14 // COASTWEEKEND.COM The Long Beach Peninsula’s Meet AVA’s new RESTAURANT artists in residence MONTH dine to make a difference Participating restaurants and lodging will donate 10% of proceeds to our local Boys and Girls Club when you use our promo code. Plus, when you dine, get 3 courses for $33. Promo Code DMD2019 3 courses for $3 3 Sun.-Thurs. all January GET ALL THE DETAILS AT LBPFOOD.COM Restaurants 42nd Street Cafe & Bistro The Cove The Depot Restaurant Galletti’s Spaghetti House Lost Roo [pickled fish] Salt Pub & Grub The Pub at Shelburne Hotel Lodging Adrift Hotel Boreas Inn China Beach Retreat Enchanted Cottages Inn at Discovery Coast Mermaid Inn Salt Hotel Shelburne Hotel Sou’wester Lodge ASTORIA – Astoria Visual Arts has two excep- tional local artists, Celeste Endlich and Sally Lackaff, working in two downtown studios January through April as part of the AVA artist-in-res- idence (AVA a-i-r) program. Endlich is Astoria Visual new to Asto- ria but not Arts to the North Astoria artist Coast. Much Celeste of her recent Endlich. work is done as black-and- white line drawings on cir- cular canvases, but she also likes to paint with watercol- ors and draw with charcoal. Endlich explores themes of mental health, identity and the human experience. Her work is serious and playful, and incorporates dark humor. The past two years she worked and Erick Bengel lived in Thai- land, where Astoria artist she had her Sally Lackaff. first solo exhibition. Lackaff, a native of Clat- sop County, is a self-taught illustrator and author. Since age 18, Lackaff has built a career around art and gar- dening. Highlights include illustrating more than 10 books, designing logos and painting signs for busi- nesses from Manzanita to Astoria, filling promi- nent restrooms with murals, and writing and illustrating interpretive signage. She Astoria Visual Arts ‘Nowhere to Go’ by Celeste Endlich Astoria Visual Arts ‘Sarah’s Circus,’ illustrated and co-authored by Sally Lackaff. lives in Astoria with her art- ist/musician husband, Roger Hayes. AVA a-i-r, begun in March 2015, is designed to encourage the creative, intellectual and professional growth of local artists. The program is supported by AVA members and the gen- erosity of the Astoria Cof- fee House & Bistro and Stu- dio 11. For more information about AVA or to learn more about the AVA a-i-r pro- gram, visit astoriavisualarts. org/.