The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 22, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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The big coffee addiction
Dear Annie: Just recently, kickstart your metabolism
I started drinking coffee most and, of course, rehydrate you.
mornings. I’d say that over Dehydration causes fatigue.
the past four months, I’ve (And incidentally, coffee
had coffee an average of four causes dehydration — so in
the long run, drink-
days a week. In the
ing too much coffee
past month or so, I’ve
will slow you down
noticed that I get head-
more than speed you
aches when I skip
up.) If you’re crav-
coffee for a day. I’m
ing something other
guessing these head-
than water — some-
aches are a result of
thing with a more
my body’s missing the
distinctive taste —
caffeine it’s used to
getting. (This is really ANNIE LANE try naturally caf-
unfortunate, because
Syndicate Inc.
teas, such as ginger
I love the taste of cof-
fee. But I guess I could
So the good news is you’re
always drink decaf.) Since I
noticed these headaches, I’ve over the hump. Symptoms
started weaning myself off of of withdrawal from caffeine
coffee, but I need something dependency typically are at
else to get me alert (and keep their worst in the first two days
me that way) throughout the after stopping consumption
workday. What healthy sub- and will fade within nine days.
Dear Annie: I have to
stitute(s) could I turn to as I
work to kick my coffee habit? respond to the letter from
“Stingy Dad and Proud of
— Clinging to Caffeine
Dear Clinging to Caf- It,” about his battles with his
feine: The absolute best ex-wife over finances and
thing you could drink when issues with the children. I
you wake up for an ener- agree that he should do what
gized morning is a big glass is in the best interests of his
of water. And then another. children, and it sounds as if
Water will flush out toxins, he has been making an effort
to do just that all along. Love
is not displayed through mon-
etary means. A bat mitzvah for
a 13-year-old that costs five
figures? Maybe I’m old-fash-
ioned, but I cannot imagine
spending that kind of money
on a party. Making this mile-
stone special does not equal
If I were this dad, I would
explain this to my ex and give
my daughter my time instead
of my money. The daughter
may be difficult to get through
to right now, but “Stingy Dad
and Proud of It” owes it to
her and to himself to use his
energy to improve his relation-
ship with her. When all is said
and done, she won’t remem-
ber the amount of money
spent on her when she was 13.
She’ll remember who fought
for her, took the time to knock
down her walls and loved her
unconditionally. She will also
remember who roped her into
her parents’ messy financial
issues and who took the high
road. — Anti-Material Girl
Dear Anti-Material Girl:
You are very wise, and your
advice is spot on. Thank you
for writing.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). This plan you had
is working, mostly because you steered it well,
without imposing total control. Because you don’t
have to be in control of absolutely everything for
things to go right.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You may think that
someone has “arrived” but that is a perception
based on a criteria of success that is subjective. The
important thing is not to act weird when people
achieve things and other people don’t. Be cool.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A dream isn’t a dream
unless it’s a little off. Bigger than life. Smaller.
Stranger. You’ll head into the day reasonably
enough, but it’s when you introduce the dreamy
element that things start to get really interesting.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The hard work is
coming up next. But don’t worry; you’re ready. In
fact, on some level, you’ve been looking forward
to this. Bonus: You’re about to find out which of
your colleagues is the worthiest.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You tell yourself to do
something, and then you do the opposite. Why?
The complexities of will are confounding! But you
can be certain there’s a rebel child in you who
doesn’t trust authority, even if that authority is you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Good relation-
ships are built on mutual trust. Right now, you’re
reaping the benefits of doing something as simple
as showing up when you say you will and doing
what’s expected.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The way to power
is not taking more and more; that’s the way to
destruction. True power is knowing what you can
influence and accepting what you can’t.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Even though you
don’t have a ledger telling you how much you owe
and are owed, in some way you’re keeping track.
You’re noticing an imbalance in the give and take
department. Start thinking about how it might be
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There’s no such thing as a
mediocre goal. Is it beyond where you are now by
an inch? Half an inch? A foot? It’s progress. Count
everything. It’s the kind of day when you need
every win you can get.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). How do you know
if you’re being arrogant? You don’t. That’s the
disease of arrogance. You’re checking yourself, so
you’re probably in the clear. People who are truly
arrogant usually forget that step.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Remember when sleep-
ing seemed like a luxury, money was scarce and
you weren’t sure where you were getting the extra
energy to forge forward but you did it anyway? It
was a test that made you strong. Appreciate it.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll be dealt a wild-
card. Think carefully about how you want to play
it. Much depends on the others at the table. Make
your best guess about their hand.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 23). It starts
innocently enough. First you make someone’s day,
and then you get addicted to seeing that kind
of smile. So you do more and more, making the
world better and brighter. Interesting new hobbies
and friends are part of the package. A carefully
researched investment will make life a bit easier.
Capricorn and Cancer adore you. Your lucky num-
bers are: 6, 3, 33, 21 and 40.