A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, JANuARY 21, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager SOUTHERN EXPOSURE James Young Rare shooting of a bright fireball during the Leonid meteor shower, Nov. 17, 1966. James Young A bright meteor captured during the Perseid Meteor Shower on Aug. 13, 2010. The art of discovery J ames Whitney Young was born in Portland in 1941. He is an American astronomer who worked in the field of asteroid research. He retired in 2009 after nearly 47 years with the Jet Propul- sion Laboratory at their Table Mountain Facility near Wrightwood, California. With the advent of powerful lasers, Young became involved with several projects that aimed them successfully, first at the Surveyor VII spacecraft on the moon in 1968, later as two laser-rang- ing programs developed at JPL in the 1990s found their marks on low and high earth-orbiting satel- lites, as well as the Gal- ileo spacecraft some 6 million kilometers away. As astronomy team R.J. leader, he maintained the MARX optical performance of the telescopes and cam- eras. His main focus before retirement was the discovery, recovery and confir- mation of newly discovered asteroids and comets. He is credited with more than 250 asteroid discoveries, including two near-earth asteroids. Q: How long have you been coming to Seaside? Young: My grandfather was an attor- ney in Portland and he liked to vaca- tion on the beach. He built a house here on South Prom in 1943. I’ve been here almost every year. My wife Karen and I now have a house on Ninth Street. She’s also interested in astronomy. Q: How did you get interested in the field? Young: Bob and Hazel Sealy lived on Ocean Vista Drive. My brother and I met them in 1958. He (Sealy) had a telescope. Although I was already into astronomy, he was a key ingredient in my establish- ing my astronomy career. We started the Seaside Amateur Astronomers group. Q: Is the North Coast a good place for astronomy? Young: No, it’s a horrible place. It’s the moisture and clouds. You need clear skies without moisture. Humidity is ter- rible. You will find that observatories around the world are located in high ele- vations, away from light pollution and at dry facilities. We did astronomy here when we had the chance because it was fun! Q: Did you study science in college? Young: I went to school, but I didn’t finish. My dad had gotten me a job at the bank, which I wasn’t interested in, but it was a job. Then along came the Seat- tle World’s Fair in 1962. I got a job offer as the lead guide at the Seattle World’s Fair NASA Exhibit and took the job offer at 21. Q: That was huge! Young: I quit the bank job and my dad was pretty mad with me. He said, “You know, in six months when the fair is over, you’re through.” I became the lead guide for the astron- omy exhibit because of my astron- DISCOVERING ASTEROIDS Young is credited with more than 250 asteroid discoveries, including two near-earth asteroids. omy background. We had 32 guides I’m sorry, that doesn’t fly with me. and I taught them astronomy. Ten mil- Q: But there was something going lion people went through that exhibit in on? six months. We had NASA, astronauts, Young: I was just standing outside a cosmonaut from Russia came through. the observatory one night when I saw John Glenn was there. It was a big thing something go by too fast, too high, too — it was so inspiring to be able to do odd-shaped to make any other sense. We that and continue to never found out what learn. it was. Q: How did you Q: You are get the job with known for iden- tifying asteroids. the Jet Propul- sion Laboratory in What’s the dif- ference between Pasadena? an asteroid and a Young: One of the planet? gentlemen who came Young: Planets through the exhibit are pretty good size. was (senior engineer) An asteroid is rela- Tom Bickler from tively small. Most JPL, who said: “By of them are found the way, we’re build- ing an observatory. between Mars and Why don’t you apply Jupiter as they rotate for a job?” the sun. They are lit- tle pieces of material Q: You were only in your 20s. R.J .Marx/Seaside Signal that can be 20, 40 or What distinguished James Young, photographer and 80 miles in diame- ter or smaller. They you from other longtime Seaside visitor and resident. have permanent candidates? orbits. I’ve discov- Young: They flew ered a lot of them. me down for an interview. I was picked Q: Are they barren objects? up and taken to the observatory on a VIP Young: That’s right. Rock of some tour: the laboratory director, his wife and sort, maybe ice, some metals. Mining quite a few of the mucky mucks — the asteroids might be a feasible thing to do. highfalutin people. Q: Harnessing them? Aren’t they I was green behind the ears but I knew moving fast? astronomy. Young: So are we. We’re going When it got dark that evening, they 66,000 mph around the sun. We’ve turned the telescope on, we started view- ing, and it broke. Nobody knew what to already had several spacecraft go to do. I said, “Have you got a toolbox?” asteroids. They’ve gone to comets. In 30 minutes I had the telescope Q: Could an asteroid come into our running again. I was hired without an atmosphere? interview. Young: It could, if it came close to Q: What was your job? earth. There are about 1,600 near-earth Young: I was hired as a darkroom asteroids that have a potential to get technician. To be a little technical we did pretty close to the earth. synoptic patrols of Venus, Mars, Jupiter Q: Are we at risk? and Saturn by taking spectroscopic plates Young: It would take a fairly big — photographs — of these planets to asteroid to destroy the earth. We think the investigate their cloud covers in different earth was hit by an asteroid 65 million wavelengths of light. years ago, which demised the dinosaurs. We observed comets and aster- That’s a pretty reasonable theory. It is a oids. We had star parties. It was an out- theory, not a fact. reach for the community. One thing led Back in 2010 an extremely small to another, and we eventually got a big- asteroid hit the earth and we found evi- dence of that. But something a mile in ger telescope. I started doing real science diameter hitting the earth would create with an astronomer at JPL and things serious problems. started rolling. Q: Are people concerned about Q: UFOs — is there any evidence? that? Young: It came up with me once, Young: Some are. I’m not. when I was pretty young. I’m not say- ing yay or nay … I have no evidence, but Q: Why not? when you see something that you can’t Young: You’re going to get hit by really account for in normal things, you lightning 1,000 times before an asteroid call it an unidentified flying object. is going to hit the earth. You don’t need However, my feeling is little green to worry about it. It’s a waste of time. monsters that are sticky with one eye — When you drive out of this driveway, you’re going to get hit by a car before you are hit by an asteroid. Q: When did you get serious about landscape photography? Young: I got my start back in about 1980. I ran into some New York-based photographers down in Cannon Beach. I learned a lot from them in the span of the Christmas holidays — how to shoot sun- set photography, the waves. That gave me a boost. I was doing astronomy, then I realized I could really move into this. Q: Your photos of the lighthouse, Terrible Tilly, off the coast are incred- ible. How long have you been shooting there? Young: Close to 40 years. Every time I’m up here, when I hear the waves at night, I know the winds are coming, I know it’s the back side. If the road is open I go to Ecola State Park. Q: Can you get closer? Young: Hikers can. You can drive to Indian Beach and walk up the trail, which is a mile and a half. You’re a quar- ter-mile closer and looking down. I’m 77 and it’s getting a little hard to hike that, and if you’re lugging a big lens, a 13-pound lens, tripod. The last time I was up there was two years ago. Q: Are you a student of Terrible Tilly? Young: A couple of years ago I took the Ironwood boat out of Tongue Point. We went around the lighthouse four times for the event with people from Oregon Public Broadcasting. I know the owner, Mimi Morrissette. I was allowed to be one of the photographers to help document the event. I’ve flown over in a helicopter, and later flown in a plane with the door off of it so I could do photogra- phy in 2015. Q: Do you continue to use tele- scopes here? Young: I do astronomy here when I can. We looked at a comet when we first got here early in December. Last summer I brought both my trackers so both my wife and I could do astronomy here. We did quite a bit of it this past summer. If we get a clear sky, we go down to south of Tolovana Park where there’s a big turnout on the highway. It’s not bad. We set up our trackers there in the middle of the night — and we do good photography. We normally do our best photogra- phy at Big Bend National Park in Texas, because it’s further south, really dark, and higher elevation. If we can add everything — no humidity, no lights, no elevation — then we get our best images. Q: Do you have any secrets to share? Young: Most of the best pictures aren’t planned hours or days in advance. You have to be there at the right time — and guess what: “Click!” R.J. Marx is editor of the Seaside Signal and Cannon Beach Gazette, and covers South County for The Daily Astorian.