A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 2019 Scientists ID another threat to orcas: pink salmon Salmon return every other year By GENE JOHNSON Associated Press SEATTLE — Over the years, scientists have iden- tifi ed dams, pollution and vessel noise as causes of the troubling decline of the Pacifi c Northwest’s resi- dent killer whales. Now, they may have found a new and more surprising culprit: pink salmon. Four salmon research- ers were perusing data on the website of the Cen- ter for Whale Research, which studies the orcas, several months ago when they noticed a startling trend: that for the past two decades, signifi cantly more of the whales have died in even-numbered years than in odd years. In a newly published paper, they speculate that the pattern is related to pink salmon, which return to the Salish Sea between Washington state and Can- ada in enormous numbers every other year — though they’re not sure how. They suspect that the huge runs of pink salmon, which have boomed under conserva- tion efforts and changes in ocean conditions in the past two decades, might inter- fere with the whales’ ability to hunt their preferred prey, Chinook salmon. Given the dire plight of the orcas, which offi - cials say are on the brink of extinction, the researchers decided to publicize their discovery without waiting to investigate its causes. “The main point was get- ting out to the public word about this biennial pattern so people can start thinking AP Photo/Elaine Thompson Salmon researcher Greg Ruggerone, one of a group of scientists who noticed a startling trend about the deaths of endangered southern resident orca whales, stands with a chart showing various salmon species in his offi ce in Seattle. about this important, com- pletely unexpected factor in the decline of these whales,” said one of the authors, Greg Ruggerone. “It’s important to better understand what’s occurring here because that could help facilitate recov- ery actions.” Ruggerone, president of Seattle-based Natu- ral Resources Consultants and former chairman of the Columbia River Inde- pendent Scientifi c Advi- sory Board, and the other authors — Alan Springer of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Leon Shaul of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and inde- pendent researcher Gus van Vliet of Auke Bay, Alaska — have previously studied how pink salmon compete for prey with other species. As news stories chron- icled the struggles of the orcas last year — one whale carried her dead calf on her head for 17 days in an apparent effort to revive it — the four biologists looked at data on the Center for Whale Research’s site. Thanks to their previous research, it took them only a few minutes to recognize a trend that had escaped the attention of other scientists. “We know that some are good years for the whales and some are bad years, but we hadn’t put it together that it was a biennial trend,” said Ken Balcomb, the cen- ter’s founding director, one of the foremost experts on the so-called southern resi- dent killer whales. Further analyzing the data, the researchers found that from 1998 to 2017, as the population of whales decreased from 92 to 76, more than 3.5 times as many Merkley wants FBI to investigate Nielsen on family separation By MEERAH POWELL and JENN CHAVEZ Oregon Public Broadcasting U.S. Sen. Jeff Merk- ley has asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to investi- gate Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen for perjury after, Merkley said, a formerly secret memo revealed she lied to Congress about the Trump administra- tion’s knowledge of a family separation policy. Last June, Nielsen told Congress there was not a policy for family separa- tion, but a memo released by Merkley’s offi ce reveals that was not true. The December 2017 memo titled “Policy Options to Respond to Border Surge of Illegal Immigration,” was sent to Merkley’s offi ce by a whistleblower and specif- ically states that the govern- ment was “considering sepa- rating family units.” “Under oath, she con- tended that there was no pol- icy of the United States to separate children from their families — no family sepa- ration policy,” Merkley told Oregon Public Broadcast- ing . “The document that we released yesterday shows very clearly that there was and for a secretary to lie before Congress, it’s import- ant that Congress hold those individuals accountable.” newborn and older whales died during even years — 61, versus 17 in odd years. During that period, there were 32 successful births during odd years, but only 16 during even years. That biennial pattern did not exist during a prior 22-year period from 1976 to 1997, when the whale population was recovering from efforts to capture orcas for aquarium display, the researchers said. But in 1998, salmon har- vests were curtailed amid efforts to boost runs deci- mated by overfi shing, pol- lution and habitat loss. A strong change in ocean con- ditions occurred around the same time, benefi ting pink salmon especially by increasing the abundance of zooplankton, which make up much of the pink salm- on’s diet. The combined effect of the ocean changes and fi sh- ing restrictions has greatly benefi ted the pinks, which are by far most numerous salmon species in the North Pacifi c. When they return to the Salish Sea, there are about 50 for each of the big- ger, fattier Chinook. Nearly all pinks return to their natal streams in odd years, com- pleting their two-year life cycle, unlike other salmon, which stay in the ocean longer. Meanwhile, Chinook populations have continued to struggle — the dearth of Chinook is considered the most severe threat to the orcas — and many scien- tists say they will continue to do so unless four dams on the Lower Snake River are breached. The researchers speculate that the blossom- ing numbers of pinks in the WANTED Brian G. Kulhanjian Paperwork Mediation RESOLUTION SERVICES 552 Commercial Street Astoria (503) 325-9115 A division of Stahancyk, Kent & Hook TheRedBuildingLoft.com 503.325.2223 20 Basin Street • Astoria SCHEDULE OF EVENTS All Day Vendor Expo 10am - 3:30pm 15-min “How To” Talks & Demos 11 • 12 • 1 • 2 Passed Appetizers by Premium Caterers 10:30 • 11:30 • 12:30 • 2:30 FEATURING OUR REGION’S TOP WEDDING VENDORS SATURDAY 2.02.19 Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 10am-3:30pm GET TICKETS IN ADVANCE AT SHORESTYLEWED.COM OR PAY AT THE DOOR! w Est. 1987 Divorce need not be expensive. We help you get the paperwork right and provide mediation to help you divide your assets. Christy Shoop Salish Sea during odd-num- bered years have interfered with the echolocation the orcas use to hunt increas- ingly sparse Chinook. The orcas almost never eat pink salmon. Because the whales are such large mammals, the theory goes, the stress caused by the pinks in odd years would not affect their mortality rates and repro- ductive rates until the fol- lowing year — and that’s why more die in even years. Another possibility is that presence of pinks means less food for the Chi- nook — and thus less food for the orcas, Ruggerone said. The researchers also put forth a contrary hypothesis: that the presence of pinks somehow enhances the orcas’ hunting, improving their survival in odd-num- bered years — though they say they have no reason to believe that’s the case. 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