A4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEbRuARY 1, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager PRO-CON Is the US push to unseat Venezuelan leader Maduro the right course? Marcelo Garcia/Miraflores Presidential Press Office Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro raises his fist from an amphibious tank at the naval base in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. PRO: Maduro must go — Venezuelans deserve a functioning democracy CON: Trump’s efforts to oust Maduro are illegal, will kill more Venezuelans W W ASHINGTON — Last weekend, blocking Maduro from receiving all cash the Bank of England blocked flow derived from Venezuela’s state-owned Nicolas Maduro from withdraw- oil company — Petroleos de Venezuela or ing $1.2 billion worth of gold from a Vene- PVDA. zuelan state account. That income will be handed over to the That action followed the United King- government once the interim president dom’s decision to recognize Juan Guaido as assumes office. the interim president of Venezuela. Maduro Following U.S. recognition of Guaido, will experience similar banking troubles Venezuelan government bank accounts in elsewhere, as 52 countries — including the U.S. were placed under Guaido’s con- the majority of nations in South America, trol as well. He has established a gov- North America and Europe — now recog- ernment in exile and appointed a U.S. nize Guaido as Venezuela’s lawful leader. representative and ambassador to the Orga- That recognition matters. In the U.S. and nization of American States. all those other nations, Guaido now has the As interim president, he is responsible ability to name diplomats and handle the for leading Venezuela through a transition country’s financial affairs. and preparing for its first free and fair elec- While things go south for Maduro tion in nearly two decades. abroad, his stock is also tanking back For the U.S., it is imperative that home. His socialist regime has pil- Maduro step down. He and his cro- laged and bled the country dry. He nies have turned Venezuela into an retained his presidency last year international drug trafficking hub. only by rigging the elections. The U.S. Treasury has designated Now, anti-government protests high-ranking officials like Madu- are rocking dozens of cities in Ven- ro’s former vice president, his attor- ezuela, as millions of his country- Ana ney general and his secretary of men demand his departure. The Quintana homeland security as drug-traffick- size, scale and magnitude of these ing kingpins. demonstrations far exceed anything Accordingly, the U.S. has seized seen in Venezuela’s 20 years of $500 million in narcotics-related assets socialist misrule. from the vice president. And Maduro’s own Not every country is onboard with a nephews are serving prison sentences in democratic transition in Venezuela. Cuba, the U.S. for attempting to sell drugs to an Russia, China and Syria — as well as the Palestinian Authority and the terrorist orga- undercover DEA agent. While Venezuelans starve, Maduro’s nization Hezbollah — have strongly con- regime has enriched itself by trafficking demned calls for Maduro’s resignation. drugs throughout Latin America and into Still, the pressure is getting to Madu- the U.S., often colluding with violent car- ro’s government. Over the weekend, his tels that have left a high body count in their chief diplomats in Washington, Houston and Miami abandoned the sinking ship and trail. The regime also openly supports pledged their loyalty to Guaido. regional and international terrorist move- Despite broad bipartisan support in the ments, like Colombia’s deadly Revolu- U.S. Congress for resolving Venezuela’s crisis, certain members continue supporting tionary Armed Forces, National Libera- tion Army and Iran’s equally murderous the Maduro regime. Leftist claims of Guaido being a self-ap- Hezbollah. All three are designated as terrorist orga- pointed puppet of the U.S are inaccurate. nizations by the U.S. His interim presidency is constitutional, a Latin American security and stabil- reflection of the people’s will. Maduro’s ity is good for Latin America and good for presidency has been neither for years. the U.S. For 20 years, Venezuela’s social- Nor is it accurate to claim that U.S. pol- ist leaders have wreaked havoc in the hemi- icy aims to destroy the Venezuelan econ- sphere. The Trump administration is jus- omy. U.S. sanctions are targeted specifi- cally against regime officials for corruption, tified for mounting a pressure campaign against them. Venezuela and its people human rights abuses and narco trafficking. deserve an opportunity at freedom. The U.S. also forbids purchasing Vene- Ana Quintana is an analyst in The Her- zuelan gold, a lucrative industry for corrupt itage Foundation’s Allison Center for For- officials. eign Policy Studies, specializing in Latin The recently announced oil sanctions take things a step further. The U.S. is now American issues. ASHINGTON — If Russia, tle-known Venezuelan congressman, China and North Korea decided anointed himself after a phone call from to recognize Nancy Pelosi as Mike Pence the night before. the president of the United States, would What do the Trump administration Americans go along with that? and its allies want in Venezuela, besides I mean, the ones who don’t like the world’s largest oil reserves for Amer- Trump, think he is a real threat to the ican oil companies? country, and even not a legitimately Mostly they want power in the region, elected president? I don’t think so. But where just a few years ago left govern- Trump, his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and National Security Adviser ments who were quite friendly with Ven- John Bolton all think that the United ezuela presided over the majority of the States should be able to choose a new region. president for Venezuela. The U.S. “national security state” So does “ouster in chief” — as the lost a lot of influence in Latin America New York Times recently described him during the first decade or so of the 21st — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). And this century, and now they are taking it back. bunch has just recruited Elliot Abrams, To be sure, a large majority of Vene- who many believe should have been con- zuelans want a new government, victed as a war criminal in the 1980s, to help make their dream and there are good reasons that come true. they would. How could this go wrong? The economy has shrunk by Well we do have some 21st-cen- a record 50 percent in the last tury experience with U.S.-spon- five years, and inflation is over sored “regime change” and it Mark a million percent annually. It’s a has ranged from murderous to Weisbrot record-breaking depression com- horrific. bined with hyperinflation, and Iraq, Syria, Libya, Honduras it’s mostly the fault of the current — all have led to a lot of killing and suffering, mostly of civilians includ- government. ing children. But the U.S. has imposed harsh sanc- Many of the migrants fleeing Hon- tions to make that depression worse duras in the caravans that Trump has and make it nearly impossible to fix the recently demonized and manipulated hyperinflation. These sanctions, which politically were escaping from misery caused by the 2009 U.S.-backed military are illegal under international and prob- ably U.S. law, have killed many Vene- coup in that country. zuelans by worsening the scarcities of Not to mention the much larger wave life-saving medicines. of migrants upending European politics, most of them escaping from the mess New sanctions announced this week that the U.S. government created with its will take more billions of dollars of rev- regime change wars in the Middle East. enue and assets from the government, We can put aside the fanciful notion severely deepening the depression. More that the Trump regime change operation Venezuelans will die and others will flee in Venezuela has something to do with the country, exacerbating the Venezuelan promoting democracy. Trump is still good buddies with MBS refugee crisis. A worse scenario may unfold if the in Saudi Arabia — that’s Crown Prince regime change operation pushes Venezu- Mohammed Bin Salman or Mister Bone Saw, as he was called after his under- ela, which is still a politically polarized lings killed and chopped up a Washing- country, into civil war. ton Post journalist and U.S. resident. Isn’t it time we stopped trying to And the murderous Rodrigo Dute- choose other people’s governments and rte in the Philippines, who has killed focused on trying to clean up our own thousands in his own country; or Juan mess at home? Orlando Hernandez of Honduras, who Mark Weisbrot is co-director of stole his re-election last year in broad the Center for Economic and Policy daylight. And so on. Research in Washington, D.C., and the But President Nicolas Maduro has to go, they say. So Juan Guaido, a lit- president of Just Foreign Policy.