The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 01, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page B4, Image 12

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Continued from Page B1
Community Center, 1225 Ave-
nue A, Seaside. Cost is $1 per
regular session per person.
Players with highest and sec-
ond highest scores split the
prize. Game is designed for
players 55 and older, but all
ages are welcome.
Mahjong for Experi-
enced Players — 1 p.m.,
Astoria Senior Center, 1111
Exchange St. For information,
call 503-325-3231.
Line Dancing for Seniors
— 3 to 4:30 p.m., Astoria
Senior Center, 1111 Exchange
St. Not for beginners. For infor-
mation, call 503-325-3231.
Astoria Toastmasters —
6:30 p.m., Hotel Elliot con-
ference room, 357 12th St.
Visitors welcome. For infor-
mation, go to toastmasters.
org or call Christa Svensson at
Depression and Bipo-
lar Support Alliance — 7
to 9 p.m., Room A, Colum-
bia Memorial Hospital, 2111
Exchange St. Open to all those
diagnosed with a mood disor-
der, or have a family member
or friend diagnosed, or who
think they might have depres-
sion or bipolar disorder. For
information, contact Richard
Elfering at 503-741-7649.
Warbirds — 8 a.m., Labor
Temple Diner, 934 Duane St.
All air crew members and
maintainers welcome.
ing Group — 9:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m.,
Church, 725 33rd St. All are
welcome. Donations of mate-
rial always appreciated. For
information, call Janet Kemp
at 503-325-4268.
Do Nothing Club —
10 a.m. to noon, 24002 U
St., Ocean Park, Wash. Men’s
group. For information, call
Jack McBride at 360-665-2721.
Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m.,
Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside.
Suggested donation of $3 for
those older than 60; $6.75 for
those younger than 60. For
information, call Suzanne Bja-
ranson at 503-861-4202.
Columbia Senior Diners
— 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange
St. The cost is $6. For informa-
tion, or to have a meal deliv-
ered, call 503-325-9693.
Astoria Lions Club —
noon, Astoria Elks Lodge, 453
11th St. Prospective mem-
bers welcome. For informa-
tion, contact Charlene Larsen
at 503-325-0590.
Astoria Kiwanis Club
— noon, El Tapatio, 229 W.
Marine Drive. For informa-
tion, call Frank Spence at 503-
325-2365 or Susan Brooks at
Astoria-Warrenton Dupli-
cate Bridge Club — 12:30 to
4 p.m., Astoria Senior Center,
1111 Exchange St. Anyone
may play if they have a part-
ner; to request a bridge part-
ner, call 503-325-0029.
Bras2Moms Fitting — 1
to 3 p.m., Columbia Memo-
rial Hospital Family Birth-
ing Center, 2111 Exchange
St. Free nursing bras and/or
tanks to mothers. A $5 dona-
tion is requested, not required.
For best fi t, come for a fi t-
ting two weeks after giving
birth. Sizes subject to avail-
ability. For information, call
Art Circle — 1:45 to
3:45 p.m., CMH-OHSU Knight
Cancer Collaborative, Class-
room 128, 1905 Exchange St.
Creativity wellness/art circle
group for those living with
cancer or chronic illness with
assistance from credentialed
art therapists. Free, registra-
tion encouraged. Drop-ins
welcome. For questions, or to
register, call 503-338-4520.
North Coast La Leche
League — 5:30 to 7 p.m., Blue
Scorcher Bakery, 1493 Duane
St. Pregnant women, mothers,
babies and toddlers welcome.
For breastfeeding support, call
or text Megan Oien at 503-
440-4942 or Kestrel Gates at
503-453-3777, or send mes-
sage on “La Leche League of
Astoria” Facebook page.
Lodge No. 137 — 6:30 p.m.
dinner, 7:30 p.m. meeting, 201
N. Holladay Drive, Seaside. All
Masons and their families are
welcome. For information, call
Authentic Spiritual Con-
versations — 7 to 8:30 p.m.,
Activity Center, fi rst fl oor,
CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer
Collaborative, 1905 Exchange
St. Open dialogue about spir-
itual issues. All faiths, includ-
ing “spiritual but not religious”
welcome. For information,
or call 916-307-9790.
Warrenton Sunrise Rotary
Club — 7 a.m., Dooger’s Sea-
food & Grill, Youngs Bay Plaza,
103 S. U.S. Highway 101, War-
renton. For information, call
Moms Off ering Moms
Support Club — 9 a.m., Capt.
Gray Port of Play, 785 Alameda
Ave. For information, email
Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m.,
Astoria Senior Center, 1111
Exchange St. For information,
call 503-325-3231.
Help Ending Abusive
(HEART) — 10 to 11:30 a.m.,
The Harbor, 1361 Duane St.
Open group, covers eff ects
of domestic violence on chil-
dren, parents and other family
members; for females, those
who identify as female, any-
one in an abusive relationship,
or who knows someone who
is. For information, call Juli Hol
at 503-325-3426, ext. 103.
Wickiup Senior Lunches
— 11:30 a.m., Wickiup Grange
Hall, 92683 Svensen Mar-
ket Road. Free for those older
than 60 ($3 suggested dona-
tion), $6.75 for those younger
than age 60. For information,
call Suzanne Bjaranson at
Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m.,
Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside.
Suggested donation of $3 for
those older than 60; $6.75 for
those younger than 60. For
information, call Suzanne Bja-
ranson at 503-861-4202.
Columbia Senior Diners
— 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange
St. The cost is $6. For informa-
tion, or to have a meal deliv-
ered, call 503-325-9693.
Blood Pressure Checks
— noon to 2 p.m., Astoria
Senior Center, 1111 Exchange
St. For information, call
Sit & Stitch — 1 to 3 p.m.,
Homespun Quilts & Yarn, 108
10th St. Bring knitting, cro-
chet or other needlework proj-
ects along to this community
stitching time. All skill levels
Mahjong for Experi-
enced Players — 1:15 p.m.,
Astoria Senior Center, 1111
Exchange St. For information,
call 503-325-3231.
Beginner Line Dancing
for Seniors — 1:30 to 3 p.m.,
Astoria Senior Center, 1111
Exchange St. For information,
call 503-325-3231.
Write Astoria — 5 to
7 p.m., Astoria Library Flag
Room, 450 10th St. Free, open
forum; writers read from works
in progress, off er each other
constructive feedback.
Masonic Lodge No. 175 —
6:30 p.m. dinner, 7:30 p.m.
meeting, at 66 S.W. Fourth St.,
U.S. Coast Guard Auxil-
iary Flotilla 06-02 — 7 p.m.,
U.S. Coast Guard Cape Dis-
appointment Station mess
deck, Ilwaco, Washington.
Uniformed civilian volunteer
branch of the U.S Coast Guard.
Members learn new skills and
qualifi cations; no former mil-
itary or boating experience
needed. For information, con-
tact Della Wilson at 360-244-
7062 or wilsontekart@gmail.
Seaside Elks Lodge No.
1748 — 7:30 p.m., 324 Ave-
nue A, Seaside. For informa-
tion, call 503-738-6651 or
Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m.,
Astoria Senior Center, 1111
Exchange St. For information,
call 503-325-3231.
North Coast Republican
Women — 11:30 a.m., Astoria
Golf and Country Club, 33445
Sunset Beach Lane, Warren-
ton. For information, call 503-
738-8695 or go to
Wickiup Senior Lunches
— 11:30 a.m., Wickiup Grange
Hall, 92683 Svensen Mar-
ket Road. Free for those older
than 60 ($3 suggested dona-
tion), $6.75 for those younger
than age 60. For information,
call Suzanne Bjaranson at
Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m.,
Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside.
Suggested donation of $3 for
those older than 60; $6.75 for
those younger than 60. For
information, call Suzanne Bja-
ranson at 503-861-4202.
Columbia Senior Diners
— 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange
St. The cost is $6. For informa-
tion, or to have a meal deliv-
ered, call 503-325-9693.
Warrenton Senior Lunch
Program — noon, Warren-
ton Community Center, 170
S.W. Third St. Suggested dona-
tion of $6 for seniors and $7
for those younger than 60. For
information, or to volunteer,
call 503-861-3502 Monday or
Seaside Rotary Club —
noon, Angelina’s Pizzeria, 1815
S Roosevelt Drive, Seaside.
Lunch costs $15. All are wel-
come. For information, go to
Astoria-Warrenton Dupli-
cate Bridge Club — 12:30 to
4 p.m., Astoria Senior Center,
1111 Exchange St. Anyone
may play if they have a part-
ner; to request a bridge part-
ner, call 503-325-0029.
Art Circle — 1:45 to
3:45 p.m., CMH-OHSU Knight
Cancer Collaborative, Class-
room 128, 1905 Exchange St.
Creativity wellness/art circle
group for those living with
cancer or chronic illness with
assistance from credentialed
art therapists. Free, registra-
tion encouraged. Drop-ins
welcome. For questions, or to
register, call 503-338-4520.
Jam Session — 6:30 to
8:30 p.m., Astoria Senior Cen-
ter, 1111 Exchange St. Open
to the public. For information,
call 503-325-3231.
Lower Columbia Dan-
ish Society — 7 p.m., First
Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St.
Carla Oja speaks about her
trip to Denmark last summer.
Snacks are provided. The pub-
lic is welcome. Being or speak-
ing Danish not required; only
an interest in Danish heritage,
culture and traditions. For
questions call 503-325-2612.
AAUW Walking Group
— 9:30 a.m. Seaside Branch
of American Association of
University Women weekly
low-impact group walk, fol-
lowed by coff ee and fellow-
ship. For information, call
Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m.,
Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside.
Suggested donation of $3 for
those older than 60; $6.75 for
those younger than 60. For
information, call Suzanne Bja-
ranson at 503-861-4202.
Columbia Senior Diners
— 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange
St. The cost is $6. For informa-
tion, or to have a meal deliv-
ered, call 503-325-9693.
2018-19 | 29TH SEASON
February 12, 2019 • 6 pm
The natural evolution
of the electric grid
Community Choice Aggregation
Technology and community needs have evolved and it is time
for the next stage in the electric grid. Enter Community Choice
Aggregation, CCA for short. Under the CCA model, these public
entities allow communities to take control of their energy decisions
and implement locally driven energy projects — everything
from community solar, to EV adoption to disaster resilient micro-
grids. CCA members are seeing lower power bills and more rapid
adoption of carbon-free energy sources along with innovative
locally driven projects.
Alan Hickenbottom
Alan Hickenbloom is the Oregon Project Manager for LEAN Energy US,
the national education and advocacy organization for Community Choice
Aggregation. A native Oregonian, Alan has been an Oregon renewable
energy and clean tech entrepreneur for more than 15 years. He is a
current or former board member of Clean Energy Works Oregon,
NW Environmental Business Council, Oregon Business Association,
Build Local Alliance and the Oregon Natural Desert
Columbia Forum Sponsors:
• The Daily Astorian
• OSU Seafood Laboratory
• Cannery Pier Hotel & Spa
• Craft 3
RSVP by: February 8 at 5 p.m.
For reservations, to become a
member or be added to contact list:
Contact Kari Borgen
at 503-325-3211 x 1201
Forum to be held at
(new location):
Chef Chris Holen’s
175 14th St., Ste 100,
Foot of 12th St.
Use back-in parking
To Attend:
Members: Dinner & Lecture $25 each; Lecture only free.
Non-Members: Dinner & Lecture $35 each; Lecture only $15 each
Appetizers available at 6pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Lecture will begin after dinner.