The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 17, 2019, Page A6, Image 25

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Etiquette for requesting time off
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dear Annie: I’m a bit much better than being unem-
unclear on etiquette when it ployed during the holidays.
comes to asking for time off
Dear Annie: My significant
from work. This became an other’s family has invited me to
especially sticky situation go on a cruise with them over
recently, when I was requesting Christmas next year. I love trav-
time off for the holidays.
eling, and I really want
It seems my co-work-
to go. But I feel guilty
ditching my fam-
ers hog the vacation
ily, especially my sis-
time, and I have trou-
ter, on Christmas. I’d
ble asserting my right
to a more-or-less equal
love for them to come
amount of time off. How
with us on the trip, and
my significant other’s
do I confidently claim
family would, as well.
what I’m owed with-
out causing conflict? — ANNIE LANE But my family sim-
ply couldn’t afford it. I
Vying for Vacation
Syndicate Inc.
think I’m going to go
Dear Vying for
on the cruise and cele-
Vacation: Having a job
means having to work around brate Christmas with my family
the holidays sometimes. It’s a on another day. Does that make
fact of life. When it comes to me a terrible person? — Ditch-
deciding who in the department ing in December
Dear Ditching in Decem-
gets to take vacation during
win- ber: Whether because of work
dows such as Christmas week, or financial hardship or because
the factors are generally senior- we’re spending the holiday with
ity and who worked that holi- a spouse or significant other,
day last year and the year before. there will come a day when we
So if you worked Christmas Eve won’t get to spend Christmas
last year, for example, you might with our parents and siblings. It’s
mention this to your boss. When nearly inevitable. So no, missing
you do end up having to work one Christmas with your fam-
on holidays, keep your chin up ily doesn’t make you a terrible
and count your blessings. Being person. Do something special to
employed during the holidays is celebrate Christmas with your
family on another day, as the
holiday isn’t so much about the
date on a calendar as it is about
reaching out to loved ones and
remembering the reason for the
season. Merry Christmas.
Dear Annie: Bravo for
your answer about setting aside
one’s personal anguish to be at a
friend’s bedside when he or she
is near death.
Some years ago, I was one
of a small group of women who
helped care for an elderly wid-
ower in our church. While he
was bedridden at home, some
of his male friends would bathe
him and change his bed lin-
ens often. We women would
bring food and try to coax him
to take a few bites. He was well-
loved and well-cared-for. It was
my turn to be there the night he
took his last breath. I was quietly
giving him a gentle back rub,
not saying anything, and his lit-
tle cat was curled up on his bed
when he left us. I like to think
that maybe he knew he could
let go because he knew I could
handle it. He had many friends
whom he loved and who loved
him, but I will always feel hon-
ored to have been the one with
him at the end. — Peaceful in
New York
ARIES (March 21-April 19). When your truest
desire is to assist, the first step is to get to know the
person and understand what needs, wants, fears
and beliefs are in play. Only then can you figure out
the best way to serve and support.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re in no mood
to be told what to do, however well-meaning the
other person may be. Even if they are just trying to
protect you, show you love or share a skill, they’d
better have total respect and manners or it won’t
go well.
want. Apply it across the board.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The fact that human-
kind needs entertainment and beauty in order
to thrive is nothing new. Even the cave dwellers
painted pictures and played instruments. Let
yourself relax and have fun. It’s part of what makes
you human.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There’s a certain
urgency to matters, as you’re starting to realize that
if the job is done right and quickly you just might
pull off the feat you’ve been working on for weeks.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your pet project is like a
friend. You love to spend time with it, speak up for
it, go through the ups and downs with it, and do
what it takes to loyally see it through. It’s not just
business or recreation. It’s a representation of you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The feeling behind
a deal matters. People spend money emotionally.
They react to the situation, go with what feels easy
given the circumstance, taking on a “when in Rome”
sort of attitude.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You have no problem
delivering on your promises to others. When it
comes to fulfilling your own orders, you’re not as
vigilant. Make your wishes for yourself a top priori-
ty. Let your actions reflect this.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). In police work,
resisting arrest is a serious crime. There’s an author-
itative voice in your head that’s a little like an officer
upholding your own personal laws. It doesn’t like to
be resisted either.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve had enough ex-
perience with certain types of social situations to
know what you’re likely to enjoy. You need a little
enjoyment now so you may as well steer clear of
anything that’s not that.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). As your signmate
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “All things must
change, to something new, to something strange.”
You agree and look forward to the new day, though
it may feel like it’s not coming quite quickly enough.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Subtle, discomforting
forces at play make you feel as though you’re sitting
too close to the air conditioning vent — a cool
wind, and too direct. You’ll feel better after you pick
up and move somewhere warmer and quieter.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 18). Soul nour-
ishment is coming to you, and you will become
spiritually healthier than ever this year. It’s right to
be a little commitment-phobic in the early part of
the year because you need to be free to investigate
and experiment. Your options are exciting! By May,
you’ll be ready to sign a stellar deal that will hold
for years to come. Aries and Taurus adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 9, 30, 27, 1 and 40.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When you feel the
sandwich needs a dill pickle, a sweet pickle won’t
do. Sure, they are both pickles, but the flavor profile
is entirely different. Bottom line: You want what you