11A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices B USINESS AB6995 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff, v. STEPHEN F. MANNENBACH AS PERSONAL REPRESENTA- TIVE OF THE ESTATE OF TOMMIE P. LONG AKA TOMMIE LONG AKA TOMASITA P. LONG AKA TOMASITA LONG; UN- KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF DAVID E. LONG AKA DA- VID E. LONG, II AKA DAVID LONG; CLARENCE LONG; DAVID E. LONG II AKA DAVID E. LONG JR; STATE OF OREGON; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; RAY KLEIN, INC DBA PRO- FESSIONAL CREDIT SERVICE; CAPITAL ONE BANK (U.S.A.), N.A.; OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY; Defendants. Case No.: 18CV30881 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION DIRECTORY To: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF DAVID E. LONG AKA DAVID E. LONG, II AKA DAVID LONG You are hereby required to appear and defend the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automati- cally. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attor- ney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Dump Truck & Excavating Tree Service (503) 791-0 7 67 bigbystreeservice.com B IGBY ’ S TREE SERVICE Proudly supports Assistance League Operation School Bell SEPTIC SY STEM S • SITE W O RK • U TILITIES • DRIVEW AY S DRAIN AG E • RO CK • DEM O LITIO N • PO LE B U ILDIN G S RESIDEN TIAL CO N STRU CTIO N TREE REM O VAL • CLEAN SAN D Steve Kinney H. 503-458-5458 C. 503-791-3481 Nate Kinney W eekend C. 503-468-2582 Deliveries 91569 George Hill Rd., Astoria, OR 97103 CCB#186315 Electric Services Wrecking & Recycling Date of first Publication: October 30th, 2018. Astoria Auto Wrecking-Recycling McCarthy & Holthus, LLP Andreanna Smith OSB No. 131336 920 SW 3rd Ave, 1st Floor Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (971) 201-3200 Fax: (971) 201-3202 ansmith@mccarthyholthus.com Of Attorneys for Plaintiff Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm & Sat. 9am-5pm Buying any kind of Metal! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Published: October 30th, November 6th, 13th, and 20th, 2018. 101 Legal Notices DUM P TRUCK IN G & EX CAVATIN G Low Ra tes • Pruning • Stum p G rinding • Rem oval • 60’ Bucket Truck The relief sought in the Complaint is the foreclosure of the proper- ty located at 1476 8th Street, Astoria, OR 97103. K IN N EY & SO N S’ BO N DED • IN SU RED C C B#158562 • PN -6716A • PN -6848A 101 Legal Notices WADSWE*916L9 CCB#2404 For your electrical needs, call 1715 EXCHANGE ST. ASTORIA 503.325.5501 www.wadsworthelectric.com Fax 503.325.2321 360-749-2820 (Washington) LUKE COLVIN JON FAGERLAND ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST PN#6331A ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST PN#7059A HUNTERS SPECIAL O IL C HANGE - S TARTING A T $ 36 Includes 30 Point Inspection. Up To 5 Quarts Conventional Oil with Filter C ERTIFIED A RBORIST E VALUATION ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualifi ed Insured and Bonded CCB#171855 · WA#ARBORCI909RW 503.738.4261 1570 Lewis & Clark Rd, Suite B, Seaside (Across from Clean Sweep Maintenance) Flooring Lot 13, Block 5, GRIMES GROVE, in the City of Seaside, County of Clatsop and State of Oregon. CCB# 205283 Septic Cleaning ED’s Luxury vinyl planks and tile. you walk on our reputation Flooring Installation Septic Tank Cleaning Service LLC Licensed and Bonded/Serving Clatsop County Since 1968 Paul McDonald Cell: 503-741-6484 | Office: 503-458-6521 eds_septic@yahoo.com www.edsseptictankcleaningservice.com 3470 Hwy 101 Suite 102 • Gearhart, Oregon 503.739.7577 • carpetcornergearhart.com 50 years Serving: Oregon-Clatsop and Columbia Counties Washington-Pacific County “A straight flush beats a full house every time!!” Electric Services WHEREFORE, the undersigned successor trustee will sell the in- terest in the property which the Grantor had the power to convey at the time of execution by Grantor of the Deed of Trust, by public auction at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 8, 2019, at the front en- trance of the Clatsop County Courthouse, 749 Commercial Street, in the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon. Quality Work at Affordable Rates We have MOVED! Call us for your next electrical project! • New Construction • Remodels • Panel Changes/Upgrades • Add Circuits or Lighting • Generators • Repairs 503-739-7145 712 S. Holladay Seaside, OR Monday-Friday: 8 am -5 pm www.jjelectricservice.com Dated: October 23rd, 2018. Tree Service Susan T. Alterman, Successor Trustee Kell, Alterman & Runsteip, L.L.P. 520 S.W. Yamhill Street, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97204-1329 Carpet W O O D R EFIN IS HIN G W E M AKE Y O UR O LD FLO O R LO O K N EW ! O DO R & DUS T FREE! W EEKDAY S 9AM TILL 5:30PM • S ATUR DAY 9AM -4PM Published: October 30th, November 6th, 13th, and 20th, 2018. coastweekend.com Mark’s Auto Service www.arborcarenw.com The Deed of Trust covers real property specifically described as: Go.Do. Auto 503-791-0853 Reference is made to that certain Trust Deed, Assignment of Leases and Rents, and Fixture Filing (“Deed of Trust”) given by Wishbone Group LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company regis- tered as a foreign limited liability in Oregon, as Grantor, Matthew M. Chakoian, Attorney as Trustee, and Rain City Capital of Ore- gon, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, as Beneficiary. The Deed of Trust was recorded on October 13, 2017, as Instrument No. 201708472, Records of Clatsop County, Oregon. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Grantor, the Grantor’s suc- cessors in interest to all or any part of the property, any benefi- ciary under the subordinate trust deed, and any person having a subordinate lien or encumbrance of record on the property, have the right under ORS 86.753 to have the proceeding dismissed and the Deed of Trust reinstated by payment of the entire amount then due, together with costs, trustee and attorney fees as permitted by law, and by curing any other default complained of in the notice of default, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale. Questions? Call us at: 503-325-8855 Care for your Trees TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE There is a default in the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust, which includes, among other defaults, the monthly payment of $3,590.00 due June 1, 2018. The entire obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is due and payable and the Beneficiary has elected to sell the property to satisfy the obligation. The principal amount owing is $179,500.00. In addition to the principal amount owing, default interest at the rate of 24.000% is owing from June 1, 2018 until paid. In addition to these amounts, as of August 31, 2018, at- torney fees, late fees, taxes, insurance, wire fees, extension fees, inspection fees, maturity fee, appraisal, processing fees and other costs, including the cost of $705.00 for a trustee’s sale guarantee, are owing as permitted by law. We Also Buy Vehicles With Proper Paperwork! Tree Service AND By Appointment of Successor Trustee recorded on August 27, 2018, as Document No. 201806623, Records of Clatsop Coun- ty, Oregon, Beneficiary appointed Susan T. Alterman, an attorney who is an active member of the Oregon State Bar, as successor trustee of the Deed of Trust. Parts Department Now Open! 34522 HWY. 101 BUSINESS, ASTORIA, OR 97103 AB6996 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND ELECTION TO SELL The beneficial interest under the Deed of Trust was assigned to Rain City Capital, LLC, a Washington limited liability company by Rain City Capital of Oregon, an Oregon limited liability company by Assignment of Deed of Trust recorded on January 23, 2018, as Document No. 201800576 in the Official Records of Clatsop County, Oregon. Appliances • Farm Scrap • Fencing • Water Heaters • Copper • Copper Wire • Brass • Aluminum • Batteries • Stainless Steel • Lead • Computer Towers & More! HIGH CLIMBING DANGER TREES PRUNING STUMP GRINDING JUSTIN J. DAY CA RPET • HA RDW O O D LA M INA TE TILE • NA TURA L S TO NE VINYL • W INDO W FA S HIO NS F REE E STIMATES (503) 338-5780 105 B S TR EET | W ES T R AIN IER , O R PHO N E (503) 556- 0171 | TO LL- FR EE (800) 886- 0171 Check ou r ou r n ew w ebs ite! W A Lic CO LUM RF29 LQ N w w w .ca rpeto n era in ier.co m O R 114 Warrenton, Oregon Licensed Bonded Insured CCB# 214256 WA#QUALITR831PO Lawn Care Paving & Concrete Free Estimates • Storm Clean-Up ABCDE JIM’S LAWN CARE 503-325-2445 LAWNS • SHRUBS • GUTTER CLEANING BARK • BRUSH CLEARING & REMOVAL WEEDING • HAULING • MONTHLY RATES P aving & C oncrete Your TOTAL land maintenance company 10 % off for seniors, military and law enforcement Lukas & Stephanie Hellberg 503-791-9518 • Knappa, Oregon • CCB # 211336 ABCDEPaving@gmail.com