Hertig Station Contact Person: Bill Eddy Address: 33496 West Lake Rd., Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone: 503-738-7838 Lower Columbia Classic Car Club Contact Person: Fred Mestrich, President Address: P.O. Box 1259, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-440-9481 Email: cpower@clatsopposer.net North Coast Symphonic Band Contacts: Janet Bowler: 503-325-2431 Address: 35185 Orchard Lane, Astoria, OR 97103 Email: jbowler@charter.net Website: www.northcoastsymphonicband.org Hope House of Lutheran Community Services Contact Person: Judy Werner, Area Manager Address: 3107 Grand Avenue, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-325-6745 Fax: 503-338-6268 Email: jwerner@lcsnw.org Website: www.lcsnw.org/astoria Lower Columbia Hispanic Council Contact Person: Jorge Gutierrez, Executive Director Address: 818 Commercial St., Ste. 100 Phone: 503-325-4547 Fax: 503-325-4198 Email: Jorge@lchispaniccouncil.org Website: www.lchispaniccouncil.org North Coast Watershed Association Contact Person: Brooke Stanley Address: 42 - 7th St, Suite 102 C, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-468-0408 Email: northcoastwatershedcouncils@gmail.com Website: www.clatsopwatersheds.org Infinity Gymnastics Academy Contact Person: Douglas Oldham Address: 1625 Exchange, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-325-4136 Email: info@gymnasticsastoria.org Website: gymnasticsastoria.org Lower Columbia Hospice Contact Person: Rhonda Conrad Address: 2111 Exchange Street, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-325-4321 Ext 3760 Fax: 503-338-6240 Email: Rhonda_conrad@columbiamemorial.org Website: www.lowercolumbiahospice.org Jordan’s Hope for Recovery National Council of Alcohol & Drug Addiction Contact Person: Kerry Strickland Phone: 503-338-2169 Website: www.Jordanshope.org Lower Columbia Youth Soccer Association Contact Person: Paul Carlisle Address: P.O. Box 147, Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone: 503-440-7524 Email: lcysaregister@charter.net Website: www.lcysasoccer.com Knappa Schools Foundation Contact: Jeanne Windsor Address: 42915-A Old Hwy. 30 Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-741-0290 Website: www.knappaschoolsfoundation.com Lewis & Clark National Park Association Contact Person: Debbie Wilson Address: 92343 Fort Clatsop Road, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-861-4451 Email: debbie_wilson@partner.nps.gov Website: www.fortclatsopstore.com Liberty Theater Contact Person: Jennifer Crockett Address: 1203 Commercial Street, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-325-5922 Ext. 33 Email: director@libertytheater.org Website: www.liberty-theater.org Little Ballet Theatre Contact Person: Dan Arnoth, President Address: P.O. Box 129, Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone: 503-861-1971 Email: maddoxdancers@opusnet.com Website: www.maddoxdancers.com/little-ballet-theatre.htm Lives in Transition (LIT) Contact Person: Margaret Frimoth, Director Contact Person: Rinda Johansen, For Information about Classes Address: Clatsop Community College Campus, Alder Hall 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: Margaret - 503-338-2378, Rinda - 503-338-2377 Para obtener información acerca de las clases en español, llame (503) 338-2379 Email: mfrimoth@clatsopcc.edu Website: https://www.clatsopcc.edu/student-resources/student-support- services/lives-transition-lit-overview 62 • GIVING BACK 2018-19 Lunch Buddy Mentoring Program Contact Person: Jill Quackenbush Address: P.O. Box 2611, Gearhart, OR 97138 Phone: 503-440-0368 E-mail: lunchbuddies.mp@gmail.com Website: https://lunchbuddymentoring.com/ Lutheran Disaster Response Contact Person: Charlene Larsen Address: P.O. Box 446, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-791-6207 Email: crl.larsen@charter.net Maritime Archaeological Society (MAS) Contact Person: Chris Dewey, President Address: P.O. Box 332, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 971-704-4320 Email: maritimearchaeological@gmail.com Website: www.maritimearchaeological.org Miss Clatsop County Scholarship Program Contact Person: Suzy Jagger, Director Phone: 503-440-6392 Contact Person: Chelle Sollars, Director Phone: 503-791-6029 Address: P.O. Box 1327, Astoria, OR 97103 Email: director.clatsopcounty@missoregon.org Website: www.missclatsopcounty.org North Coast Chorale Contact Person: Cindy Van Arsdall Address: P.O. Box 632, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-440-3486 Email: cindyv@charter.net Website: www.northcoastchorale.org North Coast Land Conservancy Contact Person: Lorraine Ortiz, Development Director Address: P.O. Box 67, Seaside, OR 97138 Phone: 503-738-9126 Website: www.NCLCtrust.org NW Community Alliance Contact Person: John D. Ciminello, CEO Address: P.O. Box 760, Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone: 503-861-3372, Ext 204 Email: info@nwcall.org Website: www.nwcall.org North Oregon Coast Symphony Contact Person: Charlene Address: P.O. Box 503, Cannon Beach, OR 97110 Email: info@northoregoncoastsymphony.org Website: www.northoregoncoastsymphony.org OSU Master Gardeners Association Contact Person: Linda Jones, Coordinator Address: 2001 Marine Drive, Room 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: 503-325-8573 Email: linda.jones@oregonstate.edu Website: clatsopmastergardeners.org Oregon Children’s Foundation dba SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) Contact Person: Paula Seid, Program Manager Phone: 971-634-1614 Email: pseid@getsmartoregon.org Website: www.getsmartoregon.org Providence Seaside Hospital Contact Person: Kimberly Ward, Executive Director Address: 725 South Wahanna Road, Seaside, OR 97138 Phone: 503-717-7601 Fax: 503-717-7505 Email: kinberly.ward@providence.org River Song Foundation Contact Person: Rita Smith, Director Address: P.O. Box 44, Hammond, OR 97121 Phone: 503-741-7369 Email: riversongfoundation@yahoo.com Website: www.riversongfoundation.org Rotary Club of Seaside Contact: Raven Brown Address: P.O. Box 634, Seaside, OR 97138 Email: rotaryclubeseaside@gmail.com Website: http://seasiderotary.club SMART Contact Person: Volunteering - Paula Seid Email: pseid@getsmartoregon.org Phone: 971-634-1614 Contact Person: Sponsorships/Corporate Giving: Sharon Benson Email: sbenson@getsmartoregon.org Phone: 971-634-1620 Address: 101 SW Market St., Portland, OR 97201 Website: www.getSMARToregon.com