The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 25, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page C3, Image 15

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Problems with kid’s father
Dear Annie: There is an ble. He gave you the gift of a
issue that has been going beautiful child. If your fiancé
on for quite some time now, has a problem with that, just
and I don’t know what to explain to him that your son
do. I have a child who is 2, and his well-being come
and his father treats me as first and that being polite to
if I were the biggest
his father will help
piece of garbage. So
you and your fiancé
we split up. The good
get closer to your
news is that I have a
fiancé who treats me
Dear Annie:
and my son like gold.
We have a close
The problem is that
friend who always
I don’t speak to the
blows her nose
father of my child
vehemently at the
because of the way he ANNIE LANE dinner table at least
treats me and because
several times while
Syndicate Inc.
my fiancé has an
we are eating. Is
issue with it. My ex’s
mother has my son, and I am dinner behavior, or should
currently fighting for cus- we ask her nicely to excuse
tody. Should I be speaking to herself when she needs to
only her about my child, or clean her sinuses?
should I be speaking to the
We really need your
father, as well? Please help advice, as other guests are
me out with this. — Con- also repulsed. — Handker-
chief Mary
fused Mom
Dear Confused Mom:
Congratulations on finding Mary: First off, I’m assum-
someone who treats you and ing your dinner guest has her
your son like gold. What a own handkerchief, because
blessing. Still, your ex-hus- if she doesn’t and is using a
band is your son’s father. napkin that was designed to
Assuming there is no physi- lightly wipe one’s mouth on
cal threat or danger, try to be her nose, you have even big-
as civil to your ex as possi- ger problems. Assuming she
has her own handkerchief
or tissues, it is truly not too
much to ask that she excuse
herself for a moment to blow
her nose in the bathroom.
Any bodily functions should
be performed away from the
dinner table. That most defi-
nitely includes blowing your
nose or even discussing it.
Pull your friend aside and
tell her that you realize she
may have some sinus issues
but you’d appreciate it if she
could refrain from blowing
her nose at the table. Let her
know that this rule applies
to all guests and not just her.
It’s not only more polite but
also more sanitary for all
parties involved.
Dear Annie: This is in
response to “Shortchanged,”
the woman annoyed by one
her when paying a share of
the utility bills. She should
report to her roommates
an amount that is rounded
up on even-numbered
months and rounded down
on odd-numbered months.
That way, people wouldn’t
have to type the pennies, and
it should average out over
time. — Adam J.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s better when loved
ones don’t struggle at the same time, that way they
can hold each other up as need be. But alas, these
things can’t always be helped. One solution is to
widen the circle of support to include more people.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). What you do for
another person is done out of love and caring.
You believe that acts of friendship shouldn’t be
burdened with stressful promises and obligations,
and you avoid those who seem to attach strings to
their gifts.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You make a bigger
impact than you realize. You’re walking down the
street, minding your own business, but not every-
one is doing the same. They’re noticing you and the
positive feeling you bring.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). To find joy, position
yourself to look inward. There’s no one you need to
outshine, no one who can outshine you, just you
befriending yourself, orienting your perception
so there’s no one to compete or compare yourself
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It won’t feel like you’re mak-
ing decisions. It seems your body, conditioning and
subconscious is making many moves for you. Still,
every move you make, however small, gives birth to
a new reality.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Whatever you do to
use what you have efficiently, clean up and waste
less will not be celebrated or maybe even noticed,
but it will make you feel good to know that you’re
contributing to the solution, not the problem.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In carefree times, stupid
things seem important — and they are. That is, they
are until you get to the less carefree times. Being
able to live in different sorts of times is a privilege,
and a spiritual exercise, that makes you wise.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The role of rituals can-
not be underestimated now. Consider the ones that
you don’t recognize as rituals — the daily habits
that have become a part of this current incarnation
of you. What do you want to keep going forward?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re asking
questions that don’t have answers. It’s a sign of in-
telligence; then again, there’s a line to walk. On one
side is a state of wonder, and the other is a state of
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It’s pretty simple.
You wanted to get noticed, and now you’re getting
noticed. Keep your cause in mind at all times. Direct
the attention where it will do the most good.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The thing is that
everything seems brighter when you’re around. So
people want you around. It’s a blessing and a curse.
Sometimes you lose yourself in the interaction. It’s
OK. You’ll find yourself later. Let go.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). A presentation that’s
too long will lose the audience. This is true at all
levels — a one-to-one conversation, a performance,
a media event. It’s the same. Be aware of limited
attention spans.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 26). You were
meant for the good life; the universe got the memo.
What’s “good” to you is a little offbeat for others,
and you’ll love how this plays out over the next 10
weeks. Your keen intellect will get you into an elite
situation. May brings someone new to admire, and
it inspires you toward impressive feats. Libra and
Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 22, 49,
1 and 40.