The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, September 06, 2018, Page 6A, Image 6

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Spread thin on visits
Dear Annie: I’d like to make friends just don’t get our situ-
a plea to your readers.
ation. They’re always annoyed
My wife and I live far from that we don’t spend more time
the places where we grew up, but with them. I think it’s mostly
most of our friends are still close because they live close to their
to our respective parents. When parents and therefore don’t get
we visit, especially now that we how meaningful our visits are.
have children, it is always
So, Annie, would you
stressful because of our
please print my letter as a
friends’ expectations.
public service announce-
Because of work
ment to your readers? If
schedules, school sched-
any of your readers iden-
ules and our desire to take
tify with my friends, I
some vacations by our-
hope they’ll have more
selves, we don’t visit so
sympathy toward their
often as we ideally would.
friends in our boat. — We
That means our time back
Would Prefer More Time,
Annie Lane
“home” is limited.
Syndicate Inc.
Of course, our top pri-
ority is spending quality
think many people who
time with our parents. We also live far from their hometowns
really value our friendships, but will relate. You can wind up feel-
the reality is that we can’t spend a ing spread thin when trying to see
whole lot of time with our friends. everyone each trip home. Per-
(It’s especially problematic for haps you’re trying to please too
me because my friends have not many people. You could always
stayed close with one another, so I tell your friends a time and place
have to see everyone individually. to be if they’d like to see you
We can get together as a group while you’re back, thus getting
with my wife’s friends, but with all your face time in at once. Who
kids, these group get-togethers knows? It might encourage your
don’t lend themselves to our hav- old friends who have drifted apart
ing quality time together — i.e., from one another to get close
adult conversations.)
again. If they’re not comfortable
The main problem is that our seeing you in a group setting,
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
that’s on them. At least you’ll have
extended the invitation.
Ultimately, try to keep in mind
that their annoyance stems from
their really wanting to see you.
That so many count you among
their close friends — well, count
your blessings.
Dear Annie: I was sad reading
the letter from “Lonely Renais-
sance Man.” I have some other
suggestions for him:
Find something you like and
volunteer. If you like animals,
volunteer at the shelter. You
could tutor or read to elemen-
tary school students, sit with peo-
ple in a nursing home or hospi-
tal. Help a florist on Mother’s
Day. Join a church. Coach a Lit-
tle League team. You’ll meet peo-
ple doing these things, and you’ll
share a common interest with
them. The next thing you know,
you’ll have a circle of friends and
maybe even a girlfriend. I wish
you the best. — Older and Wiser
in Mississippi
Dear Older and Wiser: Wise
words indeed. “Lonely Renais-
sance Man’s” letter provoked an
outpouring of supportive letters
such as this one. I hope it helps
him realize he’s less alone than
he thinks.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). What is it called
when an emoji shows up one way on one
device and another way on a different device?
Maybe there’s no name for it, but it’s an echo
of what happens with real emotions today.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There’s no such
thing as true perceptions, as all perception is
subjective. You’ll be well aware of the fantasy
element at play in your expectations of others
today, though you may not be able to control it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Games are
no fun if they are too easy. Think of today’s
challenge as though it were a game, and sud-
denly the parts that might have once annoyed
you now seem like simple problems to solve
on your way to winning.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Will this
problem still bother you tomorrow? What
about next week? Next year? If the answer is
“no,” then there’s really not a good reason to
let it bother you now.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Everyone wears a
mask with varying degrees of difference from
the real face underneath. Today, you’ll be very
good at guessing just how far off the mask is
from the raw emotion it covers.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Of all the
thoughts you could think, the one that will be
the most damaging follows along the lines
of “if only I had ...” You did what you did and
you’re better for it. Believe that, and get back in
the swing of things.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your ambitions may
be surprising to more experienced types who
may tell you not to bother with certain goals.
But they don’t know what you know — that
your way hasn’t been tried and just might
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll be drawn to
passionately driven people and you like that
you can tell in no uncertain terms what they
want. The most successful people are the
ones who help others get successful.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). People who
change their minds will keep you on your toes.
You’ll be driven to find out why. To understand
what makes the emotional, social and intellec-
tual tides turn is to have great power.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The work
itself may not be very difficult, but in a weird
way it’s the easiness that makes it hard. Stay-
ing focused is made difficult by tedium. Tedium
is its own kind of burdensome labor. What if
you made it harder?
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Work isn’t
hard. You do what’s asked of you and antici-
pate what else might be asked. It’s something
you learned to do long ago, and you’ll be
struck by those who never picked up the
same work ethic. Kindly show them how it’s
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Just as water
reflects what’s above and around it, you’ll
reflect your influences in a distorted way. They
will be all the more lovely for your generous
adopt new mindsets in the name of peace,
progress and prosperity. One idea that will
work brilliantly to improve things is total ac-
ceptance of all that is and all that’s happened.
Things could not have been otherwise.
Take the easy gifts of the next two months.
Reinvest half. There’s another pay out in
March. Cancer and Leo adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 13, 9, 10, 45 and 12.