THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2019 // 7 Continued from Page 4 IF YOU GO She saw it on the face of her son Connor, who took up the sport as a way to cope with epilepsy. He advanced to the top 12 on the 2010 season of “Amer- ica’s Got Talent,” thanks to a four-line kite. Now, Doran is excited when- ever she see others wear- ing a similar expression of captivation. “It’s pure joy,” she said. The Windless Kite Fes- tival features two days of indoor competition, per- formances, demonstra- tions and other activities that take place at the Long Beach Elementary School gymnasium. No fans are used to mimic wind. The kites swoop and glide in the air, propelled by the mere movement of the flyer. Windless Kite Festival When: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26, and 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sun- day, Jan. 27 Where: Long Beach Elementary School Gym- nasium, Washington and Fourth St. South, Long Beach, Wash. Cost: Admission is do- nation-based; proceeds go to the World Kite Museum. For more information: Visit the Windless Kite Festival Long Beach Facebook page, or call the World Kite Museum at 360-642-4020. new people,” Doran said. Benefits all around The kiting community The event is open to kite-flyers of any skill level. Creating a light- weight kite capable of fly- ing indoors is as simple and cost-efficient as putting together dowels and a gar- bage bag with scotch tape. “You don’t have to go spend hundreds of dol- lars on a kite to go out and have a good time,” said Jane Holeman, who sits on the museum’s board of directors. In fact, at 9 a.m. Sat- urday, King will lead a workshop on making gar- bage bag kites. The work- shop, which is limited to 25 participants, costs $5 per person. Proceeds go to the World Kite Museum, the event’s main sponsor. In King’s view, the work- shop gives people an idea of what they are capable of creating and the priv- ilege of using a kite they designed themselves. “That’s when you see a whole bunch of ‘kite smiles’ on those new fly- ers,” she said. Performances will start Don Ostey Jerry Cannon approaches indoor kite-flying with flair at a past Windless Kite Festival in Long Beach, Wash. The annual two-day event features workshops, demonstrations, competitions and other kite-flying fun. Amy Doran/Submitted by Doug Isherwood Don Ostey Connor Doran performs indoor kite-flying at a school in Milwaukie. He has been flying for about 10 years and competed on the 2010 season of “America’s Got Talent” with a four-line kite. Glenn Davison is the featured performer at this year’s Windless Kite Festival in Long Beach, Wash. He also will be leading a workshop on how to create miniature kites. Amy Doran dresses as Charlie Chaplain to perform an indoor kite-flying routine at the Windless Kite Festival in Long Beach, Wash. She has been flying for about 15 years and helps organize and run the festival, sponsored by The World Kite Museum and The Kite Shoppe. Saturday afternoon and continue Sunday. New England kite artist and edu- cator Glenn Davison is the featured flyer. Davison will also host a workshop on designing miniature kites, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Four years ago, Doran introduced a Pro/Am event designed to get new peo- ple involved in the activ- ity, or “build up” the kit- ing community. Newbies who sign up for the Pro/ Am Saturday morning will be paired with a profes- sional. They get a desig- nated time to practice their routine together on Sun- day. Novices can be of any age and the routines are built around their abilities. If they don’t own a kite, the festival provides one. “It works very well, because we are bringing in The competitions are divided by various skill levels, as well as types of kite, to accommo- date a wide range of fly- ers. Through two of the classes, competitors can qualify for the 2019 Amer- ican Kite Association grand championships in Seaside. The organizers often don’t know who will compete until the day of the event, but competi- tors come from across the Pacific Northwest and even out of the country. Hole- man described the judging criteria as similar to that of ice-skating. Competi- tors have “compulsory fig- ures they have to do, but they can work their rou- tines around those,” she said. Otherwise, routines can involve a variety of costumes, music and addi- tional special effects, like lights, to the delight of the spectators. “There are benefits all around,” Doran said. “You don’t have to necessarily be flying to feel the bene- fits of the flying. It’s a per- formance art.” CW