A7 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2019 YOU’RE INVITED TO AN EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL EVENT! FREE Hearing Exam! Exam! $125 FREE Hearing $125 Value! Value! FREE Hearing Exam! $125 Value! February 6 - 8 9 am - 5 pm &WFOU%BUFTtBNUPQN &WFOU%BUFTtBNUPQN &WFOU%BUFTtBNUPQN th th FACTORY TRAINED PRODUCT EXPERT FREE Hearing On Site During the Special Event! During our Special Event, a factory trained product expert will be available to personally discuss the unique advantages Miracle-Ear hearing technologies offer, and to answer all of your questions. We will be previewing the latest state-of-the-art Miracle-Ear Products. "VEJP5POF 1SP &WFOU%BUFT 100% INVISIBLE Miracle-Ear"VEJP5POF 1SP ™ ™ Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian Gabriella Perez, left, attends a vigil for her grandfather, Ruben Vera Perez, who was detained by immigration agents in Astoria in December. Asylum: ‘We’re going to take it one day at a time’ Continued from Page A1 Maria Perez and her sup- porters have been working on getting Ruben Perez released on bond while his depor- tation is reviewed . Astoria Mayor Bruce Jones and for- mer Mayor Arline LaMear have written letters to the immigration court in sup- port of Perez, asking that he be brought back to the community. Jones asked the immi- gration court to consider the economic impact of remov- ing people like Ruben Perez at a time when workers are in short supply. “Mr. Perez is an example of the type of ideal employee these local employers are seeking,” Jones wrote. “Removing him from the local labor pool has not ben- efi ted the community, region or nation in any way. On the contrary, it is another blow to our local economy.” Perez’s detention has also put a local spotlight on a national controversy about U.S. Immigration and Cus- toms Enforcement arrests at or near courthouses. Many judges and civil liberties advocates, including Paula Brownhill, the presiding judge of the Clatsop County Circuit Court, have spo- ken out about these types of arrests, arguing it undermines the criminal justice system. As the family waits for a bond hearing scheduled for later this month, Maria Perez said it’s a relief to know her husband has options. “We’re going to take it one day at a time, and I’m trusting in God,” she said. In the courtroom, Maria Perez and her daughter were able to lock eyes with Ruben Perez before the hearing adjourned. A moment of brief happiness quickly turned to tears . “It felt good to see him,” Maria Perez said afterward. “But it’s hard knowing he isn’t walking out with us.” Flyer: Schaefer says he regrets the distress his actions caused Continued from Page A1 a hall of mirrors that refl ected and amplifi ed Schaefer’s own racist and homophobic sentiments until it seemed like they were everywhere. What once seemed extreme began to feel normal. “I was radicalized,” Schaefer said. Schaefer made eight rules for participants in his online forum — which, he said, did draw some interest before he took it down. He told mem- bers it was a Christian group, where participants were to refrain from posting graphic images or cursing. He dis- couraged Adolf Hitler-wor- ship, saying neo-Nazism was as offensive to him as communism. “They’re both gay,” he wrote. Schaefer said he did not want to start a hate group. Rule No. 8 was, “Racism is tolerated.” “I told them it’s not OK to hate blacks for no reason,” Schaefer told the Observer. In his view, the forum was a place where local right-wing radicals could go to “uplift” one another. “We might be racist, but we are not violent in the least,” he wrote. Social media “Social media is now a critical infrastructure ele- ment for engaging even unaffi liated extremists into the fold,” said Brian Levin, an attorney, professor at Cal- ifornia State University, San Bernardino and director for the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. “It not only ensnares big- ots, it also ensnares unstable people who become bigots,” Levin explained. Many hate groups are easily accessible through social media platforms like Twitter. “White supremacists are increasingly opting to oper- ate mainly online, where the danger of public exposure and embarrassment is far lower, where younger people tend to gather, and where it requires virtually no effort or cost to join in the conversa- "VEJP5POF ™ 1SP Now You See It. Now You Don’t! "VEJP5POF™1SP Better Hearing is Easy with the 100% Invisible "VEJP5POF™1SP CALL TODAY! LIMITED APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE "VEJP5POF™1SP Miracle-Ear Center 5P3FDFJWFUIF 5P3FDFJWFUIF 0GGFS.FOUJPO 0GGFS.FOUJPO $PEF $PEF Youngs Bay Plaza FREE FREE Hearing Hearing Exam! Exam! $125 $125 V 173 S. Hwy 101 QFSNPOUI QFSNPOUI +BO&WFOU +BO&WFOU &WFOU%BUFTtBNUPQ &WFOU%BUFTtBNUPQ Warrenton, OR 97146 (503) 836-7921 *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE FREE Hearing Exam! $125 Value! &WFOU%BUFTtBNUPQN Miracle-Ear QFSNPOUI Chinook Observer A screenshot from an online forum set up — and then taken down — by local resident Will Schaefer lays out rules for conduct. tion,” a 2016 Southern Pov- erty Law Center report said. In 2016, researchers at George Washington Univer- sity found that, in terms of Twitter-recruiting efforts, white supremacist groups were growing at a spectacu- lar rate. “American white nation- alist movements have seen their followers grow by more than 600 percent since 2012,” the study said. Levin said there is evi- dence that participation in radical online groups is con- tributing to the recent precip- itous rise in racist, homopho- bic and anti-Semitic violence in the United States. Researchers at his cen- ter found that preliminary 2018 crime statistics suggest the number of hate crimes in large cities rose for the fi fth consecutive year. According to the Anti-Defamation League, extremists killed at least 50 people, up from 37 in 2017. And while there are extrem- ists of all races and reli- gions and at both ends of the political spectrum, far-right groups appear to be growing the fastest. In 2018, “Every single extremist killing — from Pittsburgh to Parkland — had a link to right-wing extrem- ism,” a recent Anti-Defama- tion League report said. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is so concerned about internet radicalization that it launched the “Don’t Be a Puppet” campaign, which aims to teach young Center 2505 Main Ave N, Suite C "VEJP5 "VEJP Tillamook, OR 97141 5P3FDFJWFUIF 0GGFS.FOUJPO (503) 836-7926 $PEF +BO&WFOU February 6 th - 8 th "VEJP5POF 1SP 9 am - 5 pm people how to spot and ™ avoid extremist recruiting tactics, including fl yers and private *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE chat rooms. "VEJP5P "VEJP ‘A good boy’ Schaefer told the Observer he now sees that he was wrong. He says he regrets the distress his actions caused. He says he has learned his lesson — and he lost all of his friends over the incident. “The community doesn’t have to be scared of me,” he said. The consequences con- tinue to ripple, even in his own home. His mother — who had nothing to do with the project — fought back tears as she described the steps she and her hus- band took to limit the dam- age, including taking down the fl yers and website, and going to the police. “We’ve done everything we can to make it right,” she said. She defended her family, saying they are hardwork- ing, law-abiding churchgo- ers. She described her son as “a good boy” who made “a stupid mistake.” Asked if he had actu- ally been threatened over the fl yers, Schaefer said he received one message that said, “Wanna hang?” QFSNPOUI Initially, he was afraid. He thought the note meant someone wanted to lynch him. Later, he realized the person might have just been extending a friendly invitation. Don’t miss this opportunity to "VEJP5POF™1SP explore the best options for your hearing health...at prices that may not be repeated QFSNPOUI Save on one of our smallest custom digital hearing aids! 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Offer expires 2/8/2019 xx-xx-xx. *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGV *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGP 5P3FDFJWFUIF 0GGFS.FOUJPO $PEF 19FebEvent +BO&WFOU ** if you are not completely satisfied, the aids must be returned within 30 days of the completion of fitting, in satisfactory condition for a full refund ©Miracle-Ear, Inc *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE 15767ROPA/FP4C