A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEbRuARY 1, 2019 Pretrial: Specialist uses risk assessment tools to screen defendants Law: ‘This is a good day Continued from Page A1 program has allowed us to months. it and also realize that when final word on pretrial better identify and keep in “The quicker we resolve we have a more suitable jail release, they are often the of overcrowding, com- custody those who pose the cases, the more successful for our needs, offenders will most reluctant to take risks, for some pared to defendants who are greatest risk to the com- defendants will be on pre- also have accountability if even when the odds are screened for pretrial release, munity,” Phillips said in an trial release,” Brownhill said not willing to take the path remote. politicians’ in an email. often pose greater risk of email. of least resistance,” the sher- “Everybody hates to get committing new crimes or missing court dates. “So it’s working,” Judge Paula Brownhill, the pre- siding judge of the Circuit Court, said. Risk assessment Burdened by an over- crowded jail, and concerned that too many defendants are locked up before trial, Brownhill ordered the pre- trial release policy in Sep- tember 2017. The judge had formed a work group to come up with ideas in response to the county’s comparatively high use of state prison for drug and property crimes. The state, in an initiative known as justice reinvestment, pro- vides incentives to counties to supervise more defen- dants locally through jail and probation to help con- tain more expensive prison costs. Under the policy, a pre- trial release specialist uses risk assessment tools to screen defendants and does interviews to determine whether they have jobs, housing and relationships to tie them to the commu- nity. The specialist makes recommendations to the court at arraignment about whether defendants should be released or held in cus- tody while their cases are being resolved. When defendants are released, an alternative custody deputy monitors whether they are meeting the conditions of their free- dom, which, depending on risk, can include checking in with the sheriff’s office, drug and alcohol tests and electronic monitoring. The deputy also calls or texts them about upcoming court dates. “The jail is a finite resource and the pretrial iff said in an email. Before the policy, the New jail Brown, who took over court mostly relied on a Josh Marquis, the former from Marquis as district defendant’s criminal history district attorney, had strong attorney in January, said the when evaluating risk. “We’re taking a lot fewer philosophical disagreements county had little choice but chances with the pretrial with the court and some at to expand pretrial release release guys, because they the sheriff’s office over pre- given the overcrowded jail. can verify whether the per- trial release. He liked get- He said he would revisit son even has a place to stay, ting more information about the concept once a new jail whether the gets built in person has a Warrenton. job,” District Voters in JUSTICE REINVESTMENT Attorney Ron N o vember A pretrial release policy created in September 2017 Brown said. approved a guides whether criminal defendants get out of jail while By using a $20 million their cases are heard by the court. Here are the trends combination bond measure after the first year: of the risk to convert the Pretrial release assessment former North • 555 defendants, up from 385 under the previous condi- score, and Coast Youth tional release process information Correctional Forced release because of jail overcrowding learned from Facility into a • 324 inmates, down from 573 interviews, new jail. The the court gets jail will have Defendants who committed new crimes while on a more com- 148 beds, with pretrial release plete picture, the potential • 4.1 percent which can to expand. Failure to appear in court be import- O v e r - • 27 percent, down from 32 percent crowding ant given that at the jail in many defen- Pretrial jail population dants are Astoria makes • 70 percent, unchanged struggling it difficult for *Source: Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office with alco- the county to hol and drug experiment abuse or men- with justice defendants at arraignment, reinvestment. More space tal health issues. “So I like it. And I like but considers justice rein- will enable the county to the guys that are doing it — vestment another policy supervise more defendants they’re cops,” Brown said. misfire from Salem. locally, both by ensuring “Accountability and truth inmates serve their full sen- “We get way more informa- tion than we used to get.” in sentencing are critical val- tences and through short- Research has shown that ues in my views as a mostly term jail time for probation low- to medium-risk defen- retired prosecutor and cit- violations. dants face escalating conse- izen,” Marquis said in an But a larger jail might quences — like losing a job email. take the urgency away from or an apartment — the lon- Sheriff Tom Bergin, who pretrial release. ger they stay in jail while has also been critical of “I would say that could their cases are being heard. criminal justice reform, rec- be a risk if people want to But the risk that defendants ognizes the county is going default back to the old way will commit new crimes in the same policy direction of doing it,” Phillips said. or not show up for court as most of the state. Despite Embracing risk increases the longer they are his reservations, he trusted Circuit Court judges free before their cases are Phillips, his jail commander, and Lt. Kristen Hanthorn, and the district attorney resolved. A new criminal docket- who leads the sheriff’s office are elected, and ultimately ing system is expected to Parole and Probation Divi- accountable to voters, so speed up the process. The sion, to implement pretrial they are not immune to pub- time between arraignment release in a way that protects lic backlash when things go wrong. and the next court date will public safety. “I am comfortable with Since judges have the shrink to weeks, instead of burned,” Brown said. “’I promise I’ll come back, judge. I promise I’ll come back.’ And you got lied to.” While horrific crimes committed by defendants who were released before trial have shaken the crimi- nal justice reform movement nationally, lesser crimes can also be embarrassing. Soon after the county’s pretrial release policy took effect, The Daily Astorian highlighted the case of a young man with a drug prob- lem who faced an escape charge for running away from Warrenton police. He was released, despite a risk assessment score of 95 out of 100, after he promised the judge he would live with his mother in Seaside and return for court. Instead, he was arrested a few days later in Port- land for heroin possession. Records show he missed several court appearances in Clatsop County before finally resolving the escape charge with a guilty plea in August. He has since been convicted of felony charges of identity theft in Multnomah County. Brownhill said she does not know if the three judges on the Circuit Court will ever be entirely comfort- able with pretrial release, “but we’re moving in that direction.” “It’s easy for a judge to set bail, rather than authorize release, because then we’re not responsible if that person does commit a new crime or contact the victim,” she said. “But I’m realizing that that’s not the standard that we should be following. So that’s why I say I think we’re moving in the right direction as far as embrac- ing the risk. I’m not sure all three of us are there yet. But it’s getting easier for me.” Continued from Page A3 we are disappointed in their decision today, we continue to believe that it is very important that the decisions of the Oregon Legislature be open and trans- parent to the public,” Foote said in a statement. “Our legal chal- lenge made sure that happened.” “We are very concerned that the unique power of Ore- gon’s initiative process has been badly damaged by the actions of the Oregon Legis- lature and the court’s decision today, and we are further con- cerned that the strong sentences overwhelmingly passed by the voters in Ballot Measure 57 for repeat felony property offend- ers will continue to be reduced by the Oregon Legislature.” Josh Marquis, the former Clatsop County district attor- ney, who supported Foote’s legal challenge, said the court ruling “has the risk of putting any future voter approved mea- sure that doesn’t sit well with the majority of the moment in the Legislature, at risk. “This is a good day for some politicians and criminals, and a bad day for victims, the citizens of Oregon, and the rule of law.” State House Majority Leader Jennifer Williamson, D-Port- land, said the decision allows the Legislature to build on its plan to move away from long prison sentences and toward rehabilitative programs. “Today’s unanimous decision by the Oregon Supreme Court upholding House Bill 3078 is a very positive step forward for our state,” Williamson said. “The failed policies of the past will not hold us back from reforming our broken criminal justice system. Thanks to this ruling, we can continue to make investments in effective treat- ment programs that make our communities safer and ensure that we continue to bend the cost-curve on ballooning cor- rections budgets.” Style & Service with North America’s #1 Choice! 20 % off Select Signature Series