A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TuESDAY, JANuARY 15, 2019 Sister’s attitude changed Dear Annie: I am writing When I called her before to ask your opinion about the Thanksgiving, I commented that change in my sister’s behavior I had not heard from her since toward me. I have two sisters, June, and she said she was stay- and the one I am speaking of is ing busy. I have thought and thought, but I can- my elder sister, “Ruth.” not think of anything Ruth has always DEAR I could have done to been envious of my ANNIE offend her. Family has younger sister and me always meant a great and resented the close deal to me. What are relationship I had with your thoughts? — our father. Puzzled Sister Until recently, Ruth Dear Puzzled Sis- would call me about ter: Consider the pos- once a week to say ANNIE LANE sibility that she’s act- hello and check on me. I Creators ing distant not just would call and say hello Syndicate Inc. toward you but toward to her. She lives about 2 1/2 hours away from me. Her everyone. She may be suffering husband passed away suddenly, from depression triggered by her and it was some time after that husband’s passing — or at the when I noticed a difference in very least be grieving deeply. the way she relates to me. Her People can seem to be in per- calls have been less frequent. fectly good health on the out- When I call her, she has very lit- side but be hurting badly on the tle to say and then says she has inside. You might try reaching to go. I don’t believe she has a out to her children — not speak- health problem. She is still work- ing ill of their mother or causing undue concern but simply ask- ing. Her children live nearby. On her birthday, I sent a card ing whether all is well with them and called her. She was polite but and with her. Maybe your nieces and nephews have noticed the guarded in her conversation. She has never been a par- change in her behavior, too, and ticularly happy person, but her will be glad you asked. Lastly, let go of the idea that behavior has changed drastically. Ruth has always been envi- ous of you and your sister. That kind of baggage is what piles up between family members, pre- venting real communication. Dear Annie: In this country, how many young people ever ask for advice from older genera- tions on anything? Almost none. We’ve been raised to assume that those born in the computer age know everything there is to know about everything. Not true. The result is that millions of older folks feel invisible, isolated and depressed and that younger folks make some big mistakes. Turn to an older person in your family today — parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle — and simply ask for the person’s input on some plan you are consider- ing. You don’t have to take the advice; just ask. The result will be an elder who still feels respected and valuable for having wisdom. And this person may reveal a story from his or her own past that (surprise, surprise) just might give you some fabu- lously useful bits of guidance, some pearls of wisdom. At the very least, family bonds will be strengthened. — Sally TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You may think that you don’t need to be appreciated — that your ego is small enough and your spirit big enough not to require a lot of validation along the way — but appreciation is vital to your momentum. Go where it flows. and nuance — all abundantly available to you now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You help people make upgrades to their situation whether or not their scene is within your expertise. How? Compassionate inquiry. You ask the questions that get people think- ing. You listen well, reflecting back what you hear. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There are many things you could take issue with, and you would have in past eras, but now you’re too occupied with bigger things, too focused on what matters, to bother with them. It’s a sign of how far you’ve come. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You already know that the way to accomplish big things is to do small things on a consistent basis. And today you’ll get a better idea about what those small steps really need to be. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Maybe it doesn’t seem like a lot of progress, or harm, is occurring, as the case may be. But what would happen if this state continued daily? The trajectory will matter more than net results of any given day. CANCER (June 22-July 22). There are a few bad influences around. Possibly it can’t be helped. These may be forces that aren’t going anywhere soon. They’re just a part of the landscape right now, giv- ing you good reason to keep yourself in check. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). What is the point of a book club where people don’t read the book? Many value the social and identity aspects of a group and yet don’t want to put in the intellectual rigor. This is a metaphor for the dynamic you deal with today. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Relationships get a longer look. You’ll notice how behaviors change from mo- ment to moment, but what doesn’t change is the fundamental dynamic of the relationship, and there are insights to be gained through examining that. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). On a very scientific lev- el, the world you know is created inside your mind, as it’s the only way our brains can process it. Today works this way: You will yourself to let in more light, beauty and joy and so it happens. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Consider the actions that make up your routine. Habits are like com- pound interest. They may not seem hugely signifi- cant to the bottom line over the course of a day, but over time they are enormously consequential. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 16). Remember when you came within inches of victory? The expe- rience will only serve to make your victory in 2019 all the sweeter. Other highlights: the approval of someone whose opinion you cherish, a travel plan that goes better than your highest expectations and the fun you have circulating in a high-powered group. Virgo and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 26, 30, 35, 2 and 5. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Most problems you encounter get solved with a commonly known solution. Problems that prove resistant to the usual solutions will require patience, awareness, empathy FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Emotional labor has always been a main component of the labor force that makes the world go around, though this work is often invisible and typically unacknowledged. Not today. Today, you’ll get props for your contribution.