A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, JANuARY 30, 2019 Unusual wedding gift request Dear Annie: I just received asked friends and family to an invitation to a wedding that contribute toward travel, some- I’ve been told will be lavish. thing they’re both passionate The woman is in her 50s, and about. That seems blameless the man is in his 60s, and they enough to me. As for their having have been together DEAR already been to this des- for over a decade, so ANNIE tination and their being they have requested financially secure, lav- no gifts other than ish weddings have a way monetary contribu- tions to their hon- of setting people back a eymoon. They have bit. I’m sure they would traveled extensively, appreciate the help including to the hon- swinging a vacation at eymoon destina- ANNIE LANE the moment, even if they Creators tion. Is their request don’t necessarily need it. Syndicate Inc. tacky, or am I just Dear Annie: I was living in the past? a preschool teacher for — Wondering 25 years. With all the terri- Dear Wondering: Though ble behaviors in the world, I’d asking for cash gifts toward like people to know that babies a honeymoon fund was once as young as 9 months can be considered tacky, it’s becom- taught to imitate sounds and ing more and more common, actions, so let’s have them imi- especially among young peo- tate politeness. Tell children to ple. Market research firm Har- say please. Do it every chance ris Interactive found in 2018 you get and pretty soon they that 72 percent of millenni- will echo it. It may come out als prefer spending money on as only “peas” because kids’ experiences to material things. tongues and mouths aren’t Though your friends aren’t ready to say blends (two con- millennials, they are at a point sonants together) until a few in life when they most likely years later. Tell them to say have all the household things thank you, too — for instance, they need. So instead, they’ve whenever they get a cookie. Again, it may sound like “ank-oo,” but they know the meaning. Same with “excuse me.” If you bump them acci- dentally, say, “Excuse me.” They will imitate you. Children can learn these courtesies before age 2 and use them for a lifetime. I was a teacher of those who learned these words at home and those who didn’t. Guess who started all the fights! — Make the World a Better Place Dear Make the World a Better Place: It’s never too early to start modeling good behavior for children. Thank you for this letter. Dear Annie: This is in regard to the letter from “Stu- pid Senior,” who broke up with a cheater and soon after found out that she has HPV. You missed an important teach- ing moment in your response. Before becoming intimate, both parties should be checked for STDs and use condoms until they have agreed to be monogamous. — K.F. Dear K.F.: You’re right that I missed a teaching moment there. I appreciate your step- ping up with the lesson. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). While “I’ll know it when I see it” is a fine enough guiding principle for a solo artist, groups need a more specific set of rules to go by. A good leader will think it over and spell it out. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Does it please you to know that someone is working hard to impress you? It’s flattering, to say the least, although you must also realize that this has a lot to do with what the individual is projecting onto you. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When it doesn’t work, an explanation for what went wrong is a nice thing to have. Also, it’s a luxury. You don’t get it every time, nor would you want to come up with it every time. To shrug and walk on ... that’s grace, too. CANCER (June 22-July 22). There are people you know who have to, in order to survive and act normal, do things you would consider rather strange. Your ability to accept this will be the key to this day going smoothly. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A very strong bond is built one fiber at a time. And if you want to get microscopic about it it, this happens on a cellular level. Small things, repeated ... this is the theme. This is the glue that will bond you to your goal. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Working people of- ten have less leisure time than others. Since time is the most precious commodity we have, it does make one think about the work worth doing, and the work not worth doing. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When things go wrong, it may be circumstances that cause it, but as a responsible person you’re always trying to assess which circumstances you can control and which you can’t. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your attention is worth something. You can’t afford to give it away willy-nilly. And you won’t. You won’t click on nonsense or sit through what doesn’t interest you. You won’t look into drama. You’ll keep your nose clean. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll be dealing with new people whose sensibilities may surprise you. Like a masseuse working on a new client, the best way to learn what pressure to use is to ask. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Are you thinking big enough? It will be impossible to detect from where you are. It will take an outsider to assess the situation. Who can you bounce your ideas off of? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). A mystery is a thrill. And if the mystery seems like it might actu- ally be safe, all the more exciting — to be thrilled and not killed, that’s the entertainment sweet spot on which books, movies and roller-coaster rides are predicated. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You relate to some- one who is solving things and that’s because you are also a part of the solution. Get right in there and give your ideas. You are feeling this way for a reason. Don’t wait for permission; just go. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 31). You’ll invest yourself before others realize this is a successful channel. You’re not expecting quick results. You take pleasure in the the slow, steady building of something you believe in. More highlights: a sacrifice allows for astounding beauty, you’ll live as others do (an eye-opener), and you’ll pursue exceptional love. Capricorn and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 2, 22 and 18.