THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2019 // 3 SCRATCHPAD Keeper of a brother’s literary legacy Arnie Hummasti strives to honor sibling’s talent By ERICK BENGEL COAST WEEKEND A Colin Murphey Arnie Hummasti poses for a photo with two of his brother Neil Hummasti’s books after a presentation at Fort George Brewery. coast rnie Hummasti had two brothers. They were both diag- nosed with pancreatic cancer on the same day. George, the oldest, died in 2010, followed by Arnie’s younger brother, Neil, in 2011. Neil, an Astorian who taught in local schools, wrote on the side — novels, short stories, INSIDE THIS ISSUE weekend arts & entertainment COAST WEEKEND EDITOR ERICK BENGEL CONTRIBUTORS KATHERINE LACAZE BARBARA LLOYD McMICHAEL ON THE COVER Every Thursday Jan. 24, 2019 • The photo of Neil Hummasti, taken in the 1970s, featured in the back of his books. An undiscovered talent ARNIE HUMMASTI Two novels by local teacher and writer his death Neil Hummasti published years after Jan. 26-27 Windless Kite Festival in Long Beach, Wash., ALSO INSIDE Arnie Hummasti See story on Page 8 COASTAL LIFE 4 Windless Kite Festival 8 Neil Hummasti 12 essays, theological tracts. Though he received compliments from publishers over the years, he never found commercial suc- cess. His struggle is a case study in how a driven writer can, for any number of reasons, fail to break into that other dimension reserved for so-called marketable authors. Now Arnie, a retired teacher of drama, journalism and language arts, is seeking to showcase his brother’s voluminous writings. Last year, he self-published two of Neil’s novels and brought them to the attention of Coast Weekend (see Pages 8-9). He Indoor event turns kite fl ying into performance art FEATURE DINING The art of food David Campiche’s recipe for clam-mussel chowder FURTHER ENJOYMENT CROSSWORD ...............................6 SEE + DO ............................. 10, 11 CW MARKETPLACE.......... 15, 16 New items for publication consideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM Two novels by area teacher published years after his death MUSIC CALENDAR .....................5 To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2019 COAST WEEKEND Find it all online! features full calendar listings, keyword search and easy sharing on social media. Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Daily Astorian and the Chinook Observer. even sent copies to the Bookmon- ger (see Page 19). Is Arnie hoping Neil’s posthu- mous paperbacks will make the leap from Arnie’s own publishing company, Svensen Pioneer Press, to one of the top-tier publishers his brother aimed at? “That would be nice, but I don’t expect that,” Arnie said. “That would be the ultimate goal, but nowadays it’s almost impos- sible to get anything published through a major company.” As Neil put it in his letter to a potential publisher when he was shopping around his comic novel, “I See London, I See France…”: “I would like to have access to the larger publishing houses, and I am painfully aware of the fact that most of the major fi rms will consider new manuscripts only if they are (1) submitted by reputa- ble agents or (2) written by peo- ple who have disgraced them- selves publicly.” I wondered if there was a sense of sadness for Arnie, to be evangelizing Neil’s work and serving as the keeper of his brother’s legacy. Arnie said enough time has passed since his brother’s death that he felt comfortable doing it. His operative emotion is, sim- ply, enthusiasm for Neil’s hidden gifts. “Right now I’m just trying to honor what I think is his tal- ent,” he said. CW