20 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ‘Au Naturel’ art competition Submit your spooky short story to ‘Haunted Astoria’ contest open to all artists ASTORIA — Clatsop Com- munity College invites artists to submit their work to the 2019 International Juried Exhibition “Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century.” The “Au Naturel” com- petition is open to all art- ists from around the globe working in two-dimensional drawing, painting or print- making media with a focus on the nude human figure as subject matter in any form — from representational to abstract — and in which the handmade mark is employed as the primary means of image-making. There is a $40 fee for sub- mitting up to three images, $5 for each additional image. Applications are now being accepted online via the CaFÉ™ website at callforentry.org. Applications must be received on CaFÉ™ by midnight (11:59:59 p.m.) Mountain Time on Wednes- day, Nov. 7. Entrants must be 18 years or older, and submit- ted artwork must have been executed in the last three years and available for the duration of the exhibit. Visit the exhibit website to view artwork from previous “Au Naturel” exhibitions and for more information about the show at aunaturelart.com/ The 2019 “Au Naturel” ex- hibit will be open for viewing at the Royal Nebeker Art Gallery from Jan. 24 through March 14, 2019, with a spe- cial community reception at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7. The exhibit awards include $1,000 in cash prizes and up to $2,000 in purchase awards. A select number of Visiting Artist Workshop awards will also be granted. Additionally, one artist will be featured in a solo show for the following exhibition season (2019- 2020) at the Clatsop Commu- nity College Royal Nebeker Art Gallery. The juror for the 2019 ex- hibit is Ashley Stull Meyers, who has curated exhibitions and public programming for a COURTESY CLATSOP COMMTUNI- TY COLLEGE Ashley Stull Meyers, the 2019 ‘Au Naturel’ juror. diverse set of arts institu- tions along the West Coast. For a prospectus, down- load the document from the “Au Naturel” website or provide your mailing address at 503-338-2472 or kshauck@clatsopcc.edu. For more information about the “Au Naturel” exhibition, contact Kristin Shauck at 503-338-2472 or kshauck@clatsopcc. edu. ASTORIA — The Haunted Astoria Short Story Writ- ing Contest has returned after an eight-year sabbat- ical. The deadline for entries is Saturday, Oct., 6. There is a $6 entry fee for the first story and $4 for addi- tional story submissions by the same author. An author may submit up to three entries. The 2018 theme is Graveyard of the Pacific. “We give artistic reign for authors to interpret the theme,” coordinator Cyndi Mudge said. Scoring considers how writers incorporate the his- tory, landscape or historic buildings and landmarks of the area — including those that no longer exist — into their story. “However, this is intended to be fiction, so let the imaginations flour- ish!” Mudge said. The contest includes a writer’s showcase where a sampling of submissions will be read and winners announced at Inferno Lounge, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24. COURTESY CYNDI MUDGE The ‘Graveyard of the Pacific.’ There are cash prizes for the top three winners: $125 for first place; $85 for second place, $50 for third place. Inferno Lounge is on Pier 11 overlooking the Columbia River. Three judges have been selected to review all submissions: Mac Burns, executive director of the Clatsop County Historical Society; Ryan Hume, Clat- sop Community College writing instructor and faculty advisor for Rain magazine; and Dinah Urell, publisher of Hipfish and organizer of KALA events. Stories must be submit- ted electronically via email at ExploreHauntedAsto- ria@gmail.com and will be verified once fees are submitted. Sponsors are being sought for promotion and adding to the prize packag- es that can include in-kind contributions. Sponsors will be acknowledged in the promotional program guide printed in conjunction with the contest and distributed in October. For more informa- tion about the contest or sponsorship, visit Haunt- edAstoria.com or email ExploreHauntedAstoria@ gmail.com. WITH THIS COUPON Valid Thru Sept. 30, 2018 Blueberries 1 All U $ Can Pick! &!'#/.+- %+1. #$&*/ ,) 0*"2.%+1../-/./ ,) ,+*.+-#" 2 #(*"-.+* &!'#/. +-!+./#-/%#/-#!+) #)(+!'/-##/**+*#!% 00 lb. Cranguyma F arms U-Pick Blueberry Patch Bring a Ladder! 113th & Sandridge Rd. LONG BEACH