10A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 SUDOKU 652 Work Wanted 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices • JIM’S LAWN CARE• Brush Clearing, Lawns Shrubs, Hauling Gutter & Storm-Cleanup (503)325-2445 Free estimates AB6999 CITY OF ASTORIA PUBLIC NOTICE AB6991 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WARRENTON-HAMMOND SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED FINDINGS SUPPORTING EXEMPTION FROM COMPETITIVE BIDDING 807 Fuel, Heating & Firewood Split Firewood $195/cord or $120/half cord Air seasoned Softwood You load/haul AFP at Pier 3 in Astoria Tim 971-409-9147 or Chad 503-490-8333 651 Help Wanted Classified ads work hard so you don’t have to. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! SEASIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking candidates for: Bill’s Tavern & Brewhouse in Cannon Beach is now hiring kitchen staff. FT/PT and year round positions available! Competitive wages and benefits. Please apply at 188 N. Hemlock St. or call (503)436-2202 and ask for Steve. EVERYTHING is coming up results when you use a classified ad! SCOUT HOUSEKEEPING FRONT DESK CLERK MAINTENANCE YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS Competitive Wage Bonus Program No Phone Calls Please Apply in Person 204 West Marine Drive Astoria or email to sales@astoriahie.com 828 Misc for Sale Opportunity to work part-time (20-25 hours per week) in our packaging and distributing department at The Daily Astorian. MISC FOR SALE! • THD750L Husky Wet Tile Saw with Laser, $60. • Yard Machine 25T Wood Spliter, $900. • Stihl 046MAG chainsaw with 3 foot bar & chain, $400. Call 503-338-0437 before 7 p.m. Duties include using machines to place inserts into the newspaper, labeling newspapers and moving the papers from the press. Must be able to regularly lift 40 lbs. in a fast paced environment. Mechanical aptitude helpful and the ability to work well with others is required. Pre-employment drug test required. Pick up an application at The Daily Astorian, 949 Exchange Street or send resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group, PO Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308-2048 or e-mail hr@eomediagroup.com. Originally $2,000 Lightly used, great condition. Already disassembled & ready to be moved asap! You haul. Call or Text Haley (971)203-4174 Classified Ads work hard for you! Ad pt Clatsop County Animal Shelter sponsor Yamaha Clavinova CLC-545 $1,500 OBO Bayview Transit Mix Inc. THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS! 13th & Railroad Ave. • Gearhart 503-738-5466 BELLE You can send checks to: Clatsop Animal Assistance PO Box 622 • Warrenton, OR 97146 503-861-5554 www.medix.org 1133 Commercial St. • Astoria 503-468-0308 For more information call us at 503-861-7387 or at www.dogsncats.org Golden Whale Jewelry 194 N Hemlock St • Cannon Beach 503-436-1166 Bayshore Animal Hosp. 325 SE Marlin Ave. • Warrenton 503-861-1621 LUCKY ROCCO sponsor Medix Ambulance Luminari Arts Bogh Electric 503-325-5000 CCB#188326 Astoria/Warrenton KOA 1100 NW Ridge Rd. • Warrenton 503-861-2606 FOXGLOVE 1315 SE 19th, Warrenton PIKA Dog Wash Waggin’ 503-440-6225 Affordable Towing 503-338-6402 Hammond Kennels 1050 Pacific Dr. • Hammond 503-861-1601 Brim’s Farm & Garden 34963 Hwy 101 Bus. • Astoria 503-325-1562 DELIGHT MISSY KAI sponsor 35359 Business 101 Astoria PANTHER Please visit the shelter at PENNY sponsor sponsor Del’s OK Tire BRANDY sponsor BANJO sponsor sponsor sponsor PEPPA www.DailyAstorian.com t e P Here’s how your donations help the animals: • $ 5 pays for treats • $ 10 pays for cat toys • $ 15 pays for a wellness check for one kitten • $ 20 pays for Kong toys for the dogs • $ 25 pays for one cat neuter • $ 30 pays for one cat spay • $ 40 pays for one dog neuter • $ 45 pays for one dog spay • $ 50 pays for one month’s supply of cat litter • $ 75 pays for one ad promoting adoption • $ 100 pays for one week of dog training • $ 500 pays for two surgeries and medications for injured animals • $ 1,000 pays for one week of veterinary care Your employer may match your donation! Have you asked? 801 SE Marlin Ave. • Warrenton 503-861-3422 Sell your children’s outgrown clothes and toys with a classified ad in the Daily Astorian. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! THE CITY OF ASTORIA Tiffany Taylor, Administrative Assistant Publish: October 30th,2018. a or pay online through PayPal at either our website www.dogsncats.org/Donation.html or our Facebook page Warrenton Kia For information and/or to ob- tain materials pertinent to the request(s), write to the Com- munity Development Depart- ment, City Hall, 1095 Duane Street, Astoria, OR 97103 or call (503)338-5183. All inter- ested parties are invited to express their opinion for or against the request by letter addressed to the Communi- ty Development Department, 1095 Duane St, Astoria OR 97103. Comments from in- terested parties must be re- ceived within 15 days of the date this notice is published. Only those parties who com- ment in writing on the pro- posed development will re- ceive first class mailed notice of the decision on the permit. sponsor BUSY ASTORIA HOTEL NOW HIRING FOR Mailroom sponsor Great work environment and EXCELLENT benefits! Visit our employment page for a complete list and to apply: www.seaside.k12.or.us/em- ployment or (503)738-5591 Full-Time Employment Bigelow Transport is seeking an experienced CDL driver/ clean record, doubles/triples endorsed, flatbed doubles, dump truck/pup, refer/dry van. Home every night or not. Family wages/benefits. Warrenton, Oregon. 503-440-2099 bigelow1108@gmail.com In accordance with Astoria Development Code Articles 1, 2, 3, 6 & 9, a decision on the request(s) will be processed administratively by the Com- munity Development Depart- ment. The Community Devel- opment Director reserves the right to modify the proposal, no further public notice will be provided. On October 30, 2018, at 7:00pm at 1700 S. Main, War- renton, Oregon, the Board of Directors of the Warren- ton-Hammond School Dis- trict, acting as the District Local Contract Review Board pursuant to ORS 279A.060, will hold a public hearing to take comments on the Dis- trict’s draft findings for an ex- emption from the competitive bidding requirements pur- suant to ORS 279C.335(2). If approved, the exemption would authorize the Warren- ton-Hammond School District to procure a design-builder to install the District’s Ca- reer-Technical Education Center Building. Copies of the draft findings are available for inspection at the District Ad- ministrative Office, 820 SW Cedar, Warrenton, Oregon 97146, or by calling Andrea Holmstedt, Executive Assis- tant, at (503) 861-2281. At the public hearing, any person may appear and com- ment on the proposed findings either orally or in writing. The District Board of Directors will consider the draft findings and testimony, and may adopt, modify, or reject the proposed findings. Published: In the Daily Jour- nal of Commerce no later than October 15, 2018 (at least 14 days prior to the hearing. ORS 279C.335(5)(b)). Published: October 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th,28th, 29th, and 30th, 2018. Lyle’s Pet & Garden 725 Avenue J • Seaside 503-738-5752 ROXY sponsor ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS 1. Exterior Alteration (EX18- 05) by Elisabeth Bell to re- place and enlarge windows on the front and sides of house at basement level and add a side door awning to an existing sin- gle-family dwelling at 1629 Ir- ving Avenue (Map T8N R9W Section 8DC, Lot 5; Block 53, Shively’s Subdivision) in the R1 Zone (Low Density Resi- dential). The structure is des- ignated as contributing-desig- nated in the Shively-McClure Historic District. sponsor 651 Help Wanted sponsor 651 Help Wanted that De- has re- sponsor Part-Time Medical Assistant 10-24 hours a week Email Resume to ROA@urgentcarenwastoria.com Notice is hereby given the Astoria Community velopment Department received the following quest(s): Keith Keranen Excavating 503-717-2200 CCB#173131 • DEQ#38452