A8 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2019 B USINESS DIRECTORY BUDGE T AD $ P lace yo u r ad to d ay | w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m Kenmore Glasstop Oven Like new! Tree Service (503) 791-0 7 67 Dump Truck & Excavating bigbystreeservice.com K IN N EY & SO N S’ BO N DED • IN SU RED C C B#158562 • PN -6716A • PN -6848A B IGBY ’ S TREE SERVICE Proudly supports Assistance League Operation School Bell DUM P TRUCK IN G & EX CAVATIN G SEPTIC SY STEM S • SITE W O RK • U TILITIES • DRIVEW AY S DRAIN AG E • RO CK • DEM O LITIO N • PO LE B U ILDIN G S RESIDEN TIAL CO N STRU CTIO N TREE REM O VAL • CLEAN SAN D Steve Kinney H. 503-458-5458 C. 503-791-3481 Low Ra tes • Pruning • Stum p G rinding • Rem oval • 60’ Bucket Truck Nate Kinney W eekend C. 503-468-2582 Deliveries 91569 George Hill Rd., Astoria, OR 97103 CCB#186315 Wrecking & Recycling Electric Services Astoria Auto Wrecking-Recycling Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm & Sat. 9am-5pm Buying any kind of Metal! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Appliances • Farm Scrap • Fencing • Water Heaters • Copper • Copper Wire • Brass • Aluminum • Batteries • Stainless Steel • Lead • Computer Towers & More! Parts Department Now Open! For your electrical needs, call 1715 EXCHANGE ST. ASTORIA 503.325.5501 www.wadsworthelectric.com Questions? Call us at: 503-325-8855 Fax 503.325.2321 360-749-2820 (Washington) 34522 HWY. 101 BUSINESS, ASTORIA, OR 97103 WADSWE*916L9 CCB#2404 We Also Buy Vehicles With Proper Paperwork! Auto Tree Service Mark’s Auto Service Care for your Trees LUKE COLVIN JON FAGERLAND ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST PN#6331A ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST PN#7059A C ertified A rborist e vAluAtion Insured and Bonded CCB#171855 WA#ARBORCI909RW N OW O FFERING E POXY /K EVLAR SPRAY IN BEDLINERS FOR PICKUPS P RICES S TART A T $ 450 DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE TRUCK BED 503.738.4261 1570 Lewis & Clark Rd, Suite B, Seaside (Across from Clean Sweep Maintenance) 503-791-0853 www.arborcarenw.com Septic Cleaning Flooring CCB# 205283 ED’s Septic Tank Cleaning Service LLC Licensed and Bonded/Serving Clatsop County Since 1968 Paul McDonald Cell: 503-741-6484 | Office: 503-458-6521 eds_septic@yahoo.com www.edsseptictankcleaningservice.com Luxury vinyl planks and tile. you walk on our reputation Flooring Installation 50 years 3470 Hwy 101 Suite 102 • Gearhart, Oregon 503.739.7577 • carpetcornergearhart.com Serving: Oregon-Clatsop and Columbia Counties Washington-Pacific County “A straight flush beats a full house every time!!” Tree Service Electric Services Quality Work at Affordable Rates • New Construction • Remodels • Panel Changes & Upgrades • Add Circuits or Lighting • Generators Call us for your next electrical project! • Repairs 503-739-7145 712 S. Holladay Seaside, OR Monday-Friday: 8 am -5 pm www.jjelectricservice.com HIGH CLIMBING DANGER TREES PRUNING STUMP GRINDING JUSTIN J. DAY   F REE E STIMATES (503) 338-5780 Warrenton, Oregon  Licensed  Bonded  Insured  CCB# 214256  WA#QUALITR831PO Jewelry Loop-Jacobsen Jewelers, Inc. Carpet A family owned and operated jewelry store since 1919 W O O D R EFIN IS HIN G W E M AKE Y O UR O LD FLO O R LO O K N EW ! O DO R & DUS T FREE! Black Hills Gold Mt. St. Helens Jewelry Local Charms Silver & Gold Frank’s Custom made Jewelry Men’s money Clips, Tie Tacks, ect. (503) 325-6181 Astoria, Oregon 1360 Commercial Pet Grooming W EEKDAY S 9AM TILL 5:30PM • S ATUR DAY 9AM -4PM CA RPET • HA RDW O O D LA M INA TE TILE • NA TURA L S TO NE VINYL • W INDO W FA S HIO NS 105 B S TR EET | W ES T R AIN IER , O R PHO N E (503) 556- 0171 | TO LL- FR EE (800) 886- 0171 Check ou r ou r n ew w ebs ite! W A Lic CO LUM RF29 LQ N w w w .ca rpeto n era in ier.co m O R 114 Celebrating New Ownership, New look, New Atmosphere. Nails walk-ins welcome $10 and up 3162 Marine Dr. • Astoria 503.325.5024 $250 OBO Old Oak Teachers Desk - $25 - (503)325-2555 (503)440-7013 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices AB7015 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE T.S. No.: OR-18-839192-BB Ref- erence is made to that certain deed made by, FRANK J. MILLER Jr. as Grantor to PACIFIC TITLE COMPANY, as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FINANCE OF AMERICA MORTGAGE LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, dated 1/13/2017, recorded 1/17/2017, in official records of CLATSOP County, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. and/or as fee/file/instru- ment/microfilm reception number 201700403 and subsequently assigned or transferred by operation of law to MidFirst Bank cov- ering the following described real property situated in said County, and State. APN: 13494 61022CD00925 THE NORTH 120 FEET OF LOT 61, OF SEASIDE HEIGHTS, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTH 20 FEET THEREOF, IN THE CITY OF SEASIDE, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 24, 1923 IN BOOK 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 35, RECORDS OF CLATSOP COUNTY, OREGON. Com- monly known as: 1783 SPRUCE DR, SEASIDE, OR 97138 The undersigned hereby certifies that based upon business records there are no known written assignments of the trust deed by the trustee or by the beneficiary and no appointments of a successor trustee have been made, except as recorded in the records of the county or counties in which the above described real property is situated. Further, no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the trust deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been re- corded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. There is a default by grantor or other person owing an obligation, performance of which is secured by the trust deed, or by the suc- cessor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which autho- rize sale in the event of such provision. The default for which fore- closure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $32,713.34 TOTAL RE- QUIRED TO PAYOFF: $280,501.39 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be neces- sary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender rein- statement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. By reason of the default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation se- cured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to- wit: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 5/1/2017, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on se- nior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee’s fees, and any at- torney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, in- cluding all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Whereof, notice hereby is given that QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON, the undersigned trustee will on 3/20/2019 at the hour of 1:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, At the Front Entrance to the Clatsop County Courthouse, located at 749 Commercial Street, Astoria, OR 97103 County of CLATSOP, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and ex- penses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. No- tice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such por- tion of said principal as would not then be due had no default oc- curred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Other than as shown of record, neither the beneficiary nor the trustee has any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove described subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the trust deed, or of any successor in interest to grantor or of any lessee or other person in possession of or occupying the property, except: Name and Last Known Address and Nature of Right, Lien or Inter- est FRANK MILLER Jr. 1783 SPRUCE DR SEASIDE, OR 971380000 Original Borrower For Sale Information Call: 800- 280-2832 or Login to: www.auction.com In construing this no- tice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any successor in interest to this grantor as well as any other per- son owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee’s deed has been issued by QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON. If any irregularities are discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer’s money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to con- vey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Ben- eficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previ- ously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be sub- mitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trust- ee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before de- ciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY HAVE CERTAIN PROTECTIONS AFFFORDED TO THEM UNDER ORS 86.782 AND POSSIBLY UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE OF SALE, AND INCORPO- RATED HEREIN, IS A NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT SETS FORTH SOME OF THE PROTECTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO A TENANT OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY AND WHICH SETS FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BY ANY TENANT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORDED PROTECTION, AS REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771. TS No: OR-18-839192-BB Dated: 11/9/2018 Quality Loan Service Corporation of Washington, as Trustee Signa- ture By: Christine Summerson, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington C/O Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 108 1st Ave South, Suite 202, Seat- tle, WA 98104 Toll Free: (866) 925-0241 IDSPub #0147256 1/8/2019 1/15/2019 1/22/2019 1/29/2019 Published: January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, 2019.