Perfect Proposal THE KATIA HADJ HAMOU AND JOSH MINOR WEDDING STORY BY PATTY HARDIN K atia Hadj Hamou and Josh Minor got married April 14, 2018, on the Oregon coast. The rain stopped for their ceremony and although Katia lost her vows, it turns she didn’t miss anything of the words she had written. She found the vows the next morning. Sometimes careers play a role in how two people meet. So it was for Katia Hadj-Hamou and Josh Minor. Katia was 2 months out of training and working at Station 4, downtown Portland, near PSU. Josh was 6 years in, also working downtown, by the Burnside Bridge. Attending the Pendleton Roundup Rodeo is a fire station tradition. “The guys at my station invited me to join them,” Katia said. “I was supposed to ride out there with a guy from my station when I was informed that Josh Minor was going to pick me up. I was nervous at the thought of spending a 5-hour drive with a stranger, but figured it was just a chance to meet another co-worker. “Well, we drove out there, stopped for breakfast on the way, and were together the rest of the weekend and pretty much every day since. The proposal was made of romance and touches of unintentional sabotage. “Josh bought us tickets to Maui as a Christmas gift and we went in February,” Katia said. “I literally had no idea it was going to happen. We had talked about forever, but I just wasn’t thinking about marriage or anything. Forever was all I cared about. “Come to find out, Josh had a few other plans that I unknowingly tried to sabotage. The morning of February 24th we went to watch the sunrise at Haleakala. We about froze; it’s 10,000 feet in elevation, but so beautiful. The proposal didn’t happen there. “We did the road to Hana in search of the “7 Sacred Pools”; we didn’t find them. “Last plan of the day was Hamoa Bay, near Hana. We parked, Josh grabbed his GoPro that he had been doing all trip, at which point I had had enough of it. I tried to tell him to stop being a tourist and leave it in the car, but he persisted, telling me he wanted to “video the waves” and thankfully I believed him.” “All was going to plan,” Josh said, “but Katia had one final attempt at unintentional sabotage.” Josh set up the GoPro to record the proposal, him on one knee, on the beach. “As we walked toward the water, Josh ready to propose, I turned and yelled, “Let’s go jump in the waves,” Katia said. The proposal ended up happening in the water, as Josh didn’t want to lose the ring in the ocean. “And it was perfect!” Katia said. “We had a trip a few weeks after getting married. Katia’s friend Kasha got married May 4 in Cabo, Mexico,” Josh said. “We went and enjoyed that as a relaxing post-wedding trip, but we haven’t planned our actual honeymoon yet. The plan is to save up and eventually go to the Maldives.” The proposal was made of romance and touches of unintentional sabotage. 20 OUR COAST WEDDINGS 2019 PHOTOS BY DON FRANK