SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 // 19 coa st w eeken d M ARK ETPLACE 651 Help Wanted McCall Tire Center Immediate Openings Full-Time Brake/Alignment Techs Min. 2 yrs. verifiable experience Sales & Service Techs Experience preferred but not required Starting wage DOE Generous benefits Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, Vacation, Sick Pay, Profit Share Uniforms provided Apply in person 1167 SE Marlin Ave Warrenton FOR QUICK CASH Use a classified ad to sell items around your home you can no longer use. 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Medical Office Front Desk Receptionist Astoria Physical Therapy SEASIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking candidates for: In this position you will: •Meet and greet patients •Enter computer data •Schedule patients •File, copy, print, and scan records •Obtain and track medical insurance verification and authorization •Collect co-pays •Employ excellent oral and written communication and customer service skills with patients, therapists, teammates, physician offices and insurance adjusters ASSISTANT COOK Great work environment and EXCELLENT benefits! Visit our employment page for a complete list and to apply: Required qualifications for this position include: •High school diploma or equivalent •The ability to follow directions under supervision while detail-oriented multi-tasking in this fast paced environment •Eventual adequate expertise to make independent decisions and flexibility consistent with clinic policies and procedures Preferred qualifications for this position include: •Knowledge of CPT and ICD-10 codes •Previous medical office experience NOW HIRING • Restaurant General Manager • Manager-in-Training • Shift Managers Experience preferred, but will train. Year round. Flexible Hours and Meal Discounts. Apply online at: for positions in Warrenton or Seaside. Peace Learning Center has an opening for a Preschool Teacher. Apply in person between 8am and 4pm. 591 12th Street Astoria, Oregon Classified Ads work hard for you! Riley’s Restaurant in Seaside is looking for experienced Waitstaff. Come in and apply 1104 S Holladay Drive Schedule: Full-time 10am-7pm Weekdays Please send resume to Program Assistant II – Nursing and Allied Health Programs: Half-time position. View Job description/ qualifications and apply on-line at our web site This position is open until filled with first review of applications on September 15, 2018. Call the Office of Human Resources at Clatsop Community College 503 338-2406 if application assistance is needed. AA/EOE Warrenton-Hammond School District Warrenton Prep Preschool seeks a Preschool Assistant. Position is part-time (8:30-2:30 each day) with paid holidays, sick leave and personal leave. Application and job details are available online at or contact (503) 861-2281. ment or (503)738-5591 The District is an EOE. ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. If you see an error, The Daily Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211 or 1-800-781-3211 Warren House Pub in Cannon Beach is now hiring kitchen staff • Competitive wages • Health and other benefits • Bonuses Apply or get app at 3301 S Hemlock Cannon Beach or send resume to Warrenton-Hammond School District Warrenton Grade School seeks an Educational Assistant. 801 Timber/Lumber BUYING: Sawlog alder, maple, ash, oak Land and timber Timber deeds Cash advances Randy Bartelt Washington/Canada 360-739-6681 Alan Brunstad Oregon 360-561-8511 Ron Hurn Washington 360-640-8057 y c i u j in one ear our own gossip column EVERY FRIDAY IN THE DAILY ASTORIAN Ken Jones Washington/Oregon 360-520-6491 Brian Karnes Washington 253-208-9120 Ap p -solu tely w e ha ve you covered A small town newspaper with a global outlook Position is part-time (six hours per day) with paid holidays, sick leave and personal leave. Application and job details are available online at or contact (503) 861-2281. Warrenton-Hammond School District WHSD is seeking Bus Drivers. One of the Pacific Northwest’s great small newspapers Two positions are available - one a.m./p.m. route and one midday/p.m. route. T HE D AILY O u r e-Ed ition in n ow a va ila ble 24/7 on a n y d evice everyw here you a re Application and job details are available online at or contact (503) 861-2281. A STORIAN • iPa d • iPhon e • iPod Tou ch •A n droid • K in dle T HE D AILY A STORIAN 652 Work Wanted • JIM’S LAWN CARE• Brush Clearing, Lawns Shrubs, Hauling Gutter & Storm-Cleanup (503)325-2445 Free estimates Looking for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete section of homes, apartments, and mobile homes to fit your needs. Check daily for new listings! *All a p p s a re free to d ow n loa d . M u st b e a su b scrib er to view e-Ed ition . Ca ll 800-781-3211 to su b scrib e