8A FEATURES TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE When the going gets rough ... Dear Annie: I started dating text. He said, “No, sweetie, it’s this wonderful man. It was a per- not like that.” He said he had fect courtship, with the excep- much bigger issues to deal with. tion of some minor troubled-teen I recently wrote him a loving issues in his life — we both have letter, saying that I understand he teenagers — that he was working is going through some issues and on but didn’t tell me much about. leaving the door open for him to We dated happily with return if he wants to. He DEAR no issues whatsoever for texted me to say he hopes three months. Then one we can connect soon, but ANNIE day, just after he took me I don’t feel any hope to meet his entire family whatsoever. and told me how happy Do you think this is he was with me in his normal for a man who life, he texted me that seemed to be in love to there had been a huge just leave and break it blowup on the teen front off, not attempting to Lane and he might be MIA for Annie keep his partner in his Creators Syndicate Inc. a few weeks to deal with life at all? If so, should the issue. He wouldn’t tell I wait or hope for him to me what happened, other than come back to me? — Put on the that his son was getting kicked Back Burner out of school. He also said there Dear Put on the Back was some court issue, as well. I Burner: It sounds as if the hon- knew that his 17-year-old son had eymoon is over. His true col- been in trouble with the law once ors are shining through, and they don’t look very bright. If you are already. In his next text, he told me planning to wait for this man, it’s that he was sorry he had started a pretty safe bet that you will be our relationship and was not able waiting a long time. Even if he to finish it. He said that he had to does come back into your life, “put it on the back burner” and why would you want him? that I should not wait for him. I Life is always going to have texted back that I couldn’t believe ups and downs, and what I am he would break up with me via a hearing from him is that during difficult times, he does not want to share them with you and would rather put you on the back burner. That’s not how a healthy, loving, supportive relationship works. Save your energy for a man who appreciates your love and wants to keep your relationship on the front burner during good times and bad. That is my hope for you. Dear Annie: I was appalled reading the letter from “Help,” the woman whose neighbor said he would be putting his dog’s waste in a compost pile bordering her property. What a no-no from a nitwit. Anyone who uses compost knows you don’t put cat or dog excrement in it. You wouldn’t want it used on your veggies, nor would you want to touch it with your bare hands. The spread of cytomegalovirus, among other nasties, should be avoided. He was just being lazy or annoying. If it continues, the health depart- ment should also be notified. — Veggie and Coffee Ground Com- post Creator Dear Compost Creator: That takes the situation from disgust- ing to dangerous. I’m printing your letter in the service of pub- lic health. THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2018 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll do a sort of mental training. You’ll steer your thoughts in such a way that creates a peaceful state. It will be easy this time, and you’ll be able to build on this positive experience later when circumstances make it harder. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The task requires your emotional involvement. It re- quires you to relate to others, see it their way and lean into the unknown of interactions. A computer couldn’t pull it off. The labor is a celebration of your humanity. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The people you cherish will know it. They sense it in the ten- derness of your eyes, the thoughtfulness of your words and the warmth of your being. You and your loved ones are rewarded equally in the exchange. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The cleanest, most direct and most effective way to get your goal is through sacrifice. It gets the unpleasantness out of the way upfront. It will be harder. But there’s something instantly gratifying about doing hard things. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). To get faster at a thing takes training. Put yourself through the paces. Repeat the processes until you can do them more automatically, until the friction points wear smooth. Doing a thing well will be its own reward. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Capricorn is a sea goat who climbs mountains while remembering where he came from -- the sea. You’ll be recognized in your community yet stay connected to your emotional and spiritual source. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Thoughts will seem to bump up against one another, creating confusion and division within your own mind. Instead of taking on each clash as a battle to be sorted, get into some exercise and breathing. All will calm down. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Because you will accomplish what you believe you can, it will be very effective to spend more time visualizing your desired outcome and hyping yourself up. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You listen well. Do they? This matters today. Make it known that you have an expectation regarding the quality of attention you receive from others. You de- serve this, and there’s a classy way to do it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There’s an effect you’re going for -- a reaction you’d like to get from others. You’re not even aware of it, until you realize that it’s not happening. Take it as an opportunity to fulfill an elusive need. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Don’t let it get complicated. It doesn’t have to be. Kindness is the way. Kindness is the choice through which all the other choices will be made clear. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’re driven to become better at what you do. However, you’re not ready to handle a lot of attention just yet. Play it low-key. Keep learning. Tonight features a moment of accidental good luck. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 2). You deserve to be appreciated by those who can, want to and need to have you in their lives. That’s the shuffle of the next three months. You figure out how you fit in and what has to happen to make it more effectively so. You’re going places together, which is why you need to choose your people very carefully. Aries and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 44, 3, 20 and 16.