10 // COASTWEEKEND.COM THuRSDAy, JANuARy 31, 2019 // 11 ON YOUR PHONE COA S T W E E K E N D C A L E N DA R Friday, Feb. 1 Check out the Coast Weekend calendar, and other great content at CoastWeekend.com Thursday, Feb. 7 Saturday, Feb. 2 The Wreck of the Emily Reed 4 p.m., Cannon Beach History Center & Muse- um, 1387 South Spruce St., Cannon Beach. For more information visit cbhistory.org, or call 503-436-9301. Oregon historian Don Best has spent a lifetime researching and un- derstanding the history of the area and has become a known authority on the wreck of the Emily Reed. √ The remains of the Emily Reed. Thursday, Jan. 31 History and Hops 6 p.m., Seaside Brewing Co., 851 Broadway, Seaside. For more information, visit sea- sideoregonmuseum. com or call 503-738- 7065. Jerry Sutherland presents “Clatsop Pio- neers Building Ships.” Ales & Ideas 7 p.m. Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria. For more information, visit tinyto- berfest.com, or call 503-325- 7468. “White Ally-Ship in Close Knit Communities” explores what it means to be a white ally, especially in close-knit, rural communities? √ Tiffany Boothe/Seaside Aquarium A volunteer helps pick up trash along the beach. Treasure the Beach; Beach Cleanup 9 a.m., Seashore Inn on the Beach, 60 N. Prom, Seaside. Visit www. cityofseaside.us or call 503-738-5511. Help clean the beach on the first Saturday of each month. Thursday Lecture: Oregon Brewshed Alliance 7 p.m. Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria. For more information, visit tinytoberfest.com or call 503-325-7468. Oregon Wild, Oregon Brewshed Alliance and others will present. Still-life Painting With Kristen Flemming 11 a.m., Sou’wester Lodge, 728 J Place, Seaview, Wash. Visit www.souwesterlodge. com or call 360-642-2542. Port- land-based painter Kristen Flem- ington leads a painting workshop exploring the fundamentals of still-life painting. Supplies will be provided, but you can bring your own, if you wish. √ Submitted photo Coast Week- end welcomes comments and contributions Artist reception 2 p.m., Trail’s End Art Asso- ciation & Gallery, 656 A St., Gearhart. For more informa- tion, visit www.trailsendart.org, or call 503-717-9458. Featured artist Liesa West is the guest of honor. √ One of the many activities conducted by the Haystack Rock Awareness Project. Haystack Rock Awareness Program Low tide, near Haystack Rock. Join the program on the beach, daily during low tide through the end of October. The com- plete beach schedule can be found at www.ci.cannon-beach.or.us/HRAP). from readers. New items for publication con- sideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. Community Garden Season 9 a.m. Alder Creek Farm, 35955 underhill Lane, Nehalem. www. nehalemtrust.org or 503-368-3203. Grow organic food for home and to share with the community. √ “The Vagina Monologues” 7 p.m. Clatsop Community College’s Royal Nebeker Gallery, 1651 Lexington Ave, Astoria. clatsopcc.edu or 503- 325-0910. “An Obie √ √ Award-winning whirl- wind tour of a forbid- den zone, ‘The Vagina Monologues’ introduces a wildly divergent gath- ering of female voices, including a 6-year-old girl, a septuagenarian, a vagina workshop Coast Weekend editor suggested events participant, a woman who witnesses the birth of her granddaughter, a Bosnian survivor of rape and a feminist happy to have found a man who “liked to look at it” (eveensler.org). ”Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike” 7:30 p.m., Coaster The- atre Playhouse, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. Learn more at coastertheatre.com or call (503) 436-1242. Winner of the 2013 Tony Award for Best Play, the comedy was written by Christopher Durang, who incor- porated references from Anton Chekhov’s plays. Sunday, Feb. 3 Astoria International Film Festival 2 p.m. Liberty Theatre, 1203 Com- mercial St., Astoria. For more infor- mation, call 503-325-9522. “A Star Is Born” (With Julie Garland) as an alternative to Super Bowl Sunday. Time wrote Garland “gives what is just about the greatest one-woman show in modern movie history.” Bonsai! Small Talk About Tiny Trees 6 p.m., Astoria Public Library, 450 10th St., Astoria. For more informa- tion, visit astorialibrary.org or call 503-325-7323. Alan Taft of the Bon- sai Society of Portland will share his knowledge and joy of bonsai. “The Vagina Monologues” 7 p.m. Clatsop Community College’s Royal Nebeker Gallery, 1651 Lexing- ton Ave, Astoria. clatsopcc.edu or 503-325-0910. ”Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre Play- house, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. Learn more at coasterthe- atre.com or call 503-436-1242. Tuesday, Feb. 5 Past to Present Lecture Series 10:30 a.m., Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, OR. For more information, visit crmm. org, or call 503-325-2323. “From the Midwest to the Coast” with Capt. Len Tumbarello, director of seamanship at Tongue Point Job Corps Center √ “Vulnerable to Love and Loss” by Drea Frost of Cannon Beach. Au Naturel: “The Nude in the 21st Century” 6 p.m., Clatsop Community College’s Royal Nebeker Art Gallery, 1799 Lexington Ave. The 13th annual international juried exhibit Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century will be on display through March 14. A community reception is at 6 p.m.