A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2019 Washington’s wolf population Frogs under threat by climate change A new study likely larger than estimated projects extinction Two years of study using dogs By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS Associated Press The number of wolves in Washington state is likely much higher than previ- ously thought, according to a University of Washington researcher who spent two years studying the animals using scat-sniffi ng dogs. Samuel Wasser said his dogs detected 95 wolves in one area of Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, in the rural northeast corner of the state, during the 2016-17 season. That approached the total number of wolves wildlife offi cials estimated for the entire state. The state Department of Fish and Wildlife a year ago estimated Washington had a minimum of 122 wolves, grouped in at least 22 packs, and 14 successful breeding pairs. Wasser told a state Sen- ate committee last week that it’s possible the population of wolves is closer to 200 animals. State wolf managers also addressed the panel, saying Washington’s wolf popula- tion has grown on average 30 percent per year. “We are seeing a wave of recovery,” said Donny Mar- torello, head of wolf policy for the Department of Fish and Wildlife. “This is indica- tive of adequate protections, available habitat and suitable prey base.” Washington also has fewer confl icts between wolves and cattle than many other states, he told the Sen- ate Agriculture, Water, Nat- ural Resources and Parks Committee. The question of how many wolves roam the state is important because it deter- mines whether wolves are considered a protected spe- cies under state and federal law. Wolves are a state endan- gered species throughout Washington, where they were all but wiped out early in the last century but started returning from neighbor- ing Idaho and Canada after the turn of the new century. They also remain federally protected in the western two- thirds of the state, where kill- ing wolves is prohibited. According to Washing- ton’s wolf recovery plan, wolves can be delisted after 15 successful breeding pairs are documented for three consecutive years, or after offi cials document 18 breed- ing pairs in one year. Most likely, the state will document 18 breeding pairs in one year before they doc- ument 15 successful pairs over the course of three years, Martorello said. In any event, those who wish for the removal of all wolves will not get their wish, the wildlife depart- ment’s director, Kelly Suse- wind, told the committee. “Wolves are doing quite well. They’re here. They’re here to stay,” Susewind said. The return of the wolves is problematic in ranching areas because they some- times prey on livestock. To the dismay of some con- servation groups, that has prompted the state to track and kill several wolf packs in recent years. While many urban resi- dents support the return of wolves, livestock producers on the front lines — in the lightly populated northeast- ern part of the state — are wary. A state lawmaker from that rural area, where Wasser conducted his study, intro- duced a bill in the Legisla- ture to create a wolf sanctu- ary in the heavily residential Seattle suburb of Bainbridge Island. Republican state Rep. Joel Kretz’s bill was in response to the legisla- tor from Bainbridge Island introducing a bill to ban the killing of wolves. “I’m sure the gray wolves will seek to placidly co-ex- ist with the dogs, cats, horses, sheep, people and other peaceful animals of the island,” said Kretz, of Wauconda. His bill also said the state can kill wolves only after “four dogs, four cats or two children have been killed.” Wasser and his team used dogs to sniff out scat of dif- ferent animals. By analyzing the excrement, biologists can determine whether an animal is malnourished, pregnant or stressed. Wasser’s team is also looking at how wolves and smaller predators, such as coyotes and bobcats, interact. Preliminary fi ndings indicate wolves are avoiding coyotes. Preliminary analysis of the scat composition shows wolves have been eating mostly deer, followed by moose and elk. Coyotes and bobcats have been eating mostly snowshoe hares. Washington is a good place to study wolves because the animals hav- en’t spread to all areas of the state, Wasser said. Study- ing areas where wolves are not widely found, such as south of Interstate 90, and observing how the ecosys- tem responds will shed light on the interaction between wolves and other predators. The environmental group Conservation Northwest welcomed Wasser’s fi ndings on wolf numbers. “Wolf recovery is pro- gressing well in Washington,” the group said. “Despite a few high-profi le events, the rate of wolf mortality is much lower here than in Rocky Mountain states.” By ERIN ROSS Oregon Public Broadcasting The Northwest is looking at another dry, low snow- pack year. That’s bad news for the frogs, salamanders and newts that live at high elevation in Oregon and Washington state. A new study, published in University of Washington the journal Ecological Soci- ety of America, fi nds that Cascades frogs like this one face multiple threats: they’re increasing temperatures and eaten by non-native trout, and now, increasingly, they’re decreasing snowpack could losing habitat to climate change. put populations of the Cas- cades frog, Rana cascadae, the sorts of land use changes, ing them to burn calories at risk of extinction by 2080. like logging, that hurt or help that they can’t replace until The results were some- native animals. It’s also iso- snowmelt. Seventeen and 7 percent thing of a surprise to the lated, and amphibian-kill- researchers, who thought ing diseases such as chytrid may not seem like a lot, but that warmer, longer sum- fungus are rare there. The they add up. By 2080, pop- mers might actually help the results were clear: warm, dry ulations of frogs would be going extinct in 62 percent of high-elevation frogs. A lon- winters meant less frogs. ger summer would mean a Then, they combined that the scenarios they ran. And longer growing season and data with models of how spe- this was under a middle-of- more time for the frogs to cifi c watersheds and ponds the-road climate scenario, load up on insects and get were expected to change one where some progress is made on curbing emissions. ready for hibernation. because of global warming. “It started out as a That data showed that It could look a lot worse. Although this study only potential good-news cli- warmer summers had the mate story,” says ecologist biggest impact on tadpoles. looked at one species of Amanda Kissel, who was Unlike adult frogs, tadpoles frog in one location, Kis- at Simon Fraser University are fully aquatic. They have sel says the research applies in British Columbia at the gills and lack lungs, and to amphibians throughout time, and is now with Con- they can’t breathe outside of the Northwest. Salaman- servation Science Partners in water. Most of the ponds tad- ders and newts also rely Colorado. poles hatch in are seasonal on these seasonal ponds to But that good news and fed by snowmelt, so reproduce and face the same wasn’t refl ected in the data. some disappear by the end challenges. There might be a way Instead, they found that of the summer. If they dry up snow-light winters and long too soon, so do the tadpoles. to save the frogs and other summers meant drier ponds. Their model showed that 17 native amphibians from And that meant less avail- percent more tadpoles would extinction: Not all of the ability of crucial habitat for die due to pond drying by ponds in the Cascades evap- orate by the end of summer. the frogs, which are listed 2080. as “near-threatened” by the Adult frogs won’t escape, The larger lakes could serve International Union for Con- either. Adult survival is as “climate change refuges” servation of Nature. expected to decrease by 7 for the frogs, Kissel says. For 15 years, researchers percent by 2080 — and since But many of the lakes are have trekked miles through the adults lay the eggs, that also stocked with non-native the early-summer Olympics has a big impact on the total fi sh for anglers, and those snow to their study sites, population numbers. It’s fi sh eat amphibians. University scientists have where they tagged adult possible that warmer win- frogs and tracked their abun- ters could harm the frogs, been collaborating with dance. Kissel says Olym- too, and not just summers. national park offi cials to fi g- pic National Park is a per- Normally, they hibernate all ure out which lakes are best- fect place to study the effects winter and save energy. But suited to frogs, and which of climate change on frogs the warmth could tempo- lakes would be the easiest to because it’s protected from rarily wake them up, caus- remove trout from. DEL’S O.K. TIRE TAX SEASON SPECIAL 15% Off Now Apri thru l ON ALL FURNITURE Del Thompson, former owner of OK Rubber Welders. Klyde Thompson, owner of Del’s OK Tire Point S Tire and Auto Service, uses Nokian All-Weather Tires on his personal vehicles. Nokian tires offer superb handling on wet or dry summer roads and superior grip in wintry conditions. Get the best of both roads with Nokian All-Weather Tires for safety and carefree driving comfort. Over 30 years in Clatsop County! 15th YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR TIRES CUSTOM WHEELS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Over 70 years of the Thompson family putting you first! 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