B3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2019 ‘The Real Lewis and Clark Story’ sets auditions Saturday, Monday The Daily Astorian Auditions for the Astor Street Opry Company’s (ASOC) ninth “The Real Lewis and Clark Story, or How the Finns Discovered Astoria” take place from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday and from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the ASOC Playhouse, 129 W. Bond St. There are parts for over 26 men and women (ages 17 and older) who can carry a tune and do a little side step. The parts available include: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, Ole and Sven the Brew Mas- Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Sale ters, Mama Svenson and her girls, Jaynie Barnes, Capt. Bobby Gray, barkeeps and wenches, a master of cer- emonies, and the Corps of Discovery. The show opens March 29 and runs through April 20. Tickets are available at asocplay.com Tiny Hearing Aids On sale for a limited time! Tiny H Shipwreck conference set for Feb. 9 Tiny H The Daily Astorian The Maritime Archae- ological Society (MAS) and the Columbia River Maritime Museum have announced the 2019 Colum- bia River Shipwreck Con- ference, at 9 a.m. Feb. 9, at the museum, 1792 Marine Drive. The event is free and open to the public. A variety of speakers present topics on shipwreck Tiny research and discover- ies from the Pacifi c North- west and around the world. The keynote speaker is archaeologist Dennis Grif- fi n, who discusses the chal- lenges of fi nding shipwrecks in Oregon including their legal, regulatory and ethical implications. The afternoon session includes a panel discussion of the Beeswax Wreck. The panel lineup includes: Cam- Tiny H Tiny Super Saturday Workshop hosted by 4-H is open to all The Daily Astorian A free Super Satur- day Workshop, open to all 4-H and non-4-H youth, takes place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Clatsop County Fairgrounds. A fun-fi lled day is planned doing hands-on activities while learning at the same time and seeing what 4-H has to offer for youth throughout Clatsop County. Youths ages 5 to 8 can do various crafts, games and art projects to take home. Youths ages 9-19 can attend classes including shotgun, archery, baking, dogs, arts and crafts, science, hand Volunteers, from B2 Providence Seaside Hos- pital — Needs volunteer driv- ers for Community Connec- tions, a free program that transports people to services and appointments related to spinning and more. Children should dress in layers and wear warm and comfortable shoes for cold, wet weather and physi- cal activities, as there will be some activities held outside. In lieu of admission fees, donations of nonperishable food for the Clatsop County Food Bank are requested. Bring a lunch, or lunch is available for $5. Every- one who wants the $5 lunch must RVSP by Wednesday; youths 5 to 8 need to RSVP to attend the event because there are limited spaces. For information, call Jared Delay at 503-325-8573. health and well-being in the Portland-Metro area. Mile- age reimbursement available. For information, call 503-717- 7171 or email Alana.Kujala@ providence.org Providence Seaside Hos- pital — Needs volunteers Astoria Visual Arts offers free books and more A Tiny Digital technology delivers theclearest, most accurate sound quality available in hearing aids! ** A eron La Follette, researcher and co-author of the Ore- gon Historical Quarterly special issue on Oregon’s Manila Galleon; Scott Wil- liams, director of the Bees- wax Wreck Project; Chris Dewey, MAS president; and Griffi n. For information, go to maritimearchaeological.org/ events or email info@mari- timearchaeological.org 2 H f Hearing Aids Tiny 2 SALE ENDS 2/8/19 for as low as A time! H Tiny delivers sound Tiny 2 Hearing Aids for as low as 28! $ 2 Hearing Aids for as low as per month † ** A The Daily Astorian free Astoria Visual Arts (AVA) is doing an early spring cleaning of select books, fashion and sundries. The items are offered free to the public. The giveaway rums from noon to 5 p.m. today and Saturday in the AVA Gallery, 1000 Duane St. services! FREE ear canal * inspections 'PSBMJNJUFEUJNF Attention hearing aid wearers: FREE hearing tests * Reveats if and where you need hearing assistance and is recommended for everyone over 50 years otd. Sometimes it’s nothing more than excessive earwax. We use our state-of- the art Video Otoscope to took inside your ear canat. You can watch on a video monitor as it happens. 5. If you already wear a hearing aid (any make or model), we can help you, too! Our FREE computerized analysis and tune-up help keep your hearing aid working its best. ** 3FDFJWF "VEJP5POF 1SP )FBSJOHBJET /PX0OMZ Fully Digital Hearing /PX0OMZ Aid 'PSBMJNJUFEUJNFPOMZ 3FDFJWF "VEJP5POF 5. 1SP )FBSJOHBJET who enjoy meeting, interact- ing with and helping people. Opportunities available in the hospital gift shop, café, and as greeters and for spiritual inte- gration. For information, call 503-717-7171 or email Alana. Kujala@providence.org 'PSBMJNJUFEUJNFPOMZ 3FDFJWF "VEJP5POF 5. 1SP )FBSJOHBJET 'PSBMJN 3FDFJWF "VEJP5P )FBSJOH Many Styles Available! /P /PX0OMZ DON’T WAIT! H JOUFSFTUGPSNPOUIT NVTURVBMJGZXJUI)FBMUIJ1MBO¥1BUJFOU'JOBODJOH 5P3FDFJWFUIF0GGFS.FOUJPO$PEF H *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE +BO 'PSBMJNJUFEUJNFPOMZ 3FDFJWF Trusted Trusted for Over 70 for Years Over 70 Years 5. Tiny H 1SP A "VEJP5POF 2 Hearing Aids for as low as )FBSJOHBJET JOUFSFTUGPSNPOUIT NVTURVBMJGZXJUI)FBMUIJ1MBO¥1BUJFOU'JOBODJOH *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE 28! $ Tiny /PX0OMZ per month † H JOUFSFTUGPSNPOUIT NVTURVBMJGZXJUI)FBMUIJ1MBO¥1BUJFOU'JOBODJOH *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE 5P3FDFJWFUIF0GGFS.FOUJPO$PEF H JOUFSFTUGPSNPOUIT NVTURVBMJGZXJUI)FBMUIJ1MBO¥1BUJFOU'JOBODJOH *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE +BO Trusted for Over 70 Years Trusted for Over LIMITED-TIME 70 Years OFFER. CALL TODAY! Get Heart Smart Miracle-Ear Center Youngs Bay Plaza 173 S. Hwy 101 Warrenton, OR 97146 (503) 836-7921 February is American Heart Month and CMH reminds you to focus on your heart. Here are three heart- friendly actions you can take today. 1. Be active. Escape the rainy, cold weather by moving your exercise routine indoors. H 2. Mind your food. Skip high-sodium packaged JOUFSFTUGPSNPOUIT NVTURVBMJGZXJUI)FBMUIJ1MBO¥1BUJFOU'JOBODJOH foods and choose fresh, low-salt foods like fresh *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE or frozen fruits and veggies. /PX0OMZ Miracle-Ear Center +BO Trusted for Over 70 Years 3. Invite a friend. Your mood impacts your heart health, so reach out to friends, family and healthcare providers, if you are feeling blue. 'PSBMJNJUFEUJNFPOMZ 3FDFJWF "VEJP5POF 5. 1SP )FBSJOHBJET 5P3FDFJWFUIF0GGFS.FOUJPO$PEF 2505 Main Ave N, Suite C Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 836-7926 CMH is here to help you make new, heart-healthy habits. Join a class or support group. columbiamemorial.org/events/ 2111 Exchange St., Astoria, Oregon • 503-325-4321 www.columbiamemorial.org • A Planetree-Designated Hospital *Our hearing test and video otoscopic inspection are always free. Hearing test is an audiometric test to determine proper amplification needs only. These are not medical exams or diagnoses nor are they intended to replace a physician’s care. If you suspect a medical problem, please seek treatment from your doctor. **Hearing aids do not restore natural hearinH. Individual experiences vary depending on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of evaluation, proper fit and ability to adapt to amplification. Only your Miracle-Ear ® representative can determine which model and options may be right for you. †$28 per month. Calculated at JOUFSFTUGPSNPOUIT NVTURVBMJGZXJUI)FBMUIJ1MBO¥1BUJFOU'JOBODJOH *GZPVBSFOPUDPNQMFUFMZTBUJTGJFE UIFBJETNVTUCFSFUVSOFEXJUIJOEBZTPGUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGGJUUJOH JOTBUJTGBDUPSZDPOEJUJPOGPSBGVMMSFGVOE ©2010 Miracle-Ear, Inc. Trusted for Over 70 Years 5P3FDFJWFUIF0GGFS.FOUJPO$PEF +BO 19FEB28 13769ROPA_FP_4c