9A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 WORLD IN BRIEF Associated Press US sending 5,200 troops to border, double Syria deployment WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is deploy- ing 5,200 troops to the Southwest border in an extraordinary military operation a week before nationwide elections in which President Donald Trump wants voters to focus on what he calls an “invasion” — a slow-moving caravan of Central American migrants. The number of troops being sent is more than double the 2,000 who are in Syria fighting the Islamic State group. Two caravans of migrants, traveling mostly on foot, are still hundreds of miles from the U.S. border with Mexico. Most are poor, carrying the belongings that fit into a knapsack and fleeing gang violence or poverty. And any who complete the long trek to the border already face major hur- dles to asylum in the country — both physical and bureaucratic — to being allowed to remain in the United States. Trump, eager to keep voters trained on immi- gration in the lead-up to the midterm elections, stepped up his dire warnings about the caravans, tweeting, “This is an invasion of our Country and our Military is waiting for you!” In a late Monday interview, Trump said the U.S. would build tent cities for asylum seekers. “We’re going to put tents up all over the place,” he told Fox News Channel’s Laura Ingra- ham. “They’re going to be very nice, and they’re going to wait, and if they don’t get asylum they get out.” Military officials said in announcing the deployment of 5,200 active-duty troops that tents were being provided as temporary housing for border agents. A U.S. official said today that in addition to the 5,200, the Pentagon has put 2,000 to 3,000 other active-duty troops on standby in case they also are needed at the border. Under current protocol, migrants who clear an initial screening are often released until their cases are decided in immigration court, which can take several years. The Pentagon’s Operation Faithful Patriot was described by the commander of U.S. North- ern Command as an effort to help Customs and Border Protection “harden the southern border” by stiffening defenses at and near legal entry points. Advanced helicopters will allow border protection agents to swoop down on migrants trying to cross illegally, said Air Force Gen. Ter- rence O’Shaughnessy. Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US- born babies WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is making another hardline immigration play, declaring that he wants to order an end to the con- stitutional right to citizenship for babies born in the United States to non-citizens. Trump has long called for an end to birthright citizenship, as have many conservatives. An executive order would spark an uphill legal battle for Trump about whether the president has the unilateral ability to declare that children born in the U.S. to those liv- ing here illegally aren’t citizens. Most scholars think he can’t. Asked about the legality of such an executive order, Trump said, “they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order.” He added that “we’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essen- tially a citizen of the United States.” A 2010 study from the Center for Immigra- tion Studies, a group that supports immigration restrictions, showed that 30 countries offered birthright citizenship. The Pew Research Center found in a survey published two years ago that births to “unautho- rized immigrants” were declining and accounted for about 1 in 3 births to foreign-born mothers in the U.S. in 2014. About 275,000 babies were born to such parents in 2014, or about 7 per- cent of the 4 million births in the U.S. that year, according to Pew estimates based on government data. That represented a decline from 330,000 in 2009, at the end of the recession. A person familiar with the internal White House debate said the topic of birthright citizen- ship had come up inside the West Wing at vari- ous times over at least the last year, but has some internal detractors. White House lawyers have debated the topic, and expect to work with the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to develop a legal justification for the action. It is one of many immigration changes being dis- cussed including asylum law changes, and bar- ring the migrant caravan from entering the country. Omar Jadwat, director of the Immigrants’ Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union in New York, said today that the Consti- tution is very clear. “If you are born in the United States, you’re a citizen,” he said, adding that it was “outrageous that the president can think he can override con- stitutional guarantees by issuing an executive order.” Synagogue shooter was obsessed with Jewish refugee agency Just moments before the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that left 11 people dead, the suspect is believed to have posted a final social media rant against a Jewish refugee settlement agency most people had never heard of, but which has increas- ingly become the target of right-wing rage and conspiracy theories. “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people,” Robert Gregory Bowers wrote on the platform Gab early Saturday. “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.” The group, formerly known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, was founded in 1881 in a Manhattan storefront to assist Jews persecuted in Russia and Eastern Europe. HIAS is now among nine groups that contract with the State Department to help refugees settle in the United States, and it has recently clashed with the Trump administration over policies that have throttled the flow of such newcomers. Leaders of HIAS and the group’s Pittsburgh affiliate vowed to continue their work. “We were the perfect target for this murderer, because we’re Jewish and we help refugees. So he gets to check off the two hate boxes,” Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of HIAS, told a news conference today in Pittsburgh. Hetfield said HIAS is getting flooded with donations, with more coming in from non-Jews around the world than Jews for the first time in the organization’s history. Analysts who follow the extreme right say the fixation some extremists have with HIAS appears to be fueled by a mix of anti-Semitism and the recent caustic rhetoric about an immigrant cara- van trudging slowly toward the United States. Specifically, they believe Bowers ascribed to the “white genocide” conspiracy, which holds that Jews are prominent among the forces seek- ing to destroy the “white race” by bringing in non-white people. Based in the Washington, D.C., suburb of Sil- ver Spring, HIAS has an annual operating bud- get of $42 million and receives about half of its money from the federal government. It has reset- tled refugees of different faiths from Afghan- istan, Vietnam, Iran and elsewhere. Among the thousands of people it has aided are Goo- gle co-founder Sergey Brin and singer Regina Spektor. Though HIAS strongly supports the rights of asylum seekers to a fair hearing, it has no con- nection to the immigrant caravan, said spokes- man Bill Swersey. Thousands of Syrians stuck in the desert risk starvation BEIRUT — Tens of thousands of Syrians stranded in a desert camp near the Jordanian bor- der are at risk of starvation amid dwindling sup- plies and the approach of winter, while regional powers trade blame over who is responsible for this latest humanitarian catastrophe in Syria’s civil war. Desperately needed aid deliveries to the besieged Rukban camp have repeatedly failed or been postponed, including a U.N. convoy which was supposed to go in on Thursday but has now been indefinitely delayed. CL ASSIF IE D M ARK ETPL A CE P lace classified ad s o n lin e at w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m o r call 503-325-3211 157 Events 181 Lost & Found 504 Homes for Sale 600+ sales 11/3 26 gram gold bracelet with engravings Northwest’s Largest Garage Sale & Vintage Sale Clark County Event Center 17402 NE Delfel Rd. 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