THURsdAy, JANUARy 31, 2019 // 5 IN THE COLUMBIA-PACIFIC REGION Saturday, Feb. 2 Thursday, Jan. 31 Open Mic Thursdays 7 p.m., Crown Alley Irish Pub, 21712 Pacific Way, Ocean Park, Wash. 360- 777-3716. Bring your instrument and sing some songs. Friday, Feb. 1 Umphy 7 p.m., Public Coast Brewing Co., 264 E. Third st., Cannon Beach. 503-436-0285. “Uplifting and carefree music filled with groove and soul.” No cover. Buzz Rogowski 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 503-325-6777. Piano music. Maggie & the Katz 6:30 p.m. sweet Basil’s Cafe, 271 N. Hemlock st., Cannon Beach. 503- 436-1539. Blues, soul and rhythm- n-blues. No cover. Saturday, Feb. 2 the groovez ANd the beardz!” Sunday, Feb. 3 Julie Smith 11:30 a.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 503-325-6777. smith on the piano. Skadi 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 03-325-6777. skadi on piano. The Mutineers 8 p.m., Fort George Brewery, 1483 duane st., Astoria. 503-325-7468. The Mutineers live show delivers Americana, folk and good old-fash- ioned bar rock. Monday, Feb. 4 David Drury 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 503-325-6777. Jazz gui- tarist plays wide variety of music. Skadi 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 03-325-6777. skadi on piano. Tom Grant and Shelley Rudolph 6 p.m., Astoria Golf & Country Club, 33445 sunset Beach Road, Warren- ton. 503-861-2211. Tom Grant and shelly Rudolph make their joyful music. RJ Marx and John Orr will open with a jazz set. Buzz Rogowski 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 503-325-6777. Compli- mentary piano music. Bar-K Buckaroos 6 p.m., sweet Basil’s Cafe, 271 N. Hemlock st., Cannon Beach. 503- 436-1539. The Bar-K Buckaroos play Western swing. Maita Plus New Victorian 8 p.m., sou’Wester Lodge, 728 J Place, seaview, Wash. 360-642- 2542. Indie-folk sound. Paradox 9 p.m., san dune Pub, 127 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. 503-368-5080. Classic rock, dance tunes from the ’60s to the ’90s, and alternative rock. Beardz II Men 10 p.m., Labor Temple Bar, 934 duane st., Astoria. 503-325-0801. Group says it will “bring the beatz, powered by MORE MUSIC cw/music Wednesday, Feb. 6 Victoria Kingsbury 7 p.m., Labor Temple Bar, 934 duane st., Astoria. 503-325-0801. Rock, folk, blues and jam. Bring an instrument (or use one of theirs.) Bands welcome. Thursday, Feb. 7 Basin Street NW 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin st., Astoria. 503-325-6777. Jazz duo. Indie Rock Show 9 p.m., Labor Temple Bar, 934 duane st., Astoria. 503-325-0801. Hutch Harris (The Thermals), with opening artists Andrew Kaffer, (of the band stuffed shirts) and serious River song Catalogue (Will Elias). music fi rst