DailyAstorian.com // WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2019 146TH YEAR, NO. 147 NEW DISTRICT ATTORNEY TAKES OVER Brown looks to improve, not change ONE DOLLAR Lektro sold to Chicago company Purchased by JBT Corp. By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian WARRENTON — Lektro Inc., the local electric airplane tug manufacturer, will be acquired by Chicago-based food processing and airport equipment com- pany JBT Corp. The transaction is expected to close during the fi rst quarter of this year. The purchase price will be $48 million before customary post-closing adjustments, according to JBT. “We are excited to be part of JBT,” Eric Paul- son, the owner of Lektro, said in a news release. “Together our companies will provide customers a global sales and support Eric Paulson presence, a much broader portfolio of products and services, and deeper engineering capabilities for future product development.” Paulson, who will remain as general manager after the acquisition is fi nalized, is a second-generation owner of Lektro. See Lektro, Page A7 Photos by Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian Clatsop County District Attorney Ron Brown prepares for court. By BRENNA VISSER The Daily Astorian R on Brown, Clatsop C ounty’s fi rst new d istrict a ttorney in 25 years , doesn’t plan on chang- ing much. Brown, who served as the chief deputy for 15 years, won election in May and was sworn in earlier this month. He replaces Josh Marquis, who retired . Brown said he has confi dence in his s taff and local law enforcement . He’s comfortable with the direction of the offi ce because, as chief deputy , he played an integral role in shaping policies and procedures. “I’m not trying to change anything Josh was doing,” he said. “Just do a lit- tle better.” His goals largely align with his predecessor, as the two have similar views on how to prosecute crime and work with victims. The biggest differences , Brown said, will mostly come down to per- sonality and presentation. “We’re totally different people. People were kind of surprised we got along as well as we did for 15 years because we’re night and day,” he said. Marquis was known for his vocal role on state and national issues, espe- cially his advocacy for the death pen- alty and for Measure 11, the state ballot measure that set mandatory minimum prison sentences for violent crime . Astoria waives water, sewer fees during shutdown A break for federal government workers By KATIE FRANKOWICZ The Daily Astorian District Attorney Ron Brown looks over documents during an arraignment. ‘WE’RE TOTALLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. PEOPLE WERE KIND OF SURPRISED WE GOT ALONG AS WELL AS WE DID FOR 15 YEARS BECAUSE WE’RE NIGHT AND DAY.’ Ron Brown | Clatsop County district attorney, speaking about his predecessor Josh Marquis See Brown, Page A7 Federal workers who live in Astoria and are not receiving paychecks during the government shutdown will get a break on their water and sewer bills. The Astoria City Council voted unan- imously Tuesday to offer a temporary waiver . The program waives penalties, fees and deferred payments during the shutdown. “This is an easy decision for us to make,” City Councilor Joan Herman said. “It relieves a stress on families who are not receiving paychecks right now.” People will need to contact the city to make sure they are eligible and to receive payment deferral documentation. They must provide a current bill, identifi cation, and proof they are employed by the fed- eral government. Anyone who receives a waiver will have to pay the outstanding balance of their water and sewer bill when the government shutdown ends. See Shutdown, Page A7 KKK fl yers pop up downtown Messages pasted on storefronts By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian Police are investigating a spate of fl yers recruiting for the Ku Klux Klan that were anonymously posted around downtown Astoria late last week. Reports started coming in Friday of fl yers pasted on the sides of buildings. They depict a klansman in full rega- lia and the message, “The KKK Wants You!” Along the bottom are pull tabs with a hyperlink to a server page on Discord, a voice and text chat website and mobile application. The server page is called North West Realm. One of its administrators, “ashjoe13,” wrote on a message board that “I might be attracted to the Klan, but I am not looking to start a chapter of the Klan.” “We might be racist, but we are not violent in the least,” he wrote. “Our goal is to help the common American man, and for that, we need him on our side. We don’t accomplish this by either killing blacks, or like antifa, rioting and block- ing streets.” The user also criticizes alternative lifestyles and the “gay lobby.” See KKK, Page A7 Flyers with the message ‘The KKK Wants You!’ were found around downtown Astoria.