The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, October 22, 2018, Page 6A, Image 6

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Reach out and annoy someone
Dear Annie: I own a small ser- Voice gives you a separate phone
vice business. We have a business number that connects to multi-
phone number, but I also have ple lines and allows you to deter-
a cellphone number. The latter mine where messages and calls go
is on my business card, and it is at different times of the day. For
obviously the way people prefer instance, you could set it to route
to communicate. My problem is any calls after 6 p.m. to the office
answering machine. It
that customers don’t hes-
itate to call me or text me
can also keep all your
at any hour of the morn-
work-related text mes-
sages contained within
ing or evening and vir-
tually any time over the
the Google Voice app
weekend, as well. It has
so they’re not mixed in
really gotten out of hand
with your personal mes-
sages. This would require
as of late. I find it to be
printing up new busi-
intrusive. I realize they’re
ness cards and inform-
just getting something off
ing all your current cus-
their list, but they should Annie
Syndicate Inc.
tomers that your number
either hold off or do it
has changed. (Though
via email, in my hum-
ble opinion. My problem is how you’d actually still be using your
to address this with them without personal cell number, they don’t
rubbing them the wrong way. — need to know that.) A small cost
Professional Etiquette Paradox
and a little hassle for big relief in
Dear Professional Etiquette: the long run.
In recent years, cellphones
Dear Annie: I read your col-
have started crossing the wires umn every day and want to point
between professional and per- out a phrase that appeared in a
sonal life. I think that’s a shame. recent letter to you that grates
Fortunately, this technological my nerves every time I hear or
problem also has some techno- read it. The writer (apparently
logical solutions. Consider using a man) wrote, “Five years later,
a call and text management app, my girlfriend got pregnant.”
such as Nextiva, GoDaddy Smar- The structure of that sentence
tLine or Google Voice. Google makes it sound as if the girl-
friend were mysteriously impreg-
nated. The sentence implies
the writer doesn’t think he had
anything to do with this situa-
tion — as if his girlfriend just
found herself in this situation or
caught a disease of some sort.
People must be held accountable
for their actions, and it starts with
our words. It would have been far
better if the man had written, “Five
years later, I impregnated my girl-
friend” or “Five years later, my
girlfriend and I were expecting
our first baby.” Or, if he wasn’t
the person who participated in the
commencement of the pregnancy,
then he should have stated it as
such. I feel sorry for this woman
and their children because he is
clearly someone who lacks the
“personal responsibility” gene, as
his many woes (debt, unsatisfying
job, lack of skills) seem to stem
from that weird moment when his
“girlfriend got pregnant.” Thanks
for letting me vent. — It Takes
Two to Make Three
Dear It Takes Two: Your
letter made me chuckle. Good
point. I wouldn’t be too hard
on this one particular per-
son, as that phrasing is preva-
lent — though you make a good
case for why it shouldn’t be.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). The group will
throw out plenty of ideas, yours being the
best. Now you’ll have to convince the others,
keeping in mind that it’s not the best idea
that wins, it’s the most popular one. Strate-
gize. It will be worth it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Things still
have to change, but some days you get tired
of thinking of all the ways they must. It’s OK
to give yourself a break, to relax and enjoy
the transition that’s already underway.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It is difficult, if
not impossible, for people to give what they
themselves have never received. Consider
this when you seek out your next source of
love, understanding, wisdom, knowledge
and more.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Right now
you’re curious and open, putting feelers into
the world. When you clearly see and deeply
feel that a cause is worth fighting for, you’ll
go all in and find no greater happiness in life
than this purposeful sacrifice.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Adaptability is
one of your many gifts. You can quickly get
used to even the most astonishing things
when you want to or have to. And yet you’re
still discerning and cannot be convinced if
you’re not feeling it.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You want to let
people know you support them and that
you care enough to check in and make sure
they’re all right. The trick is to do this without
crossing any sort of boundary that might
classify you as a busybody.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It would be much
easier just to handle problems for your
people. But then you’ll have to do that every
time, and when you’re not around they’ll
suffer. So the kind thing is to train them to be
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Some think
being busy is a status symbol. It makes
them feel important. Others see leisure as
a status symbol. It means they can afford it.
The pacing of your day will feel so perfect
as to render status rankings moot.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Unex-
pressed wishes and desires can be like sub-
marines: invisible below the waves though
still carrying the potential to torpedo your
mood. Bring your aspirations to the surface
where they will no longer be a threat.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). If some-
one is trying to bring you down, it’s because
that person perceives you as being high
above him or her. You might take it as a
compliment. Even so, step out of range.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If you wait
for inspiration, you’ll miss out on all the
delicious creativity that starts to trickle in
once you get working. And inspiration is only
one of the many things not worth waiting for
today. Get moving and see what happens.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your growing
power will impact those around you, though
they’ll try to hide it. It’s wise to be humble
and quiet about your success, if not out of
modesty, then out of strategy.
You’re in charge and you’ll feel it, enjoying
the power of being able to steer your life
where you want it to go. Highlights of this
solar return include teaching a group and
changing lives, conducting and receiving
the warmth of community and a win for your
family that makes life easier for those you
love the most. Leo and Virgo adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 5, 50, 38, 22 and