A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019 Banned fi sh trap returns as sustainable way to catch salmon Old idea revived in Cathlamet By CASSANDRA PROFITA Oregon Public Broadcasting Mutual Fund FUNDRAISER Friday, January 18 th Meatloaf Dinner $ 8.00 3-6pm or gone BUOY LANTERN RAFFLE Non-perishable foods welcome All Dinner, Raffle and all other Donations go to U.S.Coast Guard - Columbia River Sector Dinner open to the public 6 PM Karaoke Dave ASTORIA AMERICAN LEGION Clatsop Post 12 1132 Exchange Street • 503-325-5771 For more information visit, NorthwestAgShow.com Look for the Show Guide January 4th in Capital Press Y N a way for gillnetters to catch more fi sh again. But other gillnetters don’t see it that way. “The gillnetters are still convinced this is an enemy of theirs,” Peterson said. “There’s no ifs, ands or buts around town that I have bro- ken ranks.” Jim Wells, with the com- mercial gillnetting group Salmon For All, said gill- netters are fi shing strategi- cally in certain areas at cer- tain times when they’re less likely to catch protected fi sh, and the anchored fi sh trap can’t do that. “Once a trap is installed, it’s there,” Wells said. “If things change in season you can’t be fl exible.” The fi sh trap naturally catches more of the fi sh in the river, Wells said, so the small fraction of wild fi sh that don’t survive could still add up to a lot of fi sh. United States Coast Guard N TE PA like himself to catch more fi sh. He used century-old blueprints to build an exper- imental version of the fi sh traps his grandfather used in the early 1900s. It was a fi shing method that pulled huge hauls of salmon out of the river, but it also pitted commercial fi shermen using gillnets against canneries and other fi sh trappers. “The fi sh traps were not looked on with high regard,” Peterson said. “The gillnet- ter on the Columbia River, he put a lot more heart, soul and manual labor into what he did to catch his fi sh than what a fi sh trapper did.” But since the fi sh traps were banned to prevent overfi shing, Peterson said, times have changed for non tribal gillnetters. Now, they’re the ones at risk of getting banned as new pol- icies have severely reduced their share of salmon. “It’s been a long, long dry spell,” he said. “And you can’t live on looking at a gillnet boat. It has to be utilized.” Peterson thinks bring- ing back fi sh traps could be ing policy and discuss their options for commercial fi sh- ing going forward. Johnson said it’s too soon E When Oregon and Wash- ington state started look- ing for alternatives to gill- nets, Blair Peterson saw an opportunity for gillnetters Cassandra Profi ta/Oregon Public Broadcasting Fish trap operators can pick out the hatchery salmon for harvest and release the wild salmon so they can return to their spawning grounds. tecting wild fi sh. A new policy launched by former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber in 2012 moves gillnetters into side chan- nels and gives recreational boats more time to fi sh on the main stem of the river. But so far that plan hasn’t paid off as promised for the gillnetters. “The policy has basically failed from a commercial perspective,” said gillnetter Greg Johnson, who sits on a salmon advisory panel for the Pacifi c Fishery Manage- ment Council. “The policy has to be modifi ed or we’ll go out of business.” This year, the state of Washington had planned to replace gillnets on the main stem of the river with alter- native gear that would catch hatchery fi sh and release wild fi sh unharmed. But those methods — including the fi sh trap, as well as other options like purse and beach seines — are still being studied and may end up costing more money than they make for fi sher- men. Oregon and Wash- ington state fi shery manag- ers are meeting this week to review Columbia River fi sh- ES Friend or foe? Cassandra Profi ta/Oregon Public Broadcasting An experimental fi sh trap on the lower Columbia River has repurposed an old fi shing method in search of a more sustainable way to catch salmon. PR About half the salmon swimming up the Colum- bia River come from hatch- eries — most of which are raised to be caught by fi sher- men. The rest are wild. And many of those salmon are protected under the Endan- gered Species Act. For years, Oregon and Washington state have been searching for the best way to catch more hatchery fi sh while letting the wild fi sh return unharmed to their spawning grounds. Now, one group says they’ve found it. Fish traps were banned on the Columbia more than 80 years ago. But advocates with the Wild Fish Conser- vancy are revisiting the idea as a new, sustainable way to separate hatchery salmon from wild fi sh. At a site near Cathlamet, Washington, about 40 miles upriver from the mouth of the Columbia, Wild Fish Conservancy biologist Adrian Tuohy stood hip deep in water in a cage just below the surface of the r iver. He turned a crank that funneled a mix of hatchery and wild fi sh from a holding pen into the cage. The fi sh were corralled in the river by a wall of netting, stretched across a network of pilings that reach out about 30 yards from the bank. Now, they were swimming around him — so close he could pick out the hatchery fi sh one by one. He pulled out all the fi sh that were missing the sec- ondary fi ns on their backs, called the adipose fi n. That fi n is clipped from hatchery fi sh. Then, he opened a door in the underwater well so the wild fi sh — with the telltale fi ns on their backs — could swim back out to the river. “And the fi sh swim out for the most part untouched,” Tuohy said. “That’s the beauty of this gear, in con- trast to other gear types, is you’re able to success- fully release threatened and endangered fi sh unharmed.” So far, research has found about 95 percent of the steel- head and 99 percent of the C hinook salmon released from the fi sh trap survive. That’s far better than the percentage of fi sh that sur- vive being released from a commercial gillnet — or the tangle net that doesn’t catch fi sh by the gills. And that’s a key factor on the Columbia, where all fi sheries are limited by pro- tected wild stocks. As soon as a fi shery reaches the cap for impacting wild salmon and steelhead, it has to shut down. So, having less impact on wild fi sh would allow fi shermen more access to hatchery fi sh. to tell whether fi sh traps will offer a cost-effective solu- tion that other gear types haven’t. Until the research and analysis is complete, he said, he’s not ready to switch gears. Kurt Beardslee, execu- tive director of the Wild Fish Conservancy, says trapping fi sh would be a new way to keep hatchery salmon from reaching wild spawning grounds where they cause problems, and it could also offer a boost to commercial fi shermen. “All this is doing is offer- ing them an alternative,” he said. “We see fi shermen suffering because they can fi sh so little. With this fi sh trap, you can fi sh longer and this gear can be certifi ed as sustainable.” However, the traps are expensive to build. The Wild Fish Conservancy estimates the cost of building one at $90,000. So to make them pay off, whoever builds them will probably end up like all the other fi shermen on the river, wanting more fi sh to catch. D BY HAR VE ST C AP I TA O L C M Fishing policy debate The trap is just one option in a long-running policy debate over how to let both non tribal commercial and recreational fi shermen catch hatchery salmon while pro- COMMERCIAL STREET Antiques & COLLECTIBLES Huge Closing Store & Garage Sale! Friday Jan.18 - Monday Jan.21 • 10am-5pm .... Antiques/Collectibles ....Furniture ....Glassware ....Frames ....Holiday Décor .... Kids Toys & Games ....Toddler Clothing ....Household ....Store Displays ....Pegboard c c c OVER 120 EXHIBITORS & PARTNERS MORE THAN 25 seminars & workshops 3 BIG DAYS IN 3 BUILDINGS Courtesy of : TED OUN DISC REE & F N ISSIO ADM Northwest Ag Show Sponsors Title Sponsor Major Sponsors Presenting Sponsors EMPOWERING PRODUCERS OF FOOD & FIBER “Come Find A Present From The Past In Historic Downtown Astoria” 959 Commercial St, Astoria, OR • 503-325-4388 Social Media Sponsor Exhibitor Lounge Sponsor