4A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 Seaside: Oregon’s absenteeism rate is one of the worst Continued from Page 1A The district this year started a colloquium period during which students check in with a teacher or other staff mem- ber four to five days a week. Having adult mentors is key to keeping students engaged, along with creating interesting academic opportunities, Roley said. Seaside will soon move to a new K-12 campus in the hills east of the city center. It remains to be seen whether a more rural campus cuts into absenteeism, but the district will be taking certain mea- sures in response to the new location, such as closing cam- pus during lunch, Roley said. More than one-fifth of stu- dents statewide were consid- ered chronically absent last school year. The rate is one of the worst in the nation and has consistently grown worse over the past several years from 15.2 percent in 2013-14. Aside from Seaside, county schools have shown more progress in regards to the absenteeism rate and trended lower than the state. Fewer than 9 percent of the 157 stu- dents in the rural K-12 Jewell School last school year were chronically absent, far below the district’s 21.5 percent rate in 2016-17 and 24.5 percent in 2015-16. Jewell’s rate was the lowest in the county, followed by 15.9 percent in Astoria and 16.8 percent in Warrenton. Knappa’s chronic absentee- ism rate surpassed the state’s at 21.7 percent last year, but was down from 22.3 percent the two years prior. Astoria’s chronic absen- teeism rate last school year decreased by 4 percent overall from 2016-17. The school dis- trict recently began the Strive for Five campaign to publi- cize the importance of atten- dance. Craig Hoppes, the school superintendent in Asto- ria, said the district has made a lot of progress, and has seen the results borne out in bet- ter test scores, but ultimately wants to get below 10 percent chronic absenteeism. “We’ve never commu- nicated like this at the high school or districtwide to par- ents about the importance of attendance,” he said of Strive for Five. The rate of chronic absen- teeism has traditionally been highest among kindergartners and high school juniors and seniors. While more than one- fifth of kindergartners state- wide were chronically absent, the rate was only 10 percent in Jewell, 12.3 percent in Astoria and 12.8 percent in Warrenton. More than 30 percent of kin- dergartners in Knappa were chronically absent last school year, along with one-third in Seaside. More than 29 percent of high schoolers were chron- ically absent statewide, com- pared to 23.4 percent in Astoria and 24.3 percent in Warren- ton. Seaside and Knappa were the only districts to surpass 30 percent and the statewide rate. State schools chief Colt Gill, an appointee of Gov. Kate Brown, has faced criticism for planning to withhold com- pleted school report cards until after the November election. The report on chronic absen- teeism was due out more than a week ago, but had been ten- tatively pushed back to Nov. 1 without explanation before a surprise decision to release complete school performance data Friday, according to The Oregonian. The state recently created its own attendance campaign, Every Day Matters, as part of a goal of Brown’s to have 90 percent of incoming high school freshmen graduate with a diploma or through a GED exam. “We know that every day a student attends school means an additional opportunity for learning,” Gill said in a news release. “Our Every Day Mat- ters campaign is one part of a larger effort throughout the state to improve attendance. Reducing chronic absentee- ism requires all of us to do our part. Schools need to make sure students are welcomed and engaged. Families need to recognize the importance of attendance and every commu- nity needs to look at local bar- riers that can impact student attendance.” More than one- third of students at Seaside High School last year were consid- ered chronically absent, missing at least 10 percent of the school year. The Daily Astorian Turkey Bucks Help families in our community have a GREAT HOLIDAY! Turkey Bucks 1 $ Turkey Turke s y Buck 5 GIFT $ GIFT Bucks 10 GIFT $ Donate Today! Purchase Turkey Bucks to provide a holiday dinner to a local family in need. See store for details clip or CLICK! 10 ® $ Valid 10/30/18 thru 11/6/18 OFF $ 50 or more * Save on your next grocery purchase of $50 or more* with your Club Card & this Savings Award. *Use this Savings Award on any shopping trip you choose at any Oregon Safeway or Albertsons store and S.W. 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