoria Warming Center
— 1076 Franklin Ave. Winter
overnight emergency shelter
for homeless persons needs
volunteers for three-hour
shifts from evening through
the night to help with wel-
coming guests, serving dinner,
cleaning the kitchen, moni-
toring the sleeping area over-
night, and closing the shel-
ter in the morning. Volunteers
also needed for weekly litter
patrols in the neighborhood.
To volunteer, email astori-
Astoria-Warrenton Area
Chamber of Commerce —
111 W. Marine Drive. Volun-
teers needed at the chamber
and for events. For informa-
tion, call 503-325-6311.
Camp Kiwanilong — A
large variety of volunteer
opportunities are available.
For information, call 503-861-
2933 or go to campkiwan-
Cannon Beach Academy
— 3781 S. Hemlock St., Can-
non Beach. Volunteers needed
for breakfast or lunch prepa-
ration and cleanup, reading
groups, math groups, lunch/
recess duty and housekeep-
ing. Shifts are 1.25 hours or
longer. For information, call
Cannon Beach Library
— 131 N. Hemlock, Cannon
Beach. Volunteers needed
for a variety of tasks and time
alphabetizing bookshelves,
covering books, doing minor
building maintenance, help-
ing with a speakers’ series, and
participating in annual book
sales and other events. For
information email info@can- or call
Caring Adults Develop-
ing Youth (CADY) Mentoring
Program — 800 Exchange St.,
second floor. Needs mentors
for youths ages 10 to 17 at risk
of school failure. Time commit-
ment: one year, about eight
hours per month. For informa-
tion, contact Laura Parker at
503-325-8601 or lparker@co.
Clatsop Animal Assis-
tance Inc. — Needs volunteers
who have a strong commit-
ment to work on behalf of the
Clatsop County Animal Shel-
ter’s dogs and cats. For infor-
mation, email info@dogsn- or call 503-861-0737.
Clatsop County Animal
Shelter — Animal care volun-
teers age 16 and older needed
for one 3-hour shift per week.
Pick up an application at 1315
S.E. 19th St., Warrenton. For
information, or to schedule
orientation, call Leslie Atkin-
son at 503-325-1000.
Action Regional Food Bank
— Volunteers needed to help
hand out fruits and vegetables
at the weekly produce pan-
tries for two hours on Thurs-
days, from April to October, in
Seaside and Warrenton. Ware-
house attendants are needed
for food packing or process-
ing, picking orders for agen-
cies, light janitorial and house-
keeping, or lawn and grounds
maintenance. Three to four-
hour shifts are available Mon-
day through Friday. To volun-
teer, call 503-861-3663.
Clatsop Community Col-
lege Outreach Literacy —
Needs volunteer literacy tutors
to work with adults, native and
non-native speakers. Training
available. For information, call
Clatsop County Pub-
lic Works — 1101 Olney Ave.
needed to remove litter two
times (minimum) per year for
two years. Safety equipment
and supplies provided. Volun-
teers must receive safety ori-
entation. For information, call
Clatsop Cruise Hosts —
Looking for volunteers to meet
and greet cruise ship passen-
gers and crew, provide infor-
mation and answer questions
about the Clatsop County
area. Ships arrive in the spring
and fall, about 20 ships each
year. Work all the ships or part
of them. For information, go to
Coast Community Radio
— Volunteers needed for a
variety of opportunities and
time commitments includ-
ing weekday front desk,
music library digital conver-
sion, graphic and sign making,
booths at farmers markets and
special events, landscaping,
and mailing parties. For infor-
mation, email janet@coastra- or call 503-325-0010.
Columbia Memorial Hos-
pital — Needs volunteers to
provide assistance to patients,
visitors and hospital staff.
Training provided. For infor-
mation, go to columbiam- To schedule an
interview, call 503-325-4321.
Columbia River Mari-
time Museum — 1792 Marine
Drive. Volunteer opportuni-
ties for those with an inter-
est in maritime history. For
information, call the volun-
teer coordinator weekdays at
Columbia Senior Diners
— 1111 Exchange St., Asto-
ria Senior Center.Volunteers
needed weekdays to serve
tables and for kitchen help. To
volunteer, call 503-325-9693.
Community Emergency
Response Team — CERT vol-
unteers needed for com-
munity events and disaster
response with local police,
fire and emergency medi-
cal service agencies. Train-
ing includes fire safety, first
aid, traffic and crowd con-
trol, communications, dam-
age survey, disaster planning
and civic events within city
limits. For information, con-
tact CERT coordinator Kenny
Hansen at khansen@astoria. or leave a voicemail at
Friends of Seaside Library
— 1131 Broadway, Seaside.
Volunteers needed to staff the
fundraising store. For informa-
tion, call 503-738-6742 or stop
by the library.
Haystack Rock Aware-
ness Program — Needs vol-
unteers for general office
assistance and to assist lead
interpreters on the beach
with signage, ropes and set up
during low tides and talking
to visitors about the rock and
the local flora and fauna. Must
pass a basic background test.
Children are always welcome;
must be supervised by a par-
ent. For information, contact
Lisa Habecker at 503-436-
8064 or habecker@ci.can-
Knappa Rural Fire Pro-
tection District — Needs
volunteer firefighters. Train-
ing provided. For information,
contact any of the active per-
sonnel or call Chief Paul Olhe-
iser at 503-458-6610.
Long-Term Care Ombuds-
man — Certified ombuds-
man volunteers advocate for
the rights, care and dignity of
the elderly and disabled liv-
ing in licensed long-term care
facilities. Many residents have
no one to watch out or speak
up for when things go wrong.
Volunteer Ombudsmen talk to
the residents, investigate com-
plaints, and work to resolve
problems. Flexible sched-
ule, four hours a week, mile-
age reimbursement available.
Training is provided. For infor-
mation, call 800-522-2602 or
go to
Lunch Buddy Mentoring
Program — Adults needed to
mentor elementary and mid-
dle school students once a
week during lunch. For infor-
mation, call (219) 331-6427 or
go to
NorthWest Senior & Dis-
ability Services — Needs
dishwashers and volunteers to
serve and clean up weekdays
at a meal site, and drivers for
Meals on Wheels. For informa-
tion, contact Candy Foster at
Providence Seaside Hos-
pital — Needs volunteer driv-
ers for Community Connec-
tions, a free program that
transports people to services
and appointments related to
health and well-being in the
Portland-Metro area. Mile-
age reimbursement available.
For information, call 503-717-
7171 or email Alana.Kujala@
Providence Seaside Hos-
pital — Needs volunteers
who enjoy meeting, interact-
ing with and helping peo-
ple. Opportunities are avail-
able in the hospital gift shop,
café, and as greeters and for
spiritual integration. For infor-
mation, call 503-717-7171 or
River Song Foundation
— Looking for people to assist
See Volunteers, b3
The North Coast Swim Club’s 20th anniversary is on
Sunday, marking two decades of turning Astoria’s youth
into competitive swimmers. An anniversary celebration
takes place at 6:30 p.m. Monday, at the Astoria Aquatic
Center. All are welcome.
Pacific Unitarian Universalist
Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fellowship services are
held at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Performing Arts Center, 588
16th St. On Sunday, Rev. Kit Ketcham’s topic is “Listen-
ing Deeply With Love.”
Religious education for the children follows the
“Moment with the Children” near the beginning of the
service. After the service, the monthly potluck lunch is
held at the Astoria Masonic Temple, 1572 Franklin Ave.
All are welcome.
Grace Episcopal
Grace Episcopal Church, 1545 Franklin Ave., is hold-
ing a “Books & Brownies & Browsing” sale from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. today and Saturday. Books of all kinds are avail-
able, as well as CDs, DVDs and art.
A soup-supper meal is offered at 4 p.m. Sunday in the
Parish Hall, free of charge. Those willing to help should
come at 3 p.m. to set up or 5 p.m. to help clean up.
The Youth Group meets at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Youth in
grades six and above are invited.
A Taizé Prayer & Song service is at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
The service consists of simple repeated chants, periods of
silence, prayers individual and communal, and the light-
ing of candles. All are welcome.
For information, call the church at 503-325-4691 or go
Astoria Church of Christ
The Astoria Church of Christ, 692 12th St., hosts guest
speaker Don Hindsley at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service.
His topic is “Muddy Shoes,” taken from Hebrews 12:1-2.
A Bible study is offered at 9:45 a.m. All are welcome.
For information, call 503-791-3235.
Bethany Free Lutheran
Bethany Free Lutheran Church, 451 34th St., hosts a
movie night at 6 p.m. Sunday. There is no cost for this
event, and free popcorn will be served. The public is wel-
come. For information, call 503-325-2925.
Al-Anon Family Groups information — Meetings in
Astoria, Clatskanie, Nehalem, Seaside and Tillamook. Sched-
ules and information at Oregon Area Al-Anon website, ore-
Alateen (Tillamook) — 4 p.m. Monday, 5012 Third St. For
information, call 503-730-5863.
Alcoholics Anonymous — To find a meeting in Clatsop
County, call 971-601-9220, in Tillamook County, call 503-739-
4856, or go to
Eating Disorders Anonymous — 1:10 to 2:10 p.m.
Wednesdays, River Zen Yoga, 399 31st St. A 12-Step program.
For information, call Susan Williams at 510-417-5553.
Men’s Sexual Purity Recovery Group — Tuesday nights.
Part of the Pure Life Alliance ( in Portland.
For information, call the confidential voice mail at 503-750-
0817 and leave a message.
Narcotics Anonymous — The Northwest Oregon Area of
Narcotics Anonymous (NWONA) holds meetings in Clatsop
County. For full schedule details, as well as upcoming special
events, call the Helpline at 503-717-3702, or go to
Overeaters Anonymous — 1 p.m. Sunday, Suzanne Elise
Assisted Living Community library, 101 Forest Drive, Seaside.
Call 503-738-0307 for information.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) (Astoria) — 5 p.m.
weigh-in, 5:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday, First Lutheran Church,
725 33rd St. For information, call Trisha Hayrynen at
TOPS (Seaside) — 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. meeting Tuesday,
North Coast Family Fellowship Church, 2245 N. Wahanna
Road. All are welcome. For information, call 509-910-0354.
TOPS (Warrenton) — 9 to 9:45 a.m. weigh-in, 10 a.m.
meeting Wednesday, First Baptist Church, 30 N.E. First St. For
information, call Marilyn Barnard 503-861-2918 or Glennys
Sherman at 503-338-8214.