6A FEATURES TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE ‘Throwback Thursday’ causes rift Dear Annie: “Lisa,” a I told her I never meant to friend with whom I went to make her feel bad — that high school, got rhinoplasty those old photos make me feel — aka a nose job — between happy, which is why I share high school and college. them. I thought we reached an Don’t ask me why; I think she understanding. A few months had a beautiful face before- later, I posted a group photo, hand, but that’s a tale which she was in. DEAR for another letter. I’m That’s when she went writing to you about nuclear. Now she’s ANNIE a disagreement that’s not speaking to me. come up between her Annie, was I wrong? and me recently. — Thrown Off I love posting Dear Thrown “Throwback Thurs- Off: When you look day” photos on social at these photos, you media. I do it pretty see snapshots of fond Lane much every Thurs- Annie memories. When Creators Syndicate Inc. day. Lisa and I were your friend looks at basically attached at these photos, all she the hip in high school, so nat- sees are “before” pictures. urally, a lot of my pictures That’s a shame. It seems that include her. They also include she is still carrying a lot of her old nose — and this is insecurity about her looks what Lisa takes issue with. and her surgery. Let’s hope One time, after I made a she makes peace with that. If post, she texted me, “Take you want to keep peace with that down!” I thought she was her until then, avoid posting joking, so I laughed off her old photos of just her or the text. About a month later, I two of you. It is her likeness, posted another photo that she after all, and not every mem- was in. Then she sent me a ory needs to be shared with much longer text, saying I had the whole world. Sometimes disrespected her wishes and it’s better to treasure them made her feel embarrassed. privately. Dear Annie: “Not a Trash Eater” complained about her husband’s remark that she could retrieve a tomato core from the trash and suck on it if she was that upset at him for throwing it in the trash. And here I was thinking she was going to complain that he had put the core in the trash rather than the compost. Tomayto, tomahto? In any case, tomato cores are considered safe to eat, but many of us have been trained to remove the core. Regard- less of one’s preferences, their disagreement could be respectfully discussed and perhaps lead to some positive changes. — Composter Dear Composter: I’m printing your letter because composting is a great option for making use of organic food scraps. According to Berkeley Wellness, 95 percent of food scraps end up in landfills. Composting is a much bet- ter option for the environment — and a great way to gener- ate rich soil for your garden. For more information, visit https://www.epa.gov/recycle/ composting-home. THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). What happens in the world will influence you; however, it won’t control you unless you let it. Maintaining power over your experience will require creativity and determination to see it your way, not their way. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The wolves circle. Matters of integrity and ethics are ignored by greedy people. You’ll be in a position to hero- ically interrupt this. You may begin alone, but you won’t end alone. You have allies. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There are good things about every state of being, even the ones you don’t prefer. “It could be worse” isn’t as powerful an approach as actually seeing what’s good about it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Some days don’t require you to think too far into the prob- lem, and in fact you’re better off for approaching without too much mental gusto. But today isn’t one of those days. You’ll need to be sharp. Prepare for that. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Sometimes you feel like you’re a figment of your own imagination. You have, after all, taken an active part in creat- ing this personality of yours. Today, you’ll imag- ine a slightly different version to grow toward. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The same lake is defined as “joyous,” “ominous” “raging” and “quiet.” It is not a wonder that a lake can be all of those things, so it should come as no surprise that people are as capable or more of such mood shifts. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). An exchange of energy, ideas and feelings makes this day run on an ex- hilarating mood that will benefit and strengthen each individual, group and, indeed, the spirit of goodness at large. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There will be a focus on your potential as surmised by yourself and others, none of whom are qualified to make a guess, let alone a decision about it. And that includes you. So, to see what you can do, you’ll have to just do it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Part of you aspires to new heights of spiritual achievement and self-discovery. Another part of you wants to sit on the couch and watch a reality show. Consid- er that the two may not be mutually exclusive. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It is very rare that one gets to be the person of the hour, toasted and lauded. But what’s not so rare, at least not for you, is to be quietly admired and respected behind your back. That’s today’s dynamic. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Solitude will fortify your spirit, clarify your mind and be a lot more fun than hanging around with the usual suspects. You need this. You’ll be your own best company. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The concept of “potential” can be tricky in general, and today it may be a source of frustration. Forget about potential. What’s happening now? Acknowledge and accept that. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 13). All these years on the planet and you really have little idea of all you can do with this magnificent set of inner and outer powers and abilities you’ve been given. Optimism, mischief, play, experimentation, boldness ... all qualities that will be employed during this solar return to surprising and often very pleasing results. Leo and Aries adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 40, 12, 33, 28 and 17.